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Review in Advance first posted online
on January 26, 2011. (Changes may

still occur before final publication

online and in print.)


Folate Biosynthesis, Turnover,

and Transport in Plants
Andrew D. Hanson1 and Jesse F. Gregory III2
Horticultural Sciences Department and 2 Food Science and Human Nutrition Department,
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011.62. Downloaded from

University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611; email:,

by RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GENT on 02/01/11. For personal use only.

Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011. 62:4.1–4.21 Keywords

The Annual Review of Plant Biology is online at biofortification, breakdown, compartmentation, engineering, salvage
This article’s doi: Abstract
Folates are essential cofactors for one-carbon transfer reactions and are
Copyright  c 2011 by Annual Reviews.
All rights reserved needed in the diets of humans and animals. Because plants are major
sources of dietary folate, plant folate biochemistry has long been of in-
terest but progressed slowly until the genome era. Since then, genome-
enabled approaches have brought rapid advances: We now know
(a) all the plant folate synthesis genes and some genes of folate turnover
and transport, (b) certain mechanisms governing folate synthesis, and
(c) the subcellular locations of folate synthesis enzymes and of folates
themselves. Some of this knowledge has been applied, simply and suc-
cessfully, to engineer folate-enriched food crops (i.e., biofortification).
Much remains to be discovered about folates, however, particularly in
relation to homeostasis, catabolism, membrane transport, and vacuolar
storage. Understanding these processes, which will require both bio-
chemical and -omics research, should lead to improved biofortification
strategies based on transgenic or conventional approaches.


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PP62CH04-Hanson ARI 22 January 2011 11:19

The prevalence of folate deficiency has led

Contents the United States (since 1998) and subsequently
many other Western countries to mandate fo-
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2
late fortification—the addition to cereal grain
FOLATE BIOSYNTHESIS . . . . . . . . . . 4.3
products of chemically synthesized folic acid,
Pterin Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3
which is metabolized to THF (92). An alterna-
p-Aminobenzoate Synthesis. . . . . . . . . 4.4
tive approach is dietary supplementation with
Folate Assembly, Polyglutamylation,
folic acid, specifically vitamin pills. However,
and Deglutamylation . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5
both fortification and supplementation are dif-
Regulation of Folate Synthesis . . . . . . 4.6
ficult to implement in poorer countries and may
FOLATE TURNOVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7
have inherent drawbacks related to the fact that
Folate Breakdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7
folic acid is an unnatural compound (11, 43,
Folate Salvage Processes . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7
92). Over the past decade, these concerns have
Transport of Folates
spurred research on plant folate biosynthesis
and Precursors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011.62. Downloaded from

that is directed toward metabolic engineering

Cloning Plant Folate Transporters
by RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GENT on 02/01/11. For personal use only.

of natural folate content (biofortification). This

by Homology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12
new research direction has reinforced the drive
to understand plant folate synthesis because of
LEVELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12
its fundamental importance in metabolism.
Engineering of Biosynthesis . . . . . . . . 4.12
Given that recent research has focused
Engineering of Polyglutamylation . . 4.14
mainly on folate biosynthesis and its engineer-
Observations on Biofortification . . . . 4.14
ing, most progress has been in these areas,
FOLATE FRONTIERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.15
and reviews have given various aspects of this
progress pride of place (9, 11, 76, 82, 96). In
covering advances in plant folate biosynthesis
INTRODUCTION and engineering, this review therefore empha-
Tetrahydrofolate (THF) is an essential cofactor sizes what is still not known and does likewise
in almost all forms of life, in which it acts as a for the much less explored areas of homeostasis,
carrier for one-carbon (C1 ) units in enzymatic catabolism, transport, and storage. Through-
reactions that form amino acids (methionine, out this review, information from studies of mi-
tetrahydrofolate glycine, and serine), purines, thymidylate, pan- crobes and animals is used to supplement that
tothenate, and formylmethionyl–transfer RNA available from studies of plants.
C1 : one-carbon
(14, 38). THF and its C1 -substituted deriva- THF is a tripartite molecule composed of
Biofortification: the
tives are collectively termed folates (vitamin pterin, p-aminobenzoate ( pABA), and gluta-
breeding of crops to
increase their B9). Humans and animals are unable to make mate moieties (Figure 1). The pterin ring of
nutritional value by folates de novo and hence depend on dietary folate exists naturally in dihydro or tetrahydro
using conventional sources, especially plants (11, 83). The health form; only the latter has cofactor activity. The
crossing and selection impacts of folate deficiency in humans can be ring is fully oxidized in folic acid, which—as
or genetic engineering
severe; they include anemia, spina bifida and noted above—is not a natural folate, although
Pterin: a heterocyclic other birth defects, and a higher risk of car- it can be reduced via dihydrofolate (DHF) to
compound containing
diovascular disease and certain cancers (11, 87). THF. C1 units at various levels of oxidation
a pyrazine ring fused to
a pyrimidine ring that Because most plant foods are rather low in fo- (formyl, methylene, methyl) can be enzymati-
has a carbonyl oxygen lates and folates are lost during processing and cally attached to the N5 and/or N10 positions of
and an amino group cooking, dietary folate deficiency can occur eas- THF (Figure 1); the resulting C1 -substituted
pABA: ily and is widespread in poorer countries as well folates are enzymatically interconvertible and
p-aminobenzoate as in some populations within richer ones (11, serve as C1 donors for various reactions. A key
DHF: dihydrofolate 83). Folate deficiency is consequently a signifi- characteristic of THF, most of its C1 forms,
cant worldwide public health problem. and DHF is susceptibility to spontaneous

4.2 Hanson · Gregory

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oxidative or photooxidative cleavage of the C9– a O O COOH

H 9 H
N10 bond that links the pterin and pABA moi- N CH2 N C N CH CH2 CH2 COOH
HN 5 H 10 H α γ
eties. This inherent lability underlies the need
of humans and animals for a continual supply H
H2N N N H p-Aminobenzoylglutamate
of folate; what is degraded must be replaced, or H
deficiency ensues. Tetrahydropterin p-Aminobenzoate Glutamate
A short, γ-linked chain of additional
glutamate residues (up to approximately six) THF
is typically attached to the first glutamate
(Figure 1). This polyglutamyl tail is important b O c
to folate function because folate-dependent en- N C1 unit Name
zymes generally prefer polyglutamates, whereas N5–CH3 5-methyl-THF
folate transporters prefer monoglutamyl forms H
H2N N N H OHC–N10 10-formyl-THF
(89). The tail thus affects both cofactor activity H
N5–CH–N10 5,10-methenyl-THF
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011.62. Downloaded from

and membrane transport. Moreover, because Dihydropterin moiety

by RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GENT on 02/01/11. For personal use only.

