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Special Issue Article

Movement analysis of sit-to-stand – research

informing clinical practice
Gunilla E. Frykberg1,2, Charlotte K. Häger2
Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation Medicine, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2Department of
Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Umeå University, Sweden

Background: Sit-to-stand (STS) is a crucial transfer influencing a person’s independence in daily activities,
as well as safety and quality of life, and is thus vital to evaluate in research and in practice. Clinical STS
tests provide single values in seconds or numbers of STS. There is, however, increasing numbers of
research papers reporting spatial and temporal kinematic and kinetic process STS data.
Objectives: To provide an overview of research findings from laboratory-based movement analyses
regarding phases and determinants of typical STS, characteristics of successful versus failed STS trans-
fers, and finally STS performance in some neurological conditions.
Major Findings: The STS transfer, previously regarded as mainly requiring lower limb muscle strength, is
increasingly recognized as a complex transfer skill. Muscle strength, balance, foot position, chair height
and the movement strategy are major determinants influencing STS performance. Scaling and timing of
momentum generation throughout STS seems critical for success or failure. Sit-to-stand in stroke and
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by asymmetry in force generation and difficulties in switching
movement direction, respectively. In-depth, knowledge regarding mechanisms of momentum control during
STS sub-phases, STS failures, as well as exploration of variability in normal and atypical STS is still lacking.
Conclusions: Recent research based on instrumented movement analyses has generated better understanding
of movement control during STS, but the specifics are not yet reflected in clinical assessments. There seems to
be a call for clinical tools capturing determinants and process characteristics of the STS transfer for a more com-
prehensive evaluation in rehabilitation.
Keywords: Sit-to-stand, Movement analysis, Momentum control, Kinematics, Kinetics

Background From a biomechanical point of view, STS may be

Rising to stand from a seated position (sit-to-stand, defined as a transitional movement from sitting to
STS) is a very common task in daily life, and vital upright standing posture, thus requiring horizontal
for independence in persons with disability.1 Non-dis- and vertical displacement of the whole body’s centre
abled adults perform STS about 60 times per day.2 of mass (COM) from a stable to a less stable position
The importance of STS is particularly evident when over extended lower extremities.9 Table 1 summarises
the ability deteriorates and manifests itself as some biomechanical concepts9,10 central to research
decreased mobility-related quality of life3 and addressing STS using laboratory-based movement
increased risk of falls in the elderly4,5 as well as in per- analysis, included here to clarify and assist in reading
sons with disabilities, e.g., after stroke.6 Further, STS this paper. From such a perspective, it is natural to
performance may contain prognostic information, approach the understanding of STS in terms of how
e.g., in persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary forces and movements are generated and controlled
disease (COPD).7 In addition, outcomes of STS tests by the brain and how the resulting movement par-
have proven to be strongly correlated with those ameters might be captured with technical devices.
from tests of exercise capacity, e.g., the 6-minute In clinical practice, on the other hand, STS ability
walk test.8 Thus, STS is a crucial everyday transfer is assessed through performance-based tests, which
task and, as such, important to evaluate in clinical either report the time it takes to do five or 10 rep-
practice as well as in research. etitions or the number of repetitions being conducted
during 20 or 30 seconds or 1 minute, i.e., a single
value represents the end result of the task. The five
Correspondence to: Gunilla E. Frykberg, Department of Neuroscience, times sit-to-stand test (FTSST) seems to be the
Rehabilitation Medicine, Uppsala University, Uppsala SE-751 85,
Sweden. Email: most frequently used STS protocol11 and this well

ß W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2015

156 DOI 10.1179/1743288X15Y.0000000005 Physical Therapy Reviews 2015 VOL . 20 NO . 3
Frykberg and Häger Movement analysis of sit-to-stand

