Commodore SR4912 Instructions

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Keyboard Index | Introduction ‘The Commodore SR4912 Scientific calculator offers 12 wide variety of mathematical and statistical oper- ations at a remarkably efficient cost. The single 3/4" x 1/2" x 1/16" microprocessor chip Po Ps Pa is the heart and brains of your new calouletor. It 1; is unique; virtually no other calculator packs as @ ef] 8 ‘much power in a single chip. This accounts for the temarkable cost efficioncy. The chip is a product of 8 9 8 ‘the superb engineering and production skills of 5 Ge] oo Gage] 19 MOS Technology, a Commodore company. 4 This chip contains enough circuitry to generate 5 1" 20 trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic, power and root funetians. it can also compute " 20 conversions between degree and radion measures 6 } and betwezn rectangular and poler coordinates 6 fy ou 20 There are two levels of parentheses, three mem= cries, and 3 percent operation which computes 6 18 [Mx] 21 percentage and percent change. Aparticularly usetul feature is the statistical pro- 6 ft) 6 (xea) 21 ‘gram. Enter alist of numbers and the machine will compute the sample mean 2, the standard deviation 6 We) 6 fe] 2 5, the sum 2x and the sum of squares 2x? 6 i 16 24 This menual contains interesting exemples of aa) a ss a6 applied metemetic selected to 7 ” 24 iariza the reader step by step with this ma- Gal fl chine. There is a comprehensive appendix contain- s & vw mH m ing a large number of useful statistics, mathematics and geometry formulae, as well as physical conver- 8 18 sions, constants, units and two important statistical Gal distributions, We at Commodore take great pride in this calcu- lator. We fest that exciting new applications in | science, applied mathematics and statistics will be opened up to yeu, the tucky owner. | 1 Table of Contents PRELIMINARIES Power On “The Display Display Shut Off Feature Entry Scientitie Form The Clear Key [C/GE The Inverse Key Id The Pi Key ARITHMETIC FUNCTIONS Simple Acithmetic, Chaining The Key Parentheses The Percent Key [3] ‘TRIGONOMETRIC OPERATORS ‘The Angle Mode Key Trig Functions The Trig Keys Inverse Trig Functions Degreos/Fadians Conversion Polar/Fectangular Coordinates ALGEBRAIC OPERATORS: (x2) (az) faze} ) Ra Properties of Exponents z a @naanaaa en maroon 9 9 10 W 13 “ 6 16 16,17 18 TRANSCENDENTAL OPERATORS 18 (3) ex) {los} [10] Properties of Transcendental Functions 18,19 19 vi. Vii. STATISTICAL OPERATORS ‘The Statistical Keys Confidence Intervals Hypothesis Testing APPENDICES Statistical Tests Normal Distribution Students Distribution Derivatives integrals Mathematical Formulae Geometry Formulae Conversions Physical Constants Table of Units Batteries and Maintenance xAO-zo7moGoOD 20 20, 21 23 24 24 20 32 34 36 38 40 ay 42 46 48 |. Preliminaries Power On Your Scientific calculator oan run on battery power alone or yau can connect to an optional AC adapter and use the calculator while the AC adapter is connected to an electric outlet. The cal- culator does not need a battery to run off the adapter. Push the ON/OFF slide switch to the left to turn the calculator on. A red dot appears to the right of, the switch and the display should read 0. The Display 3141.5927-% =] ‘mantissa exponent A sample display is shown above. The number on the display reads 3141.5927 x 107 Your caleulator can compute numbers as large as 99999999 x 10” ‘and as small as 0000001 x 10-%* Display Shut-Off Feature “To conserve battery power, the display has a timed thutott feature. After 60 seconds