of dihydrofolate 5,10-methylene-THF
the tail promotes enzyme binding and folates
are far more stable to oxidative cleavage when N5–CHO 5-formyl-THF

bound than when free, polyglutamylation can Figure 1

indirectly enhance folate stability (89). Structure of folates. (a) Chemical structure of tetrahydrofolate (THF),
monoglutamyl form. The red arrowhead marks the oxidatively labile C9–N10
bond. A polyglutamyl tail can be attached via the γ-carboxyl group of the
FOLATE BIOSYNTHESIS glutamate moiety. (b) The 7,8-dihydropterin moiety of dihydrofolate. (c) The
various one-carbon (C1 ) substituents of THF.
Folates are present throughout plant cells—in
the mitochondria, plastids, cytosol, and vac-
uoles (3, 13, 30, 61, 67)—but are synthesized synthesis in plants and that, atypically, it shows
only in mitochondria. The pterin and pABA substrate inhibition by GTP (5). Plant GCHI
precursors are made in the cytosol and plastids, is apparently cytosolic (5, 56).
respectively (Figure 2). The dihydroneopterin triphosphate prod-
uct of GCHI is then dephosphorylated to di-
hydroneopterin in two steps. The first step
Pterin Synthesis in plants, as in bacteria, is the removal of
Pterin synthesis (Figure 2, steps A–C) be- pyrophosphate, which yields dihydroneopterin
gins with the conversion of GTP to dihydro- monophosphate (46). An Arabidopsis enzyme
neopterin triphosphate, which is mediated by from the large Nudix family catalyzes this re-
GTP cyclohydrolase I (GCHI). The plant en- action in vitro (46), but the same protein may
zyme has an unusual structure. In other organ- have other functions (65), and its in vivo role
isms, it is a homodecamer of ∼26-kDa subunits, in folate synthesis awaits genetic confirmation.
whereas in plants GCHI is a homodimer of sub- As with GCHI, the Nudix hydrolase appears
units with two tandem domains, each of which to be cytosolic (46). Hydrolysis of dihydro-
is similar to a canonical GCHI monomer (5, neopterin monophosphate to dihydroneopterin
56). Given that neither domain has a full set of may be carried out by a nonspecific phosphatase Polyglutamyl tail: a
the residues involved in substrate binding and in plants, as in Escherichia coli (91), but there is short chain of γ-linked
catalysis in other GCHIs, it is not clear how as yet no biochemical or genetic evidence for glutamate residues
added enzymatically to
plant GCHI functions catalytically (5). Plant this hypothesis for plants, so a specific enzyme
the glutamate moiety
GCHI is thus an interesting target for future remains a possibility. of folates
three-dimensional structure-mechanism stud- The side chain of dihydroneopterin is then
ies. Further reasons to pursue such studies are cleaved to 6-hydroxymethyldihydropterin cyclohydrolase I
that GCHI is the committing enzyme of pterin (HMDHP) and glycolaldehyde by • Folate Synthesis and Metabolism 4.3

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PP62CH04-Hanson ARI 22 January 2011 11:19

HMDHP 1 HMDHP [Glycosides]
Plastid F C
G Pi
* 3
* 4 Glu
Glu J3 J 2
Glu J1
Folate-Glun Folate-Glun Folate-Glun

5 6
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011.62. Downloaded from

L * 7
by RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GENT on 02/01/11. For personal use only.

Folate-Glun Folates Folates Pterins


8 9

Folates Pterins

Figure 2
The folate biosynthesis pathway and its compartmentation. Red letters denote enzymes that mediate
biosynthetic steps or ancillary reactions: A, GTP cyclohydrolase I (EC; B, dihydroneopterin
(DHN) triphosphate diphosphatase (EC 3.6.1.n4); C, DHN aldolase (EC; D,
aminodeoxychorismate synthase (EC; E, aminodeoxychorismate lyase (EC;
F, 6-hydroxymethyldihydropterin (HMDHP) pyrophosphokinase (EC; G, dihydropteroate (DHP)
synthase (EC; H, dihydrofolate (DHF) synthase (EC; I, DHF reductase (EC;
J1–J3, isoforms of folylpolyglutamate synthase (EC; K, UDP-glucose–p-aminobenzoate ( pABA)
glucosyltransferase; L, γ-glutamyl hydrolase (EC Circled numbers designate known or inferred
transporters; only those marked with an asterisk (transporters 3, 4, and 7) are cloned. Abbreviations: ADC,
aminodeoxychorismate; DHM, dihydromonapterin; Glu, glutamate; Glun , polyglutamate; -P, phosphate;
P2 , diphosphate; P3 , triphosphate; pABA-Glc, p-aminobenzoate β-D-glucopyranosyl ester; THF,

dihydroneopterin aldolase; this enzyme p-Aminobenzoate Synthesis

also mediates the epimerization of dihy-
pABA is synthesized from chorismate, the prod-
droneopterin to dihydromonapterin, which
uct of the shikimate pathway, in two steps
it likewise cleaves to yield HMDHP (31).
(Figure 2, steps D, E). Both steps are localized
Arabidopsis and other plants have small, di-
in plastids, as is the shikimate pathway (6, 7).
verged dihydroneopterin aldolase families;
First, chorismate is converted to aminodeoxy-
their members lack obvious targeting signals
chorismate by aminodeoxychorismate synthase
and therefore are presumably cytosolic (31).
(ADCS), a bipartite protein with tandem do-
Dihydroneopterin and dihydromonapterin can
mains that are homologous to the PabA and
be metabolized to β-D-glycosides, at least in
PabB subunits of E. coli ADCS (6, 57). Second,
tomato fruit engineered to overproduce pterins
aminodeoxychorismate lyase converts amin-
(20). Neither the sugar moiety nor the glyco-
ADCS: aminodeoxy- odeoxychorismate to pABA (7). pABA can be
syltransferase(s) involved have been identified,
chorismate esterified to glucose in a reversible reaction me-
synthase nor is it known whether the glycosides serve as
diated by a cytosolic UDP-glucosyltransferase
a mobilizable reserve of pterins.