Table 1 Definitions of some biomechanical concepts9,10 70–79 years olds; 14.8 seconds for 80–85 years olds.27
reported in studies investigating sit-to-stand transfer with
Similarly, reference values have been presented from
laboratory-based movement analysis
the 1-minute STS test (i.e., the number of STS transfers
Concept Definition being conducted during 1 minute) from a range of
Centre of mass, An abstract point age groups (20–79 years) in an adult population in
COM representing the weighted Switzerland (n56926),28 in order to facilitate identifi-
average of COM cation of persons with reduced muscle strength in the
of each body
segment in 3D lower limbs and with impaired endurance. Reference
space values ranged from 27 minute{1 (in women 75–
Centre of pressure,
The point location
of the vertical
79 years olds) to 50 minute{1 (in men 20–24 years olds).
ground reaction force Thus, there is extensive material including refer-
vector, which represents ence data regarding the FTSST and similar tests
a weighted average
of all pressures capturing essentially only the movement time of
over the base the task, but telling us very little about how the
of support transfer was accomplished in terms of movement
Momentum The quantity of
motion possessed by quality including strategies. The time to perform
an object; a five or 10 STS or the number of STS conducted
vector quantity; body
during a specified time period, might serve as
mass times velocity
(m|v; unit in quick information guiding rehabilitation. However,
kg ms{1 for linear momentum) a deeper understanding of control parameters and
Kinematic Referring to a
description of motion
process skills might be necessary for physiothera-
in terms of pists in order to successfully train individuals with
position, velocity and impaired STS ability. An increasing number of
Kinetic Relating to motion, research reports focus on kinematic and kinetic pro-
a description that cess data of STS performance in individuals of
includes consideration of different ages as well as in different patient
force as the
cause of motion groups. Consequently, there is a need to summarise
these research results regarding the STS transfer and
discuss clinical implications.
described and standardised test has, for instance,
been used in studies with the elderly,12 in persons Objectives
with stroke,13,14 multiple sclerosis (MS),15 incomplete The present narrative review provides an up-to-date
spinal cord injury,16 vestibular dysfunction,17 overview of what we know from biomechanical
Parkinson’s disease (PD),3 low-back pain,18 COPD19 research studies regarding phases and determinants
and in children with cerebral palsy (CP).20 The FTSST of typical STS, characteristics of successful versus
was first introduced in 1985 as a test of lower limb failed STS transfers, features of STS performance
muscle strength.21 Its psychometric properties have in neurological conditions, mainly in persons with
been extensively investigated. Test–retest reliability of stroke and PD, and finally, some information about
FTSST in adults22 and in subjects with neurological other related everyday transfers.
disorders11 as well as intra-14 and inter-rater3,16,23
reliabilities have shown good to high intra class corre- Review Method
lation values (ICC). Concurrent validity of FTSST The databases PubMed and Scopus were searched
when compared to muscular strength,14,15 walking for scientific papers investigating the STS transfer
speed,17 walking endurance20 and different balance with focus on descriptive analysis. Key words used
tests3,15,24,25 has, irrespective of patient group, been were: sit-to-stand, sit-to-stand transfer, sit-to-stand
demonstrated to be moderate. A clinically significant movement, sit-to-stand in combination with stroke,
change of FTSST performance, excluding measurement and Parkinson. Over 1000 articles were found. The
error, has been estimated to be 2.5 seconds in older papers most relevant for the present aim were then
females24 and to be i2.3 seconds in persons with or selected. Predominantly, articles where the concept
without balance disorders.17 Cut-off points for the sit-to-stand was part of the title were selected. Refer-
test’s ability to discriminate between subjects with or ence lists from the selected articles further contribu-
without balance impairments have been shown to be ted with additional papers.
10 seconds in young adults and 14.2 seconds in the When the wording ‘significant’ is used in the text,
elderly.26 Reference values for the FTSST for different it implies a statistical difference with a P value of
age groups have been reported, for example, v0.05 regarding the chosen dependent variables in
11.4 seconds for 60–69 years olds; 12.6 seconds for the respective study.

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Frykberg and Häger Movement analysis of sit-to-stand