of non-use, the displayed digits will disappear leaving only the decimal point, No information is last and the cal- ‘culations can continue at any time, ross [Fay] twice to recall the number to tho display. w 4 Entry Enter numbers exactly as they appeer using the digit keys and the decimal key [:]. To enter 3 ‘negative number, press the change sign key Key will also change a nagative number ‘on the display to 2 positive one. Scientific Form Scientists usually express numbers in the follawing way: 6.023 x 10 This is called scientific form and can be easily entered with the following steps, (1) Enter mantissa: 6.023 (2b If the number is negative, press [47] {3} Enter exponent by pressing [EE] 23 44) If exponent is negative, press The Clear Key [G/GE Vf you make a mistake an entry, press [G/GE] once. This will clear only the display and will leave the information stored in the registers. To the registers (except the memories) press twice. The Inverse Key [INV ‘The inverse key has properties similar to inverse functions in mathematics. As shown on page 13 is used with the trig keys to calculate the nomettic functions, On page 14 we s used with the degrees to radians convert radians to degrees. On page 16 the key is used with the polar to rectangular key to convert rectangular to polar coordinates. On page 24, the [INV] key is used with the data entey key [fp] to delete an entry from an entered sample. The Pi [x] Key Press [a] to display n= 3.1415927 IL. Arithmetic Functions Simple Arithmetic “The arithmetic keys (2) [2] (&) EE} [E] ace wsea to perform simple arithmetic exactly as written. For example, 10 find 3 x 4, Just press 3 (x) 4 and the snawer 12, appears on the display Any of the keys [5] [E] Gx] [Zl can be overridden ‘by another. If you make a ake, just reenter the Se example, 3 [=] (x) 4 LE] will and display 12, Chaining Two examples of chained operations are gx445= B-422> According to tho rules of algebr, x and super: ‘ede + and = nd we oot 3x4+5-3x4l+5 8-4+228- (452) ries 2 =17 6 ‘This is not the ease with your new calculator. Each time an eithmetie Key i reseed, the preced ing operation is earformed sod the result Is d= played. Tmus 8 [=] 4 [2] mil ceplay 4 the frewer to 8 - 4.1 you thon press 2 [the eal Cutetor wil perform & + 2 and display 2: Thus, fhe above operations on the caletacor yield 3h) 4Gls—]}——> 17 aE}4GJ2E}—> 2 Chaining is useful becouse some complex expres: sions such 38 (U3 +294 11) x44) -6 = ean be entered without parenthe: 2G Gla El6E] ——+14 ‘On the other hand, the following oxpression must be rearranged to be calculated without using parentheses, 3+ (6x ((2x12)+8)) = {U2 x 12) + 8) x 6) + 2k 2ElebleA3—) —s2a With a litle practice, you will find that you ean chain complex operstions without having toe write the expression on paper. You will quickly find that x and + give you no trouble but ~ and + present some probiems. Try to calculate 2-(4+(3 +4) Ut is For this reason we have the following key. The [x=y] Key In binary operations (EF) [=] Gl E] 21 tere are wo numbers stored in tho reg inters For exemple, ater resting [2] 4, they register contains 3 and the x register (the display} Contains 4. When you press [E=y] the cosets are switched. You can use this feature to check a number already: entered. For example, the number 6.626 x 10°?” is on the display and you press [2] 9 but then re- member you should have written down the pre- vious number, Simply press [e=-y] and the display reeds 6.626-*”. You write this dow, restore the registers by pressing LE=y) again and continue. “The maior use of the [e=y] key however, isin chaining. Now. expressions ike 2-(45(3+1)) can be eaiculated without parenthoses: 1@+Geal BG 7 Parentheses ‘The parentheses keys [{{] [i] have the same func tions as (1 in algebra. For exemple, expressions ike li) (344) x 15-2) = ti) 24 (12443 49)) = can be computed exactly as written “ W3H4h) a ms E——a21. ‘iid aeWeb Gee fl e— ‘There are two levels of parentheses. The expression (i) above uses one level, expression {ii) uses two els The following expression uses threo. 