4.4 Hanson · Gregory

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(Arabidopsis At1g05560, UGT75B1) (Figure 2, cytosol, mitochondria, and plastids (Figure 2,

step K) (24, 72). The ester is often more abun- steps J1–J3) (74). However, data from single
dant than free pABA (72, 101) and is largely and double FPGS knockouts strongly suggest
(≥88%) sequestered in vacuoles in pea leaves that one or more FPGS isoforms are targeted folylpolyglutamate
(24). The ester can be reconverted to pABA in to multiple organelles (58). Multiple targeting synthase
vitro by reversal of the synthesis reaction or via could account for how, in plants such as tomato, GGH: γ-glutamyl
an esterase activity (72). The relative impor- two FPGS genes suffice (94). In any case, the hydrolase
tance of these routes in vivo is unknown, and presence of FPGS in cytosol, mitochondria, and
the protein(s) and gene(s) responsible for the plastids is consistent with the presence of polyg-
esterase activity have not been identified. lutamates in these compartments (13, 61, 67)
and with the generalization (89) that monog-
lutamates are the transported forms of folate.
Folate Assembly, Polyglutamylation, Vacuoles, however, are exceptions; they con-
and Deglutamylation tain folate polyglutamates (3, 67) but almost
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011.62. Downloaded from

The HMDHP and pABA precursors are as- certainly not FPGS or the ATP required for the
by RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GENT on 02/01/11. For personal use only.

sembled into THF in the mitochondrion FPGS reaction (27, 74). Vacuoles presumably
(Figure 2, steps F–I). HMDHP is first ac- import polyglutamates, as discussed below.
tivated by pyrophosphorylation, then coupled The folate polyglutamate tail is not a static
to pABA to yield dihydropteroate. These re- entity but can be shortened or removed by
actions are respectively catalyzed by HMDHP γ-glutamyl hydrolase (GGH), which can have
pyrophosphokinase and dihydropteroate syn- endo- and exopeptidase activities (2, 14, 67).
thase, which are two domains of a single bifunc- GGH is located in vacuoles (Figure 2, step
tional protein in plants (57, 77). Aside from the L) (2, 67). As mentioned above, vacuoles also
canonical, mitochondrially targeted HMDHP contain folate polyglutamates, and vacuolar
pyrophosphokinase–dihydropteroate synthase, GGH activity is sufficiently high to hydrolyze
Arabidopsis has a cytosolic form (86), but this these polyglutamates within minutes (67). That
is expressed only in developing seeds and salt- polyglutamates survive in the vacuole is there-
stressed seedlings and appears to have no coun- fore a mystery. Possible explanations include
terparts in other higher plants. Next, DHF the presence of a potent GGH inhibitor, folate-
synthase couples dihydropteroate to glutamate binding proteins that protect polyglutamates
to yield DHF (74). DHF synthase is unusual from hydrolysis, the partitioning of GGH and
among plant folate synthesis enzymes in that its folate polyglutamates into distinct vacuolar
function has been confirmed by mutant stud- subpopulations, or perhaps intravacuolar com-
ies; disruption of the Arabidopsis gene encod- partmentation similar to that demonstrated for
ing DHF synthase (At5g41480, GLA1) results anthocyanins (54). Although it is not known
in folate deficiency and is embryo lethal (42). how GGH activity is restrained, this activity
Finally, DHF is reduced to THF by DHF re- plays a role in governing polyglutamyl tail
ductase, which in plants is fused to thymidylate length in vivo. Thus, in Arabidopsis leaves and
synthase (15, 53, 61). tomato fruit, overexpressing GGH in vacuoles
The polyglutamate tail is added to THF and reduces average folate polyglutamate tail
its C1 -substituted forms, one residue at a time, length (3); total folate content is also reduced,
via the action of folylpolyglutamate synthase which accords with the idea that polyglutamy-
(FPGS) (41, 74). Arabidopsis has three FPGS lation favors folate binding to proteins and
isoforms, and other higher plants appear to have hence stability (89). Conversely, ablating 99%
two or more (57, 94). On the basis of immuno- of GGH activity in Arabidopsis increases both
logical evidence and green fluorescent protein tail length and total folate content (3). Taken
fusion experiments, the three Arabidopsis iso- together, these results suggest that folates con-
forms appear to be specifically targeted to the tinuously enter the vacuole as polyglutamates, • Folate Synthesis and Metabolism 4.5

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PP62CH04-Hanson ARI 22 January 2011 11:19

accumulate there, are eventually hydrolyzed by ADCS transgenes in tomato fruit causes folate
GGH, and exit as monoglutamates (Figure 2). accumulation and increased expression of the
downstream genes dihydroneopterin aldolase,
aminodeoxychorismate lyase, and mitochon-
Regulation of Folate Synthesis drial FPGS (94). The accumulation of dihy-
The levels of folates and their precursors re- droneopterin (or its phosphates) apparently
main within characteristic ranges for different induces the aldolase, and accumulation of amin-
tissues (44, 66), developmental stages (5, 33, odeoxychorismate induces the lyase; FPGS may
44), and genotypes (32, 69, 88), which implies be induced by accumulation of THF or other
(a) that the synthesis pathway is regulated and monoglutamyl folates (94). Notably, despite
(b) that the regulatory mechanisms vary ge- the massive buildup of pterins and pABA asso-
netically. Despite their pivotal importance for ciated with expression of the GCHI and ADCS
biofortification efforts, these mechanisms are
known only in a fragmentary way; a coher- GTP
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011.62. Downloaded from

ent overall picture has yet to emerge. Present

by RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GENT on 02/01/11. For personal use only.

knowledge is summarized in Figure 3. As in DHN-P3

other biosynthetic pathways, regulatory loops B
appear to operate at both enzyme and gene lev- Plastid DHN-P

els. Thus, in vitro studies have demonstrated +

Chorismate DHN
strong feedback inhibition of dihydropteroate C
synthase by dihydropteroate, DHF, and THF
(59). Dihydropteroate and DHF also inhibit +
– E F
the pABA synthesis enzyme ADCS (81), but it
seems unlikely that this effect enables feedback G
control in vivo because dihydropteroate and DHP
DHF pools are, presumably, mainly mitochon- Glu H –

drial, whereas ADCS is plastidial. No other DHF
feedback-regulatory properties of plant pABA I –
or pterin synthesis enzymes have been demon-
strated (5, 6, 7, 31). However, for human FPGS, J2 +

Glu J1
high folate substrate concentrations curtail the Folate-Glun Folate-Glun
formation of long-chain polyglutamates (93),
and the low average polyglutamyl tail lengths Mitochondrion
in plants engineered to overproduce folates (21,
Figure 3
85) are consistent with a similar negative effect
Potential regulatory loops operating at the enzyme
of high folate levels on plant FPGS enzymes. and gene levels in folate biosynthesis. Broken purple
Transcriptomic analyses have provided lines denote potential enzyme-level feedback
evidence for both feedback and feedforward inhibition mechanisms identified by in vitro studies.
regulation of the expression of folate pathway Broken blue lines denote gene-level feedback
repression (minus signs) or feedforward activation
genes. Specifically, blocking folate synthesis in
( plus signs) mechanisms inferred from transcriptome
Arabidopsis cells with the folate analog data. Folate biosynthesis enzymes are shown by
methotrexate (a DHF reductase inhibitor) letters as in Figure 2. Dihydromonapterin has been
causes folate depletion and an increase in omitted for simplicity. Abbreviations: ADC,
transcript level of a single folate synthesis gene, aminodeoxychorismate; DHF, dihydrofolate;
DHN, dihydroneopterin; DHP, dihydropteroate;
the cytosolic isoform of FPGS (51), which
Glu, glutamate; Glun , polyglutamate; HMDHP,
suggests that folate polyglutamates exercise 6-hydroxymethyldihydropterin; P, phosphate;
feedback control over expression of this gene. P2 , diphosphate; P3 , triphosphate; pABA,
Conversely, overexpression of the GCHI and p-aminobenzoate; THF, tetrahydrofolate.