Major Findings and Some Reflections considered to start and end, respectively.30,36–41 Thus,
Phases of typical sit-to-stand performance in order to facilitate comparisons between STS studies
The STS transfer has been divided into four phases,29 and to allow meta-analysis, an agreement on how to
which is often referred to in the literature30–32 – see define critical events and phases would be beneficial.
Fig. 1. Bending forward of the trunk and pelvis
prior to the instant when the buttocks leave the Determinants of the sit-to-stand transfer
base of support (BoS) (i.e., seat-off) is called Flexion Several suggested STS determinants have been demon-
Momentum (Phase I). Phase II, Momentum Transfer, strated to influence the performance regarding
lasts from seat-off to maximum ankle dorsiflexion. self-reported outcome measures as well as kinematic
During this phase, the momentum from the upper and kinetic outcome measures. The content in Table 2
body is transferred to the total body and contributes originates from a review article by Janssen et al. pub-
to the forward and upward movement of the lished in 2002,31 but has been modified to incorporate
whole body. Extension (Phase III) lasts until the the extensive research results during the last decade.
hips are straight. Lastly, Stabilisation (Phase IV) is Some of the subject-related determinants in Table 2
defined as the end of the transfer. According to the have a strong influence on the STS performance,
authors, the end point of this last phase is difficult e.g., body weight, which pronouncedly influences
to identify. which rising strategy to use.42 Muscle strength in
Another definition of two STS phases has been the lower limbs is also considered as one important
presented based on information recorded simul- subject-related STS determinant;43–46 however, con-
taneously from four force plates positioned beneath tradictory opinions exist about which muscles are
the buttocks and feet.30 The Preparatory phase was the strongest predictors. (e.g.,43,45) Interaction from
identified from the first detectable change of the other determinants such as age, disability and
anterior–posterior (AP) force generation beneath motor strategy used for rising to stand likely have
the buttocks to seat-off, i.e., anticipatory actions impacts on muscle activation patterns. Balance abil-
were registered here before the visible STS move- ity has been highlighted as a determinant of STS in
ments, something that had not previously been the elderly43,47 and in subjects with impairments,46
described. The Rising phase lasted from seat-off to but is probably of less importance in non-disabled
where the vertical velocity of total body COM young adults. Further, in the elderly, many interact-
decreased to zero. The role of the feet was more of ing determinants, e.g., sensation and psychological
a ‘damping drive’ in order to smoothly control for status, are reported to influence STS performance.43
the subsequent rising to stand. Chair height is considered to be the most important
Additionally, 11 events from horizontal and verti- chair-related STS determinant, where an increased
cal ground reaction forces (GRF) have been pro- chair height positively influences self-reported, kin-
posed to standardise STS in future studies.33 ematic and kinetic outcome measures.48–50
Timing and scaling of these events were surprisingly A continuum of strategies has been suggested ran-
similar in this kinetic study as compared to earlier ging from rising with an almost vertical trunk to a
research studies including different numbers of ident- pronounced forward leaning of the trunk where stab-
ified events.34,35 ility and safety seem to be prioritised.51–53 Explora-
Total movement time for one discrete STS transfer tion of underlying mechanisms for strategy-related
has been reported to range from 1.51 to 2.97 seconds determinants is on-going and the peak of the COM
depending on age and when rising to stand is acceleration prior to seat-off has been proposed to
be a critical variable.54 Further, a posterior foot pos-
ition before onset of STS has been reported to have
several temporal and kinetic advantages32 during
rising to stand. The role of arm movements has on
the other hand rarely been considered as in most
studies the arms have been constrained and held
across the chest for standardisation purposes. How-
ever, use of the arms might facilitate horizontal and
vertical momenta generation during STS.55

Characteristics of successful and failed

sit-to-stand trials
Figure 1 Illustration of four suggested phases during
The ability of STS in children develops from the age
the sit-to-stand transfer. From Schenkman et al. 199029
(Reprinted from Phys Ther 1990;70:638–648, with permission
of 12–18 months in terms of decreased time for
of the American Physical Therapy Association. q 1990 execution, kinematic changes such as reduced ankle
American Physical Therapy Association.) and trunk flexion peaks during the performance,

158 Physical Therapy Reviews 2015 VOL . 20 NO . 3

Frykberg and Häger Movement analysis of sit-to-stand

Table 2 Determinants of sit-to-stand performance and their influence on self-reported, kinematic and kinetic outcome