2-(3-(4-(8-6))) To compute expressions using more than two levels, the expression must be rearranged and chained as shovin in the section on Chaining. Or ‘the memories must be used The Percent Key [% ‘The percent key is used with the keys in the following way. Be Enter To Display eae 2+ (bK ofa) ate)» fx) EI a—(b% ot a af) » be) (=) b% of a (%} [=] at where 2 = b% of x Example: (i) Increase 3.25 by 6%. {iil Decrease 1.50 by 40%, (iii) 3% oF 232 = (iv} 9 is 2% of what number Solution: () 3.25 Ge) 6] E]) ——— 3.45 ti) 15 (2) 40%] ] ——+ 09 ii) 232 b) 3] |] ——— 696 tw 9G} 2G] [=] —— 460. IH. Trigonometric Operators The Angle Mode Key [D/R/G] 6 There are three units of measurement for angles 360 degrees 2nradians = 400 gradians 1 eirel Before using the trig keys, you must put the cal- culator in the right angle mode, That is, you must choose whether you want your entries and answers tobe expressed in degrees, radians or gradians. The machine is naturally operating in degree modo, onee to enter ths radian mode, Press again to enter gradian mod. If you press a third time, you will be back in dearee mode, To keep track of your modes, a dot is displayed to the right of the exponent for radian mode, A dot 9 is displayed to the left of the mantissa for gradian modo. f:3.1415927°7 —Gradian Mode Trig Functions ‘The functions sin coe 8 are defined in the fottowing diagram (sin 8, cos 0) where (sin 6, cos @) are the rectanguier coordinates of the indicated point. The tangent is defined as sing tong = ‘The trig functions have the property that if 10 hb > O 7™ 7 then ing 27618146 (rey) —> 1.172198 (Gice] [cree] (radian mode) 1 @ Be a]—so, - fey. /ce) [Gice tes, enter x This disptays « (oradian mode) 4 ahh {P=R] — --0.6877164 [e=y] —- -3.9404373 Therefore, the three points are @) (2.76, 1.17) Gi) (0, 17 Gil), (69, 3.94) IV. Algebraic Operators Square Key Press [x?] to square the displayed number. 16 Des Square Root Key Press [YE] to take the square root of the displayed number. Reciprocal Key Press [1/x] for the reciprocal of the displayed number. Example: Find wo JEP a Pe where (x, y, 2) = (3, 4,8) Solution: a (rs) (7) 5 [iz] 7] E) Lz] ——- 04621808 & Power Key To find ab enter aoc] iisral Root Key To tind bVF enter a >» Note: With the [J] an cannot be used, the bos is used to comple Example: Find keys, parenthes must be positive, and ‘the computation. Solution: rae! Bl 1] -—— 2.7460502 Thus 2-275 Ww PROPERTIES OF EXPONENTS 1 (0 bea (iv) ab xat = abr 1 ot ad _ib- por oy Babe Gill) = 4 wi} (abye = abxe Example: Find Y=4 Solution: You cannot use the [yx] and keys for negative bases. You must first rearrange this expression using the above identities. 1 UR ay 1 = (4 x4)7, toa = (6117 a7 ix Ye We Thus ‘7 ——+ -1.2190137 V. Transcendental Operators [=] Natural Log Key ‘This key computes the natural log (In) of the displayed aumber. Natural Antilog Key This key computes e for a displayed number x. log] Log Key This key computes the log to the base 10 of the disptayed number. 