4.6 Hanson · Gregory

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PP62CH04-Hanson ARI 22 January 2011 11:19

transgenes, expression of the endogenous for plants, so enzyme-mediated cleavage can-

GCHI and ADCS genes is unaffected (94). not be excluded; an active cleavage process is
Thus, neither gene-level nor enzyme-level suggested by the unusually high folate break-
Turnover: the
feedback appears to control the committing down rates in plants. Folate-cleaving enzymes dynamic balance
reactions of pterin and pABA synthesis, yet from microorganisms have been reported (84), between synthesis and
metabolic engineering studies have demon- and mammalian ferritin facilitates folate cleav- degradation of a
strated that these two reactions exert major age in vitro and in vivo (90). Moreover, the biomolecule
control over flux through the folate pathway action of the folate-dependent COG0354 pro- pABA-Glu: p-amino-
(21, 85). Furthermore, folate synthesis in rice tein, which participates in synthesis or repair of benzoylglutamate
grains is strongly inhibited in lines engineered certain iron-sulfur clusters, may involve folate
to overproduce pABA (85). Such paradoxical oxidation (95).
observations nicely illustrate how little the Folates vary in susceptibility to cleavage:
regulation of folate biosynthesis is understood. THF and DHF are the most vulnerable, and
Lastly, mammalian GCHI is regulated by a 5- and 10-formyltetrahydrofolate are the least
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011.62. Downloaded from

feedback mechanism that involves a regulatory vulnerable (34, 39, 78). For THF and DHF,
by RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GENT on 02/01/11. For personal use only.

protein (99) and also by phosphorylation the first pterins formed in the reaction are
(49). Such mechanisms could not have been tetrahydro- and dihydropterin-6-aldehyde, re-
detected by the published studies of plant spectively; further oxidation can convert the
folate synthesis enzymes because all of them tetrahydro to the dihydro form and both to the
used single recombinant proteins from a fully oxidized, aromatic form pterin-6-aldehyde
heterologous host (E. coli ). (Figure 4a) (38, 78, 97). Additional oxida-
tion converts pterin-6-aldehyde to pterin-6-
FOLATE TURNOVER carboxylate and perhaps other end products
Folate breakdown rates in plants can be high.
Thus, postharvest studies of leaves and fruits,
and studies using folate synthesis inhibitors, Folate Salvage Processes
point to breakdown rates of ∼10% per day
Like other organisms that synthesize folates,
(66, 70, 83, 88). For comparison, mammalian
plants can recycle the pterin and pABA-Glu
whole-body folate breakdown rates are nor-
cleavage products back to folates (Figure 4b).
mally only ∼0.5% per day (35). As steep
The recycling of pABA-Glu moieties appears to
postharvest declines in folate levels are of obvi-
be straightforward (66). First, the polyglutamyl
ous nutritional significance, understanding the
tail, if present, is removed by GGH, for which
processes involved in folate breakdown and in
pABA-Glu polyglutamates are good substrates
salvage of the breakdown products is as practi-
(2, 67). That GGH is exclusively vacuolar
cally important as understanding de novo folate
implies the existence of a tonoplast transport
system for pABA-Glu polyglutamates (which
could be the same as that for folate polyg-
Folate Breakdown lutamates) (Figure 2). Second, pABA-Glu is
As stated in the Introduction, most natural hydrolyzed to yield pABA and glutamate, which
folates are inherently sensitive at physiologi- can then be reused for folate synthesis. An
cal pH to oxidative or photooxidative scission enzyme activity catalyzing this step, pABA-Glu
of the C9–N10 bond, which yields a pterin hydrolase, appears to be ubiquitous in plants, to
plus p-aminobenzoylglutamate ( pABA-Glu) or be predominantly vacuolar or cytosolic, and to
its polyglutamyl forms (Figure 4) (34). Such exist as various isoforms (with native molecular
nonenzymatic cleavage is thought to be the masses of 90, 200, and 360 kDa in Arabidopsis)
main route of folate breakdown in all organisms (12). Partial purification and characterization
(89). However, evidence on this point is lacking of the 200-kDa species from Arabidopsis roots • Folate Synthesis and Metabolism 4.7

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PP62CH04-Hanson ARI 22 January 2011 11:19

showed it to be unstable and probably a in vivo (12). Another possible way to recycle
metalloenzyme (12). The corresponding gene pABA-Glu—direct reincorporation into DHF
has not been cloned, although seven potential via the action of dihydropteroate synthase—was
candidates were tested and ruled out (12). The excluded by a kinetic study of this enzyme (66).
partially purified Arabidopsis root activity also Salvage of the pterin cleavage product is
releases glutamate from folic acid, raising the less well understood, but certain points are
possibility of enzymatic folate degradation fairly clear. First, dihydropterin-6-aldehyde
can be salvaged in vivo by reduction of its
side chain to give the folate synthesis inter-
a THF γ-Glu tail
mediate HMDHP (Figure 4b) (66). In pea
Pterin pABA-Glu leaves, this reaction appears (a) to take place
O H 9 10
O COOH predominantly in the cytosol and (b) to be
N CH2 N C N CH catalyzed by multiple NADPH-dependent
H (CH2)2 COOH pterin aldehyde reductase (PTAR) isoforms
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011.62. Downloaded from

H2N N N H C N CH that can reduce both dihydropterin-6-aldehyde

by RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GENT on 02/01/11. For personal use only.