Determinants Influence on STS performance

Age Young adults (41 years) performed STS significantly faster than old adults
(73 years)26
No influence on time for STS in age groups w 60 years26
Gender Young women (22 years) used less time to perform STS than men; however,
proportions between STS events did not differ33
No gender difference in old adults (75 to 90z)43 and in subjects with or without
balance disorders26 when performing the clinical test FTSST
Weight & height Subjects with obesity (BMI w30 kg/m2) demonstrated an STS motor strategy with
very high knee moments42
Body weight accounted for 21.9% of the variance in STS in old adults (75 to 90z)43
Height: explained only 2% of variance in subjects with balance impairments
performing FTSST26
No correlation between total STS time and height in 75 to 90z year old adults43
Muscular strength Lower limb strength could explain 48% of variance in the FTSST and 35% in the
30 seconds chair stand test, respectively, in non-disabled sexagenarian women44
Hip muscle strength was more important than knee extensor strength in elderly
(70 years) with functional limitations45
Quadriceps strength explained 16.5% of STS variance in old adults (75 to 90z)43
Balance ability Increased instability (i.e., longer time to achieve stability and increased COP sway)
during the stabilisation phase of STS in older adults (74 years)47
Body sway with eyes open (quiet standing on a foam mat) was a predictor of STS
performance in old adults (75 to 90z)43
High negative correlation (r5{0.84) between scores on Berg Balance Scale and
time for FTSST in subjects with stroke46
Sensitivity Visual contrast sensitivity, lower limb proprioception, and peripheral tactile sensitivity
were independent predictors of STS performance in old adults (75 to 90z)43
Psychological status Anxiety scores from SF12 predicted STS performance in old adults (75 to 90z)43

Chair height Decreased perceived effort in elderly when chair height increased from 42.5 to
55 cm48
Angular velocities for most lower extremity joints increased when standing up from a
chair of 80% of knee height compared to 100% in 64 years old adults130
Reduced hip and knee angles as well as force moments when a higher chair was
used in male subjects (39 years)131
Lower moments at knee (up to 60%) and at hip level (up to 50%) when increased
chair height49
No significant effect for low to normal seat heights neither on 30 seconds chair
stand test in older adults (70 years)132 nor on peak hip and knee joint moments in
young subjects (26 years)133
Longer time for FTSST when seat height was lower than knee height in subjects with
Chair design Elderly (84 years) had longer STS duration, but more positive perception, when the
chair seat was tilted backward, and with a foam cushion134
Arm rests No effect of arm rests on rising ability in elderly (84 years)134
Reduced hip extension moments by approximately 50%131

Knee strategy/kinetic High knee moments and small hip and low-back moments and rising with a
strategy/momentum transfer strategy relatively vertical trunk utilising trunk momentum in young men51
High kinetic energy from trunk momentum was converted into rising work52
Elderly with impairments utilised horizontal momentum53
Hip and trunk strategy/semi-static High hip- and pelvis-trunk moments and decreased knee moments with more
strategy/zero-momentum stabilisation forward flexion of the trunk in young men51
COM was transferred more forward at a slower velocity and with more flexed trunk52
Repositioning of the base of support and position of COM53
Elderly displayed a movement pattern more split up in separate consecutive
Continuum of motor strategies Even distribution of moments and powers at specific joints in subjects with low-back
Combination of the momentum transfer and stabilisation strategies53
COM acceleration profiles Similar COM momentum at seat-off in young (22 years) and old (71 years,
non-disabled, and 74 years, with difficulties in STS) adults, but different peak
COM accelerations prior to seat-off across groups54
Foot position A posterior foot position implies a shorter distance between COM and COP, which
suggests optimal efficiency with respect to muscle activity. The lower the chair
height, the stronger the influence from the foot position32
Asymmetrical foot position post-stroke implied:
Longer duration of STS sub phases79
Longer total movement time76

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Frykberg and Häger Movement analysis of sit-to-stand

Table 2 Continued

Determinants Influence on STS performance

Placing the paretic foot behind implied:

Reduced asymmetry of trunk position77,136
Decreased medio-lateral displacement of COP136
Increased weight-bearing symmetry77,78
Increased knee-moment symmetry77
Increased vertical force production79
Arm movements A strong temporal linkage between shoulder flexion and lower limb extension as well
as potentiation of horizontal and vertical momenta due to arm movements in
young adults (24 years)55