18 [fox] Antilogarithm Key This key computes the antilog of the displayed number PROPERTIES OF TRANSCENDENTA FUNCTIONS ‘The transcendental functions have the following properties: (@) Inatin’=Infaxbl Ina~tnb=In (a+b) (iii) b In a= In fad) liv) ln ex Ww) Inet=x (vi) log a+ log b = log fa xb) {vil} 10g @ — log b = Iog (a +b) {vill b fog a = log (a>) fix) rologx = x. {xb tog 10% =x Example: A colony of bacteria has the following Population formula: n= 3.6 x 102t+4.9 x 104 Here the number of organisms, n, is determined by ‘the number of days, t. How long will it take the population to reach 100 miltion? Solution: Solve for t 3.6 x 102t + 4.9 x 104 = 108 = 3.6 x 102t = 108 - (4.9 x 104) s q92e 108 = 4.9 104 yo2r - 108-9 108) Take the log of both sides 24.9 x 108 109 102 = tog (20°32 105)) 19 By property (ix}, above, fog 102t = 2¢ Therefor 1 9g (108 = (4.9 x 104 3 loa (3g) t Now, compute t 1 ele 49 [EE] 4 &) 3.6 &] (teal (2) 2) -——3.7217423 E) 3 f&] 24 E] ——- waarete ‘Thus, it will take approximately 3 days and 17 hours to reach a population of 100 million. VI. Memories There are three memories labeled 0,12 ‘Operations for the n memory (n= 0, 1 and 2) are made with the following keys: Store Key To store the displayed number in memory 1, press [STO] n. This will override the previous entry in memory n. Recall Key Press 1 to display the contents of memory [Me] Add to Memory Press [Mit] n to add the displayed numbor to the number stored in memory 1. The result is then stored in memory n. 20 Multiply by Memory Press [i] n to multiply the displayed number by the number stored in memory mh The results then stored in memory n {XcH] Memory Exchange To display the contents of memory n and at the seme time store the displayed umber in memory n, simply press A ‘Note: Each time one of the above keys is used, it must be immediately followed by 0, 1 or 2 to indicate which memory is used. Example: Solve for x 3x? 5x +10 Solution: Use the quadratic formula © 28 a ) ( 1 [x] (Ret) 2 (i) ) tb? ~ 4a) (BF Fae) (sto) 2 2 EW@ew taut fl Cl 1.434255 Thus.x = 23 or x = 1.43 2 ‘Example: Factor 471, 339 Solution: 471339 [STO] + E}- > 225669.5 (et) 1 &) s E}-—r 57113 1 fe} 3 E/} 52371. 4) 3 E]}_-—> 17487. [Sto] 1 (=) 3 ]}—rsara. 1] 3 EH} 1939.6667 Eh 11688 }-—231.28871 1G) 11 @}-—~ 29. 1] 11 &]}——> 48.090009 1 EE] 13 E]}——>-«0.692308 (eu) +E) 17 E} 3.117607 1 (E19 ]}_ +27 e208 1 [E] 23 [=] +23. ‘Therefore 471339 = 3x3x3x3x 11x 23x23 = 98x 11x 237 Example: Compute 22 Solution: 1 Sto} o 1 [sto] 1 2 [Mx] 0 o [ize] 3 [al 0 [Ret] 0 ° Mx (HEE) 0 Ga) el 5 [Mx] 0 o (Zz) (ma) 6 [Mx] 0 [Me] 1 1 1.7180656 VIL. Statistical Operators Given a sample of observed values BME kn the calculator witl evaluate the sample mean: the sum of entries Bx and the sum of squares zx? 23 Appendix A contains useful statistical tests. The Normal distribution is in Appendix 8 and the ‘Student's distribution is in Appendix C. ‘The Statistical Keys (En) Data Entry: To enter a sample 5, 9, 11,21 press (xn) 9 [en] 11 (en) 21 [n). To delete 41 trom this sample pas FON ‘Gag Ey cera is pressed, the number of points antered vo tor i diapinyed Sample Mean: Press [F] for the semple mean once the data has been entered. [5] (2) Standard Deviation: Press {5} or for the unbiased and biased stendard deviations as defined above. n Number of Entries: The number of oints entered, n, is stored in memory 0. Ex; Sum of Entries: Tho sum of entries is stored in memory 1 ‘Sum of Squares: The sum of squares is stored in memory 2, Portant: Memories cannot be used during statis: tical computations. Before beginning statistical ‘computations, all three memories must be cleared by switching the machine off and on or by