and pterin-6-aldehyde; similar multiple PTAR

C N CH isoforms also occur in Arabidopsis seeds (62).
H One Arabidopsis isoform (At1g10310) has been
O O n (CH2)2
N CHO N CH2OH cloned; it belongs to the short-chain dehydro-
genase/reductase family and attacks diverse
H2N N N H H2N N N H aromatic and aliphatic aldehydes (62). Like-
H H wise, all the pea isoforms attack other aldehydes
Dihydropterin-6-aldehyde 6-HMDHP
(62). Dihydropterin-6-aldehyde thus seems not
to be salvaged by a single dedicated enzyme but
N CHO N CH2OH rather by a battery of broad-specificity alde-
HN HN hyde reductases. In support of this hypothesis,
Pterin-6-aldehyde 6-Hydroxymethylpterin ←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
PTAD Figure 4
N Folate breakdown and salvage reactions.
HN (a) Structures and relationships of folate breakdown
products. Arrowheads mark the oxidatively labile
H 2N N N C9–N10 bond (red ), the bond cleaved by
Pterin-6-carboxylate p-aminobenzoylglutamate hydrolase (black), and
bonds cleaved by γ-glutamyl hydrolase (GGH;
GTP yellow). Dotted arrows show (photo)chemical
b Chorismate oxidations. Solid arrows show enzymatic reactions;
red crosses mark those that appear not to occur in
HMDHP-P2 HMDHP plants (although they occur in other organisms).
pABA The folate synthesis intermediate
6-hydroxymethyldihydropterin (HMDHP) is
Glu colored blue. (b) Folate salvage reactions ( purple
arrows) in relation to folate biosynthesis.
DHF Abbreviations: DHF, dihydrofolate;
pABA-Glu DHP, dihydropteroate; DHPAld, dihydropterin-
THF 6-aldehyde; GGH, γ-glutamyl hydrolase; Glu,
Glu glutamate; Glun , polyglutamate; P2 , diphosphate;
pABA-Glu, p-aminobenzoylglutamate; PGH,
GGH Folate-Glun p-aminobenzoylglutamate hydrolase; PTAD, pterin
aldehyde dehydrogenase; PTAR, pterin aldehyde
pABA-Glun DHPAld
reductase; THF, tetrahydrofolate.

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At1g10310 knockout plants have only a subtle compound can undergo rapid cleavage at
reduction in total PTAR activity (62) but acidic pH to pABA-Glu and a methylated
display an altered fatty acid desaturation pterin (55). Presumably the levels of ascorbate,
phenotype that may be related to the aliphatic glutathione, and other reductants are sufficient
aldehyde reductase activity of At1g10310 (1). in plants to keep 5-methyl-5,6-DHF to a
The combined activity of PTAR isoforms is rel- minimum, but its cleavage may nonetheless
atively high. For instance, in pea leaves, PTAR represent a secondary pathway for nonenzy-
activities are at least 13- to 1,500-fold higher matic folate degradation. In any case, it is not
than those of de novo folate synthesis enzymes known how pterin moieties produced by ox-
(62). This high PTAR activity may favor rapid idative cleavage of 5-methyl- and, presumably,
conversion of dihydropterin-6-aldehyde to 5-formyltetrahydrofolate are metabolized.
HMDHP, thereby minimizing the tendency These pterins presumably still carry a C1
for further oxidation to pterin-6-aldehyde and substituent at the 5-position; in principle, this
pterin-6-carboxylate (Figure 4a). C1 unit might be enzymatically removed, or
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Second, if PTAR activity fails to intercept removal might not be a necessary precondi-
by RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GENT on 02/01/11. For personal use only.

dihydropterin-6-aldehyde before it is oxidized tion for recycling. Lastly, the predominantly

to pterin-6-aldehyde, then the pterin moiety cytosolic location of PTAR activity seems
can no longer be salvaged and can only be fur- anomalous, given that 30–50% of the folates
ther oxidized (63). Such a situation arises be- in metabolically active plant cells are in mito-
cause plants lack the capacity to reduce the chondria (28, 44, 61) and that mitochondrial
fully oxidized pterin ring to the dihydro state, folates are almost certainly at a high risk
a deficit shared with E. coli (63). The lack of of oxidative cleavage due to the prevalence
pterin-reducing capacity is surprising inasmuch of reactive oxygen species in mitochondria
as enzymes with this activity occur in other or- (50). The implication is that pterin cleavage
ganisms; pteridine reductase 1 of Leishmania is products cannot be recycled until they are
one example (10). Further oxidation of pterin- exported from the mitochondria, which seems
6-aldehyde to pterin-6-carboxylate can occur to be at odds with the need for PTAR to
spontaneously or enzymatically; plant extracts intervene before further oxidation puts the
have both NAD-dependent and -independent pterins beyond rescue.
activities (63). Pterin-6-carboxylate seems to be
a dead-end product; its relative scarcity in most Transport of Folates and Precursors
plant tissues suggests that folate salvage is nor-
The compartmentation of the enzymes of
mally efficient (66).
folate biosynthesis and metabolism, and of
The following points about folate salvage
folates themselves, means that there must be
are still obscure. First, the oxidative cleavage
substantial transmembrane traffic in folates
product of THF is tetrahydropterin-6-
and their precursors. Of this traffic, only that in
aldehyde (89), and it is not clear how oxidation
pABA (a hydrophobic weak acid) appears to be
to the dihydro form occurs or even whether
by simple diffusion (72). On the basis of com-
it is necessary (given that the tetrahydro form
partmentation data, experimental evidence,
could conceivably be recycled directly to
and comparative biochemistry, a minimal set of
THF). Second, due to the resistance of 5-
nine probable carrier-mediated transport steps
methyl- and 5- and 10-formyltetrahydrofolates
can be defined (Figure 2, steps 1–9). These
to oxidative cleavage (55), it is likely that THF
steps, and the evidence for them, are as follows.
and DHF are the primary folates that undergo
nonenzymatic oxidative cleavage. However, 1. Mitochondrial pterin import. If
in the case of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, HMDHP is synthesized in the cy-
for example, facile and reversible oxidation tosol, it must enter mitochondria
to 5-methyl-5,6-DHF can occur, and this to support folate synthesis. Also, • Folate Synthesis and Metabolism 4.9

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mitochondria probably export pterins envelope, not to mitochondria (8). Two

resulting from folate degradation (see other, less close Arabidopsis homologs
above). Pterin transport has not been of MFT appear to lack folate transport
studied in plant mitochondria, but it activity (8).
seems likely to be carrier mediated given 3,4. Plastidial folate import. Two chloro-
that the only well-studied pterin uptake plast envelope proteins that can medi-
process, in the protistan parasite Leishma- ate folate transport have been identi-
nia, involves a specific transporter (BT1) fied in Arabidopsis. Both are homologs
that belongs to the folate-biopterin of known folate transporters. The first,
transporter (FBT) family (48). The AtFOLT1 (8), is described above. At-
Arabidopsis genome encodes nine FBT FOLT1 complements the mft mutation
family proteins, only one of which has a in Chinese hamster ovary cells and con-
known function (in folate transport; see fers folate uptake when expressed in E. coli
below). It is therefore possible that the cells. However, its significance in planta
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011.62. Downloaded from