as well as increased knee and trunk extension at the end of The disabled elderly persons either sat back or took a
STS.56 Thus, movement strategies that are more energy step after rising up compared to the elderly without dis-
efficient are gradually emerging and improved postural ability, and significant group differences were demon-
orientation with better stabilisation of COM has been strated with regard to scaling and timing of horizontal
suggested to be the underlying mechanism refining STS and vertical momenta. In another study, successful
performance.56 In a comparison between 6 to 7-year- and non-successful trials of STS were compared in one
old children and 28-year-old adults the movement form subject with a traumatic brain injury.66 The variable
of STS, defined as the sequence of joint onsets, were that differed between these trials was the peak vertical
demonstrated to be similar.57 The children, however, dis- velocity of the whole-body COM, being too low in the
played almost twice as high coefficients of variation in trials, which resulted in a failure to stand up. Likewise,
kinematic data, reflecting an inability to control inter- in 28 persons with PD, 14 failed and 18 successful
segmental dynamics. Further, the children’s coordi- trials of STS67 indicated that in the failed trials, there
nation of horizontal and vertical momenta during the was a reduced peak of COM velocity in the vertical
STS transition was performed with less refined motor direction. Regression analyses showed that COM for-
control. Similar results have been reported in an earlier ward velocity and height of the hip at the moment of
STS study where children 12–18 months, 4–5 years and COM peak vertical velocity could be the best predict
9–10 years were compared.58 With increasing age, the whether the STS transfer would result in a failure or a
capability to control horizontal momentum and thereby success. Variables of dynamic stability [e.g., AP position
to balance increased. of the body’s COM relative to the BoS] did not differ
During typical adult STS, the points of force appli- between failed and successful trials and the authors con-
cation are beneath the buttocks (thighs) and feet.30 The cluded that ‘limb collapse’, rather than instability, was
forward movement of the whole body accelerates to a the reason behind the failed STS.
peak and then decelerates before the rising starts, i.e., In another study, the maximum vertical velocity of
there is a braking impulse acting to coordinate the first COM was chosen as the primary outcome measure in
part of the transfer.30 The timing of peak horizontal motor-impaired elderly persons and trunk bending
acceleration has been proposed to be invariant with momentum and lower limb extensor muscle strength
different speeds of rising and across age groups.59 The were identified as major predictors of STS perform-
velocity of the vertical momentum of COM, on the ance.12 After a rehabilitation program (RP), focussing
other hand, has been reported to be reduced in elderly on strength training, the vertical velocity of COM
persons (mean age 72+ 6 years) as compared with during STS increased significantly, as shown in Fig. 2.
young adults (mean age 32+ 4 years).60 The head-, To summarise, in research aimed at finding the
arm- and trunk-segments are the main contributors to most important predictor of a successful STS, differ-
the body’s forward propulsion prior to seat-off during ent determinants have been considered. Speed of
STS, whereas the thighs predominantly contribute to execution during the STS transfer with an increase
the upward momentum of the body.61 Recent research in hip flexion velocity prior to seat-off has been
highlights potential asymmetry during STS in non-dis- suggested to be the most important factor to over-
abled adults, measured with joint moment and joint come STS difficulty.68 Indeed, a reduced upward vel-
power variables.62 Typically, during the STS transfer, ocity of COM is a critical factor behind a failed STS
the COP is initially displaced in a backward direction63 trial.66 The reasons behind the reduced vertical vel-
and the transfer is effectuated by the use of lower limb ocity of COM could be several, such as insufficient
muscles acting in close temporal relation.64 momentum transfer, impaired postural orientation
There are only a few research studies that report data and/or non-optimal biomechanical conditions.
of failed trials of rising to stand. In one of these, 13 These mechanisms and their interactions remain to
elderly persons with disabilities of either neuromuscular be investigated. Further, research investigating mech-
or musculoskeletal origin presented 20 failures to rise.65 anisms of momentum transfer from horizontal to

160 Physical Therapy Reviews 2015 VOL . 20 NO . 3

Frykberg and Häger Movement analysis of sit-to-stand

Figure 2 Horizontal and vertical velocities of centre of mass (COM) during sit-to-stand in motor-impaired elderly before
(A) and after (B) a rehabilitation program (RP). (Horizontal velocity-continuous line; vertical velocity-dashed line).
From Bernardi et al.12 (reprinted with permission from the publisher).

