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11/12/2020 Modification and analysis on fatigue study in universal joint of an automobile vehicle - ScienceDirect

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Materials Today: Proceedings

Available online 2 July 2020
In Press, Corrected Proof

Modification and analysis on fatigue study in universal joint of

an automobile vehicle
S. Venugopal , K. Hithesh, L. Karikalan

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The main task, especially targets at checking out the standard joint at exceptional operating
angles and specific materials in order that the time to failure of the accepted joint may be
reduced to a degree. The strength generated inside the engine due to the fact the stop result of
combustion of gasoline is converted to wheels through the transmission gadget inside the car.
This machine in particular encompasses device container, propeller shafts, tremendous joints
and differential gears. The stress shaft imparts torque from the engine (Kamal et al., 2011).
The screw ups that added on to the energy shaft is especially because of vibration strain,
fatigue, bending pressure or maybe the misalignment of the driveshaft. a majority of those
defects especially because of the overloading or even repeated extra time use (Hummel and
Chassapis 1998). The main result of all these are the pre-mature failure of the drive shaft at
the operation times. For almost all the cases, the failure occurs at the area around the
universal joints, as the angle difference and the velocity variations occurs in that area.

Torque; Power; Radius; Drive shaft; Universal joint 1/2
11/12/2020 Modification and analysis on fatigue study in universal joint of an automobile vehicle - ScienceDirect

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