other eight include a pterin transporter. is uncertain, given that ablation of At-
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However, complementation tests with FOLT1 affects neither growth, nor leaf
five of these eight proteins in a Leishma- or chloroplast folate content (8). This
nia BT1 knockout strain yielded negative lack of a mutant phenotype may re-
results (26). flect redundancy of function with the
2. Mitochondrial export of THF and/or second chloroplastic folate transporter,
other folates. Because THF is made in At2g32040 (45). At2g32040 and its Syne-
mitochondria, and mitochondria can chocystis ortholog Slr0642 belong to the
convert THF to most of its C1 derivatives FBT family. When expressed in E. coli,
(36), THF and/or C1 folates must be At2g32040 and Synechocystis Slr0642 en-
exported from mitochondria to account able uptake of monoglutamyl folates and
for the folates found elsewhere in the folate analogs (45), whereas other Ara-
cell. Mitochondria can almost certainly bidopsis FBT family proteins do not (26).
also import folates, because supplied Ablation of At2g32040 increases chloro-
5-formyltetrahydrofolate restores folate- plast folate content and reduces the pro-
dependent C1 fluxes in Arabidopsis when portion of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (45),
folate synthesis is blocked (70); this which provides evidence for a folate
effect requires 5-formyltetrahydrofolate transport role in planta, although growth
to access the mitochondrial enzyme 5- is unaffected. A mutational analysis of
formyltetrahydrofolate cycloligase (79). the Slr0642 protein identified 22 residues
In view of its centrality, mitochondrial fo- essential to folate transport activity, of
late transport is one of the most important which seven are conserved in all known
folate-related processes to understand in FBT family folate transporters (26). The
plants, but nothing is known about it in majority of the eight Arabidopsis FBT pro-
terms of either biochemical activity or teins other than At2g32040 lack at least
genes. In contrast, the mammalian mito- one of these residues, which suggests that
chondrial folate transporter (MFT) has they may transport other substrates. In-
been cloned and extensively characterized terestingly, the FBT family includes a
(68); it is a member of the mitochondrial member, from Leishmania, that is a spe-
carrier family. However, the closest ho- cific, high-affinity S-adenosylmethionine
molog of MFT in Arabidopsis (At5g66380, transporter (22).
AtFOLT1), although it demonstrates fo- 5. Vacuolar pABA glucose ester import.
late transport activity in two heterologous It is necessary to invoke a tonoplast
systems, is targeted to the chloroplast transporter for pABA glucose ester

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because the ester is made in the cytosol accumulation of, methotrexate (73),
but is almost entirely located in vac- indicating that this protein functions in
uoles and, being hydrophilic, almost cer- planta, at least in folate analog transport.
tainly cannot diffuse readily across mem- Whether it plays a significant role in
branes (24, 72). No biochemical evidence folate transport is less certain. First, the
on the transport process is available, and Km values for folate for both AtMRP1
no gene has been cloned. In both these and the beet vacuole system are very high
respects pABA glucose transport is not (0.19 mM) compared with the intracel-
alone: Although many glucose conju- lular concentrations of free (i.e., non–
gates of natural products undergo carrier- protein bound) folate monoglutamates,
mediated uptake into the vacuole, little which are probably submicromolar (73).
is known about the mechanisms or genes Second, like other MRPs, AtMRP1 trans-
(17). ports glutathione conjugates and thus is
6. Vacuolar folate polyglutamate import. not folate specific (73). Third, ablation of
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011.62. Downloaded from

The argument for a tonoplast transport AtMRP1 eliminates only approximately

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system for folate polyglutamates is half of vacuolar methotrexate uptake ac-

outlined above (see the section entitled tivity, which indicates the presence of at
Folate Assembly, Polyglutamylation, and least one other transport system. Finally,
Deglutamylation); there is no biochem- because ATP-binding cassette trans-
ical information on this system, and no porters work in only one direction (75),
gene is known. Although such a system AtMRP1 is unlikely to mediate the ex-
would be unusual in that most folate port from vacuoles of the monoglutamyl
transporters strongly prefer monoglu- folate products of GGH action.
tamyl folates (25, 45, 89), a precedent 8. Cellular folate import. There is strong
exists in mammalian lysosomes, which, evidence that plant cells or tissues can
like plant vacuoles, import polyglu- take up intact folates from experiments
tamates and contain GGH (4). The in which supplied folates are metabolized
mammalian polyglutamate transport sys- (70, 80) or reverse the effects of folate syn-
tem has unfortunately not been cloned. thesis inhibitors (16, 51). There is like-
7. Vacuolar folate monoglutamate import. wise direct evidence for uptake of the
Folates and their analogs are substrates close folate analog methotrexate (16, 51,
for certain mammalian multidrug 70), including a 1993 study of Datura in-
resistance–associated protein (MRP) noxia cells that determined a Km value of
subfamily ATP-binding cassette trans- 66 nM and showed that uptake is pH and
porters (100), and there is evidence that energy dependent (98). The same study
MRP proteins import folates into plant also showed that selection for methotrex-
vacuoles. Thus, the Arabidopsis vacuolar ate resistance resulted in an increase in the
MRP protein AtMRP1 (At1g30400) Km value for methotrexate uptake. This
expressed in yeast, and its functional pioneering work invites extension to the
equivalent(s) in vacuolar membrane vesi- gene level via the molecular and genetic
cles from red beet root, are competent in tools now available.
the MgATP-dependent transport of folic 9. Cellular pterin import. There is good
acid and methotrexate (73). Polyglutamyl evidence that plant tissues take up and
folates are poor substrates, so AtMRP1 metabolize supplied pterins (62, 66), as
is unlikely to correspond to the polyg- do E. coli, other bacteria, and yeast (63).
lutamate transporter discussed above. Pterin transport is, however, a gener-
Ablation of AtMRP1 results in increased ally neglected research area and has been
sensitivity to, and impaired vacuolar studied only in Leishmania (48). • Folate Synthesis and Metabolism 4.11

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Cloning Plant Folate Transporters Some useful generalizations can nonetheless be

by Homology made. Thus, of seven studies that manipulated
the biosynthetic pathway, six inserted genes
The cloning-by-homology approach that
coding for GCHI, the first enzyme of pterin
yielded AtFOLT1, At2g32040, and AtMRP1
synthesis (Figure 2, step A), alone or together
may have ceased to be fruitful. Taking all
with ADCS, the first enzyme of pABA synthesis
organisms together, seven classes of folate
(Figure 2, step D). In most cases, the GCHI
transporters have so far been cloned (26). Five
transgene was from a nonplant source
are from mammals: the mitochondrial trans-
(E. coli, mouse, or chicken), on the basis of the
porter, the reduced folate carrier, the intestinal
reasonable but undocumented premise that
proton–coupled folate transporter, various
plant GCHI enzymes are subject to feedback
MRPs, and glycosylphosphatidylinisotol-
inhibition, which would limit their potential
linked folate receptors, which mediate uptake
to increase flux. Expressed alone, the nonplant
by an endocytic mechanism. Of these, only
transgenes generally led to substantial pterin
the mitochondrial and MRP transporters have
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011.62. Downloaded from