vertical momenta is rare and might reveal important In persons with PD 44% subjectively report diffi-
information regarding the success of STS. culties during rising to stand.85 Furthermore, the
STS transfer has been identified as an important
determinant for independence and quality of life for
Sit-to-stand performance in stroke and those with PD.86 The anticipatory postural control
Parkinson’s disease during STS was studied in 10 male subjects with
The STS transfer has been investigated in several PD and in 10 age and gender matched controls.87
pathological conditions. To exemplify the impact of The results demonstrated an exaggerated, rather
disability on STS performance some findings in than the expected reduction in, movement prep-
stroke and PD will be presented below. aration. The subjects with PD used a hip flexion
During STS, persons with stroke demonstrate strategy with greater COM displacement and reduced
reduced weight-bearing ability on the paretic side of knee extensor moments as compared to controls.
the body, approximately 37.5% instead of about This strategy may be due to a need for greater pos-
50%.69 Further, decreased force production post- tural stability during the lift-off phase, as well as to
stroke resulting in a prolonged STS transfer has decreased knee extensor strength. Similar results
been reported.70,71 On the other hand, the muscles with generation of larger COM forward momentum
in the non-paretic leg produce excessive activity.72,73 was reported in a study with six persons with PD
Similarly, anticipatory postural adjustments during where the motor strategy supposedly aimed to
STS, defined as activation timing of tibialis anterior reduce the time spent in the unstable transitional
and soleus muscles, have been demonstrated to phase of STS.88 Further, subjects with PD have
differ in both limbs post-stroke as compared to typi- exhibited slowness during the STS transfer,89–91
cal performance.74,75 An asymmetrical foot position with a prolonged Flexion Momentum phase possibly
with the non-paretic foot placed behind the paretic caused by impaired recruitment of the tibialis
during STS is often observed clinically after stroke anterior muscles.89 A study of STS at matched
and this foot-position is associated with an increased speeds between persons with PD and controls
duration of STS.75,76 Studies have been performed revealed that the only significant group difference
where the paretic affected foot has been placed was that the controls used a shorter transition time
behind (Table 2). This strategy significantly reduces between COM peak forward velocity and seat-off.92
weight-bearing asymmetry77,78 and increases force The researchers concluded that subjects with PD
production as well as activity in involved lower probably have difficulties to switch between different
limb muscles.79 The possibility for therapy-induced movement directions, i.e., to switch between forward
improvements regarding STS post-stroke, in terms and upward whole-body movements.
of, e.g., time taken to perform the transfer or sym- In summary, persons with neurological dysfunc-
metry during rising, has been demonstrated in a tions, such as stroke and PD, use disability-specific
recently published Cochrane Review.80 However, motor strategies while rising to stand according to
insufficient evidence to reach conclusions was prerequisites and specific needs. Scaling and timing
revealed regarding effect on other outcome measures, characteristics of the trunk movements as well as
such as vertical GRF,81 functional ability82,83 and the foot position, which influence lower limb
falls.81–84 muscle activation, are considered important factors.

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Frykberg and Häger Movement analysis of sit-to-stand

