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1 Jordan

2 Ok, what was your favorite activity this year?

3 James

4 Work

5 Jordan

6 Work. Why was this activity more special this year compared to last year?

7 James

8 Maybe because we were like the only ones at work when everyone else was at home.

9 Jordan

10 How was this activity altered because of the Coronavirus?

11 James

12 It’s the same for me.

13 Jordan

14 Can you tell me a bit about your favorite birthday party you had? Like what was going on during

15 the party to make it your favorite.

16 James
17 Probably the one momma threw for me when we were down in Pensacola, just because she threw

18 a party for me, I had a bunch of people there it was fun.

19 Jordan

20 What activities did you do in Florida? What activities did you do for your birthday party?

21 James

22 We just all hung out just nothing special. Just like people usually don’t have many people at my

23 birthday party and there was a lot

24 Jordan

25 Do you have a person that made it the best birthday party?

26 James

27 Your mom

28 Jordan

29 What has been your favorite moments so far in your lifetime, if you can only pick one?

30 James

31 When I married your mother.

32 Jordan
33 What about the memory made you come to this decision?

34 James

35 'cause every good memory after that has come from that point.

36 Jordan

37 How does this memory influence the way that you live now?

38 James

39 ‘cause I made a vow that day and you try to uphold that vow, that’s why.

40 Jordan

41 What games do you like to play if you do play any?

42 James

43 What kind of games do you mean? Like you do like baseball

44 Jordan

45 Yeah, like why baseball would be like one of the favorite games that you.

46 James

47 ‘cause I’m good at it

48 Jordan
49 Pretty good at it.

50 Jordan

51 Who do you play these games with you? When you do play them?

52 James

53 Usually, buddies and sometimes I play with Jackson.

54 James

55 Who's not a buddy?

56 Jordan

57 Who’s not a buddy?

58 James

59 He’s my son so I have to play with him

60 Jordan

61 Who inspires you the most?

62 Jordan

63 If you had to name one person like it could be a superhero who inspires you or a real person

64 Yeah, like? What if there is a pivotal person that made all of your decisions.
65 James

66 Reagan Ronald Reagan.

67 Jordan

68 OK, what has this person done to make them your inspiration

69 James

70 He led the US.

71 James

72 Better than any president ever ever.

73 Jordan

74 Explain how you use this to motivate you through life?

75 James

76 Reagan had a saying he said that was it.

77 James

78 “Some people live a lifetime wondering what, if they ever amounted to anything and the Marines

79 never had that problem”.

80 Jordan
81 Cool, right.

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