overproduction, but so did a plant transgene

reasonably close plant homologs (AtFOLT1
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(Table 1). It is therefore not clear whether

and AtMRP1, respectively), which are known
plant or nonplant GCHIs are preferable, but
to transport folates, as described above. The
it can at least be concluded that the former
sixth class is the FBT family, one of whose
need not be avoided on principle. Whatever
plant homologs (At2g32040) also transports
the case, excessive overproduction of pterins
folates. The seventh class, members of the
may be undesirable, not least because their
bacterial energy–coupling factor family, do not
health effects and potential roles in human
have homologs in plants.
metabolism are unknown (21).
Despite massively boosting pterin levels,
the introduction of a GCHI transgene alone
generally raises folate content only modestly,
As summarized in Table 1, the biosynthesis typically by approximately twofold (Table 1).
pathway and the control of polyglutamylation When total pABA levels (i.e., pABA plus
have been the targets for almost all plant folate its glucose ester) were analyzed in GCHI-
engineering studies so far. The sole exception overexpressing tomato fruit (20), severe pABA
is an Arabidopsis model study (30) designed to depletion was observed, indicating that the
enhance folate content by blocking metabolism pABA supply limits further folate accumulation.
of 5-formyltetrahydrofolate, as proposed by Consistent with this view, adding an Arabidopsis
Scott et al. (83). This strategy indeed raises ADCS transgene greatly increases the total
total folate level, but only by twofold, and pABA pool and raises folate content to as
leads to slowed growth and delayed flowering. much as 25 times the content in wild-type fruit
It is consequently not promising and has not (Table 1). Expression of the ADCS transgene
been pursued. In contrast, several of the other alone had no effect on fruit folate content.
studies achieved a far-greater-than-twofold The results of expressing GCHI and ADCS
enrichment, and none reported negative effects transgenes separately and together in rice
on growth or development. grains are very similar, except that folate con-
tent is substantially (and unexpectedly) reduced
by expression of ADCS alone (as discussed in
Engineering of Biosynthesis the section entitled Regulation of Folate Syn-
As is common in pathway engineering studies, thesis). Taken together, the tomato and rice
various species, organs, promoters, and ana- data indicate that expression of ADCS in com-
lytical methods have been used by different bination with GCHI is far more effective than
groups, which precludes direct comparisons. expression of GCHI alone, and that expression

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Table 1 Projects aiming to metabolically engineer folate content

Year Species Organ(s) tested Gene(s) added or ablated Change in folate Comments Reference
2004 Arabidopsis Leaves + Escherichia coli GCHI +2- to +4-fold 1,250-fold increase in pterins 40
2004 Tomato Fruit + Mouse GCHIa +2-fold Up-to-140-fold increase in pterins 20
2005 Arabidopsis Leaves 5-FCL ablated +2-fold Growth slowed 20%; flowering delayed 30
22 January 2011

2007 Tomato Fruit + Arabidopsis ADCS None Up-to-40-fold increase in pABA 21

+ Mouse GCHIa / Up to +25-fold >20-fold increases in pterins and pABA

+ Arabidopsis ADCS
2007 Rice Grain + Arabidopsis GCHI None Up-to-29-fold increase in pterins 85
+ Arabidopsis ADCS Up to –6-fold Up-to-89-fold increase in pABA
+ Arabidopsis GCHI/ADCS Up to +100-fold Average 4-fold increase in pterins and
25-fold increase in pABA
2008 Rice Leaves + Wheat HPPK/DHPS +75% Precursors not analyzed 29
Grain +40%
2009 Maize Grain + E. coli GCHI +2-fold Precursors not analyzed; β-carotene and 60
ascorbate pathways also engineered
2009 Lettuce Leaves + Chicken GCHIa +2- to +9-fold Precursors not analyzed 64
2010 Arabidopsis Leaves + AtGGH2 –39% Polyglutamate tail length decreased 3
2010 Tomato Fruit + LeGGH2 –46% Polyglutamate tail length decreased 3
2010 Arabidopsis Leaves + GGH RNAi +30% Polyglutamate tail length increased 3

Codon usage modified to improve plant expression.
Abbreviations: 5-FCL, 5-formyltetrahydrofolate cycloligase; ADCS, aminodeoxychorismate synthase; GCHI, GTP cyclohydrolase I; HHPK/DHPS, 6-hydroxymethyldihydropterin
pyrophosphokinase–dihydropteroate synthase; pABA, p-aminobenzoate; RNAi, RNA interference.

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of ADCS alone is useless at best. The pABA relied on simple one- or two-gene strategies,
accumulations caused by ADCS transgenes are and almost all have overexpressed enzymes at
of less potential concern than pterin accumu- the head of the pathway, which drives flux down
lations because pABA is among the compounds the pathway by increasing precursor supply.
that are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) This type of “push” strategy inevitably entails
in terms of regulatory status (21, 85). a buildup of precursors, which is undesirable,
The only synthesis engineering study that as mentioned above. More desirable would be
did not manipulate GCHI or ADCS ex- a “pull” strategy in which the folate end prod-
pressed a wheat HMDHP pyrophosphokinase– uct is sequestered in vacuoles, thereby relieving
dihydropteroate synthase gene in rice by using the (little understood) feedback controls over
a constitutive promoter (29). Small (≤75%) in- pathway activity and so enhancing flux without
creases in leaf and grain folate content were precursor accumulation. Although we do not
reported, which suggests that one or another yet know enough about vacuolar folate trans-
of the activities of this bifunctional enzyme ex- port and storage to implement such a strategy,
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2011.62. Downloaded from

erts significant control of flux through the fo- its intrinsic advantages provide a sound ratio-
by RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GENT on 02/01/11. For personal use only.