Related everyday transfers more or less as a rule, strict standardisation with

Sit-to-walk (i.e., gait initiation from sitting) is a clo- respect to seat height, foot position, the allowance
sely related complex everyday transfer. Here, as of arm use or not, etc. has been applied.
during STS, the central nervous system is challenged In addition, the studies often comprise relatively
to simultaneously handle locomotion and balance. few subjects, but include large data sets. The possi-
The typical STW performance is that the first step bility to generalise to everyday activities is thereby
is initiated before the body is fully extended.63 reduced and the ecological validity is questioned.105
Characteristics of how the STS transfer is modified A recent study illustrated how strict standardisation
when gait is initiated (i.e., STW) has been examined might influence motor performance and the problem
in 10 male subjects (mean age 28+ 6 years),63 where of what should be considered a typical motor strat-
the whole body’s momentum increased in both hori- egy in 26 subjects with unilateral knee arthroplasty,
zontal and vertical directions. Older adults (mean age where both self-selected and constrained lower limb
63 years)93 and persons with PD94 are proposed to positions were used.106 Mobility as well as force gen-
have problems in merging the two STW sub tasks, eration at the hip and knee joints in the operated
rising and starting to walk. Three95 or four96,97 limb improved when self-selected positions were
STW phases have been suggested, mainly based on applied.
kinematic data. Kinetically, different strategies of Another methodological issue to consider is
AP force generation beneath buttocks and feet were biological variability, which has been demonstrated
demonstrated when subjects with stroke and matched to be a fundamental principle for central nervous
controls were compared.98 However, the amount of system function.107 In studies regarding everyday
total AP force generated did not differ significantly. activities, such as STW97 and multi-joint hand move-
Discussions are on-going regarding which STW vari- ments,108 variability between measurements has been
ables are the most critical and clinically relevant to quantified, which is considered important.109 How-
study, e.g., COP displacement,99 total COP ever, in a standardised set-up efforts are made to
paths,100 AP COM-ankle angle,101 and movement reduce variability. This issue needs to be taken into
fluency in terms of hesitation, coordination and consideration when conclusions are drawn from
movement smoothness.102 STS studies in research laboratories.
In the context of the STS transfer, the reversed Most of the included STS studies in this review
pattern of stand-to-sit is also worth mentioning. used data based on high-speed camera systems
Dubost et al.103 compared movement patterns and/or force plates. This not only implies advantages
during sitting down in young (mean age 27 years; such as objective collection of 3D data from multi-
SD + 5) and old (mean age 76 years; SD + 3) joint human movements but also problems such as
adults without known impairments. No group differ- marker placements and filtering of data, difficulties
ence was found regarding trunk and shank angles. of interpretation110,111 and, perhaps most of all, lim-
However, during sitting down the older adults signifi- ited ecological validity.105 During recent years, porta-
cantly reduced the forward displacement of the ble body-fixed-sensors comprising gyros and
trunk, a strategy probably used in order to avoid accelerometers have been utilised to study timing
falling. The researchers emphasised the different and scaling of STS variables in more natural environ-
roles of the trunk while standing up (i.e., responsibil- ments. These sensors provide information such as
ity for momentum generation) and sitting down (i.e., STS duration, maximal velocity, acceleration and
stability controller). Displacements of the shoulder jerk and peak power.112 Variability measures (such
and the upper part of the thigh were registered in as coefficient of variation) are also proposed as
two groups of healthy adults of different ages.104 they may indicate deterioration of automation.113
The young (23+ 2 years) and old (73+ 6 years) partici- Psychometric properties of sensor-worn systems
pants exhibited similar movement patterns during have been established showing excellent test-retest
rising to stand. The trajectories of the shoulders reliability in both young and old adults (ICC
were similar, irrelevant of direction. However, the tra- i0.90 and i0.91, respectively).114 A study of discri-
jectories of the thighs differed depending on direction, minative validity of a body-fixed system revealed sig-
being displaced further back during sitting down. nificant differences regarding STS duration, velocity,
Both groups used more time in sitting down compared and variability parameters between young (20 years)
to standing up, with the older adults using signifi- and old (88 years) adults.113 Regarding concurrent
cantly more time than the younger. validity, fair to excellent relationships of peak
power have been reported from a comparative
Methodological Issues study of sensor-based versus force plate-based data
An important aspect to consider when interpreting with sensors worn on different locations of the
results from research of STS in laboratories is that trunk.115 Further, sensor-based data demonstrated

162 Physical Therapy Reviews 2015 VOL . 20 NO . 3

Frykberg and Häger Movement analysis of sit-to-stand

higher sensitivity for effects of an eight-week RP than body into an effective rising is explored.30 Four
did data from more common clinical instruments force plates is a necessary prerequisite for this infor-
such as isometric quadriceps strength, Timed Up mation, highlighted further during recent years
and Go Test, and Berg Balance Scale.112 However, where typical asymmetry during STS has been
studies performed using portable movement analysis reported.62 Mechanisms of an effective momentum
systems often differ in methods and analyses, which transfer from the trunk to the lower limbs during
make comparisons of results difficult. Issues regard- and after the critical event seat-off are rarely reported,
ing filtering of sensor-based data are under discussion but essential to explore. During the Extension phase,
and must be considered.116 generation of sufficient vertical momentum has been
In addition to the aforementioned dependent vari- demonstrated to be critical for a successful STS.65,66
ables, parameters describing movement smoothness At the end of STS, when the whole body’s COM is
(such as fractal dimension) and local energy of stabilising over a significantly decreased BoS, children
trunk dynamics are proposed to be calculated in display an increased variability compared to young
studies with sensor-based measurements, recognising adults.57 This variability is suggested to be a key prin-
that the STS transfer is a non-linear and non-stationary ciple for the central nervous system’s function107 and
movement.117 Further, the latter mentioned outcome needs to be further explored.
variables seemed to capture subtle functional Among the multitude of determinants to consider
changes between the non-disabled and frail elderly fol- when assessing STS, some appear potentially more
lowing a RP that might be essential in detecting early important. Muscle strength and balance ability
decline. have been proven to be major subject-related STS
The clinical method FTSST has demonstrated to determinants in the elderly43,45 and in subjects with
be a predictor of falls.118,119 However, the cut-off disabilities.46 Further, a somewhat posterior foot
time regarding high falls risk is under discussion placement facilitates momentum transfer from the
and accelerometer data (e.g., AP spectral edge fre- trunk into the lower extremities in order to produce
quency) seem promising for providing comprehensive the upward movement of the body.32 Thus, foot pos-
and objective information of STS performance.120 ition and other STS determinants such as chair
Several mathematical models, using different height and chair design should be documented by
optimisation principles, have been applied to regener- clinicians when STS is assessed. Movement speed as
ate joint trajectories in order to improve the under- well as optimal timing and scaling of momentum
standing of human movement control. With the during STS execution seem critical for a successful
assumption that STS is a complex transfer skill, a STS.65,66,92 To capture data of such variables in the
new model, the multiphase cost model, was applied clinic, integration of observation-based and body-
to STS data from six young non-disabled subjects.121 fixed sensor-based movement analysis might be fruit-
This new model sufficiently and accurately could pre- ful. Further subject-related determinants such as
dict joint trajectories throughout the STS transfer psychological factors regarding fear of falling,
why it was concluded that the brain and nervous anxiety or pain43 are scarcely reported. These subjec-
system appear to apply different strategies for differ- tive determinants need to be put into focus in future
ent phases of STS.122 STS clinical practice and research.
Considering balance ability, COM is at its most
Clinical Implications of Research Findings posterior location relative to the ankle joints at the
in Sit-To-Stand Studies critical event seat-off and the difference between the
An expanding body of knowledge of typical and locations of COG and COP is greatest.123 Here, it
atypical STS performance based on detailed movement is important to guarantee safety as balance is jeopar-
analysis shows that the STS task represents a most com- dised. Moreover, the distance between COG and
plicated transfer skill with a multitude of factors influen- COP has been suggested to be a critical variable
cing even each sub phase.122 The step from the regarding postural stability,124,125 and this variable
knowledge generated in movement laboratories to needs to be investigated in STS studies.
what is reflected in the assessment tools that are used Another aspect of the STS transfer is which motor
in the clinics seems nevertheless still quite large. strategy the patient is using and this should be docu-
A deeper understanding of the different sub phases mented. Interestingly, non-disabled subjects have
is necessary for clinically observing and analysing an demonstrated both kinetic strategies and semi-static
atypical STS transfer. During the Flexion Momentum strategies,51,53 probably reflecting the possibility to
phase the preparation for an effective push-off30 might choose strategy based on demands of the task and
be critical. Research studies are scarce where the con- in the environment. The continuum of strategies
tribution from each buttock and foot generating suggested51,53 might show the variability of neuromo-
propulsive and braking impulses to coordinate the tor processes ready to be used to fulfil the same task.

Physical Therapy Reviews 2015 VOL . 20 NO . 3 163

Frykberg and Häger Movement analysis of sit-to-stand

For standardisation purposes research subjects the clinic and the comprehensive information pro-
have most often held their arms still across the vided in research might be bridged by development
chest. There may be a great potential in using the of clinical tools capturing various determinants and
arms, either to push off with or to swing in order the process characteristics of STS.
to facilitate generation of both horizontal and verti-
cal momenta. Similarly, in the debate of why and Disclaimer Statements
how the arms swing during gait, some researchers
have recently highlighted the potential of using arm Contributors
movements during gait training for the purpose of Both authors have been fully involved in the manu-
facilitating leg movements.126 script and have made substantial contributions to
Studies regarding STS failures are rare.65–67 Insuf- the different steps of the review process. Each of
ficient vertical velocity, and thereby too small vertical the authors has read and concurs with the content
momentum, has been reported to be the cause for in the final manuscript
failure.65,66 The underlying mechanisms to this,
whether too small horizontal momentum being Funding
generated prior to seat-off, an ineffective momentum None
transfer, a bad aligned foot position or something
else remain to be studied in depth.
Conflicts of interest
Persons with neurological dysfunctions demon-
The authors declare that they have no conflict of
strate disability-specific STS motor strategies, such
as asymmetric force generation (stroke; low force
production in the paretic leg70,71 and excessive com-
pensatory force generation in the non-paretic leg72) Ethics approval
and problems with switching from forward to Not applicable.
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