late synthesis pathway, a possibility also raised nale for research to make it possible.
by analysis of engineered tomato fruit (21). The second observation concerns serendip-
A rational engineering strategy might there- ity and arises from a retrospective study of folate
fore be to insert HMDHP pyrophosphokinase– pathway gene expression in engineered tomato
dihydropteroate synthase into plants that ex- fruit (mentioned in the section entitled Regu-
press both GCHI and ADCS transgenes. lation of Folate Synthesis) (94). Basically, a cer-
tain amount of luck was involved in the success
of the two-gene (GCHI-plus-ADCS) strategy
Engineering of Polyglutamylation in tomato fruit: Overexpression of these genes
The generally accepted hypothesis that polyg- induced expression of three downstream path-
lutamylation indirectly stabilizes folates by way genes, which presumably enhanced path-
promoting enzyme binding (89) predicts that way flux capacity. Such feedforward effects are
folate levels can be (a) reduced by shorten- neither predictable nor understood and may not
ing polyglutamyl tails and (b) increased by occur in other systems, meaning that the GCHI-
lengthening them. Studies in which GGH plus-ADCS strategy may not necessarily work
was over- or underexpressed in Arabidopsis and as well as in tomato fruit. That it did so in rice
tomato (3) support both predictions (Table 1). (85) is, however, an encouraging sign.
Thus, threefold overexpression of GGH The third observation is that in microorgan-
reduces average tail length and cuts folate isms there exist many variants of the canonical
content by ∼40%, whereas reducing GGH biosynthesis pathway that include alternatives
activity by 99% increases tail length and raises to almost all its enzymes (18). For instance,
folate content by 30%. Because the folates that certain prokaryotes have a radically different
accumulate in engineered tomato fruit and type of GCHI (23), whereas others have a novel
rice grains are largely unglutamylated (21, 85), enzyme that replaces both dihydroneopterin
another rational engineering strategy might be triphosphate diphosphatase and dihydro-
to increase polyglutamylation by suppressing neopterin aldolase (Figure 2, steps B, C) (71).
GGH activity in these systems. Such evolutionary novelties expand the parts
list for engineering projects and in principle
enable construction of hybrid folate synthesis
Observations on Biofortification routes not found in nature. These potential
Four further observations may be made about alternative routes could have the advantage of
folate engineering and biofortification. The escaping endogenous constraints on pathway
first is that all engineering studies to date have flux (whatever those constraints may be).

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Finally, conventional breeding based on nat- Other frontiers are at least implicit in the
ural variation may be a good alternative to foregoing sections on biosynthesis regulation,
metabolic engineering and such breeding could turnover, and transport but bear reempha-
be informed by the outcomes of engineering sizing. Regarding biosynthesis regulation, the
experiments (9). Surveys of tomato (9), potato general lack of biochemical studies of enzymes
(32), wheat (69), and strawberry (88) found isolated from plants (as opposed to recombinant
roughly twofold ranges in folate content among proteins) means that if phosphorylation or reg-
cultivars or breeding lines. Such natural varia- ulatory proteins were involved, we would prob-
tion, if heritable, could form the basis for breed- ably not know. Similarly, at the gene level, if fo-
ing programs. Given the engineering evidence late regulons exist, published studies would not
that both pterin and pABA supplies limit fo- necessarily have detected them. Future tran-
late synthesis (Table 1), such programs might scriptomics studies have the potential to do so.
profitably analyze precursors as well as folates For turnover, there are fascinating hints
in parents and progenies. from postharvest and inhibitor studies that fo-
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late breakdown in plants may be too fast to ex-

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plain by spontaneous chemical processes alone,

and other hints—particularly from compara-
FOLATE FRONTIERS tive biochemistry—that folate degradation can
The frontiers include all the topics in this re- be enzyme mediated. Biochemistry, compara-
view, including—despite the effort invested in tive genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics
it—the biosynthesis pathway itself. Specifically, could be applied and integrated to search for
only one step in this pathway (DHF synthase) candidate folate-degrading proteins (18, 19, 37,
has been validated by mutant studies (42); all the 47). Such work has yet to begin.
others rest on biochemical data, comparative Folate transport and vacuolar storage are
genomics, and functional complementation of perhaps the frontiers with the greatest poten-
microbial mutants. Thus, if alternatives to the tial short-term payoffs in engineering terms.
classical folate synthesis steps exist in plants, we Few folate transporters have been discovered
would not know about them. Moreover, it is in plants, and they are probably the least
not clear whether all cells and organs are au- interesting ones for engineering. Far more
tonomous for folate synthesis or whether some crucial are the transporters that mediate mito-
depend on intercellular or interorgan traffic in chondrial folate export, vacuolar folate polyg-
folates or their precursors. The presence of a lutamate import, and folate uptake into the cell.
high-affinity cellular folate uptake system (98) Although homology to known folate trans-
makes such traffic seem probable, as does ev- porters is nearly if not completely mined out as a
idence that maternal tissues supply folates to way to identify such transporters, more creative
early embryos (42). A first step to address this approaches, including comparative genomics
issue would be metabolic profiling of folates and and other -omics technologies, hold consider-
folate precursors in xylem and phloem sap. able potential but, again, have yet to be applied.

1. Enzymes for each step of the folate synthesis and polyglutamylation pathways have been
cloned and partially characterized as recombinant proteins. The subcellular compart-
mentation of the pathway is broadly understood, as is that of folates themselves.
2. Certain mechanisms that regulate folate biosynthesis at the enzyme and gene levels have
been identified, and engineering studies have identified enzymes that exert significant
control over flux through the biosynthetic pathway. • Folate Synthesis and Metabolism 4.15

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3. There is evidence that plants exhibit relatively high folate breakdown rates and can salvage
the breakdown products for reuse in folate synthesis. Salvage enzyme activities have been
identified, and one salvage enzyme has been cloned.
4. Three plant folate transporters—two chloroplastic and one vacuolar—have been cloned.
Enzyme and folate compartmentation data point to the existence of at least five other
folate transport systems in plant cells.
5. Metabolic engineering efforts that overexpressed two folate synthesis genes in combi-
nation have increased folate levels by up to 25-fold in tomato fruit and 100-fold in rice
grains. Lesser increases have been obtained in these and other species through the over-
expression of single genes.
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by RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GENT on 02/01/11. For personal use only.

1. Most of the steps in plant folate synthesis lack genetic confirmation, so it is not clear
whether the known enzymes are the only, or even the major, significant ones in vivo. It
is also unclear whether the pathway is active in all cells or whether some cells depend on
folate import.
2. Knowledge of folate biosynthesis regulation is fragmentary, and no coherent overall
picture has emerged. Comparative biochemistry suggests the possibility of enzyme-level
regulation by phosphorylation and specific regulatory proteins, but no study carried out
so far could have detected such mechanisms.
3. The high rates of folate breakdown in plants suggest that this process may have enzyme-
mediated as well as purely chemical components, but this possibility remains wholly
unexplored. Most folate salvage enzymes remain to be cloned and characterized.
4. The crucial transporters that export folates from their site of synthesis in mitochondria,
that import polyglutamyl folates into vacuoles, and that import folates into the cell have,
for the most part, not been biochemically characterized, and none of them have been
5. The folate engineering strategies used to date have resulted in buildup of precursors to
high, perhaps undesirable, levels and may have succeeded in part due to luck. Alternative
rational strategies based on increasing the flux capacity of later as well as early pathway
steps, or on manipulating vacuolar sequestration of folates, have not yet been explored,
in part due to lack of basic knowledge.

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

Folate metabolism research in the authors’ laboratories has been funded by the U.S. National
Science Foundation (current grant MCB-0839926). We thank Linda Jeanguenin, Océane Frelin,
and Kenneth Ellens for comments on the manuscript.

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