entering Into alt three memories. Confidence Intervals Example: A new laboratory technique to synthesize 2 rare chemical compound has resulted in the fol- lowing yields in grams, 047 044 062 ost 0.53 0.50 O69 049 055 Find the 95% contidence interval for the average vield for the new process. Solution: First, find ¥ and & 47 [xn] 44 [xn] .62 fn) 51 [xn] .53 eq] -50 [en] 69 [xn] .49 [Zn] 55 [zn] ©] — osassaaa ~— 7.7042286-°? By test 3, Appendix A, the value po Eom, satisties a t distribution with 8 degrees of freedom where 7.7942286 x 10 vo = 2.980762 x 107 Let the confidence interval be [.s33-a, 533 +4] At best, the average yield my = 533 +4 and we have At worst, my = 533 -4 and we have my 633 Consider the case where my = 533-6 We have 533 - ($33 -4) 25980762 x 10? 4 * 2,6980762 x 107 Next, from Appendix C we have R975 «2.31 Therefore, 4 = 2,31 x 2,5980762 x 107 = 0.0600 Thersfore, 88344 = 693 533-4 = 473 We are 95% certain that the average yiald is be- tween .47 and 69 grams. Hypothesis Testing Example: Two varieties of corn are grown in ad- jacent plots at 10 ditterent locations, The yields in pounds are: 26 Location Variety A Variety B 1 138, 131 2 120 112 3 108 102 4 105 107 5 126 121 6 122 128 7 110 110 8 115 11 9 110 105 10 118 7 ‘Are the variety means significantly different at the 95% tovel? Solution: Let x denote variety A y denote variety & ‘Then d = xy is the difference in weight of the ‘wo varieties at each location, From test, Appendix A, the values d= me ca satisfy a t distri where t ition with 9 degrees of freedom md «md = mx — my s-7h- 43, va 10 We tas the hypothesis Hot mg = my From above, we get Ho: ma =O ‘The alternate hypothesis is Hy:mx > my 7 This indicates a 1 tailed test. Compute T and ag. 435] 131) Gal 420] 112 ] Eel 108 [] 102 E] Ea] 105 E] 107 E} Ea] 126 [=] 121 (=) Fen 122 EE] 125 (=) al 110 E} 110 E) 1s] 11) Bel 110 ©] 108 [=] Ea) 1g El E &] ——+28 [) 3.814745 Thus 28-00 6147845) V0 = 2.4404897 From Appendix C, using 9 degrees of freedom, tgs = 1.83 We have 5% t 152.45 ‘This is a significant difference. Variety A has a higher yield than Variety B. 28 Appendix A. Statistical Tests _ Test Variate Assumptions Distribution Trouformation Volues 1e x normal normal orn=30 ie 6, F-¥ xy normal, normal independent a x normal t n<30 (~1)4F 4°F-7 xy normal, t independent ing #ny ~2) df 2x normat t paired (n= t) af 31 30 Appendix B. Areas under the Standard Normal Curve from 0 to z 2 o 1 28 . 8 7 ea o0 ‘oan0 904900800120, os 009 ore ane 0950 a4 Sess Oase Tate “tei oe ee ee 22 ora: b832 art Geto ger ioe teen Hones a3 ta 217 Saugus Sede tas gs 1517 3a Moet 1E toe eee tre 1 leon tbee hero 05 19519503099 go 3123s? 2100 zane oe fe 2st Be Be fey ieee sin 288 85 foo eta eae ad fai ead se oa jan 10 dma aa ios fast se Soe 8 o8 Seo e8 Gaia Sab aes 875 BMD 365 S3n8 19 aaa age eo) as gost ase asa 3021 a don) Sees on Ste Be ihe 35% 300 12 eas 3883 Sams Sau wea ioe ieay dais uh dose 403 peeing aie ant aie a i aap Mor 23 aes R ae He is an2 494349574279 49944405 aaa aaa 3 Go NG Re ae Seo A818 ats ts 4 aha Sa Baa iso oe de Ses 1 feet “toss as ane ee ee ae) roe 13 ais 28 age arse fe to Set “4789 20 aim 473 ares e788 4798 ago siz 4817 3° ag) faze a ase ihe thas ‘aoe hen 22 a3 get Migs tht ioe eer fos) dasa Fe feet ase “ug 4301 oe Be By ie 3 fis Se ASS te fet axe Soke 25 45004960496) 49s aoa 4808 aad ase a5 28 fe sss eh, ‘fese dee) gee aca e4 27 ‘oo aa00 se? tae fon fer gre gs ore 28 fe aos te fom Sea a0 theo Sea 33 ang seo S82 a re 30 49674987 49974909 499g agen age gogo 4920 4 ‘eo f391 Selon ae ez Ge BS Hose 3 fos Ss ioe “Stan Goat eat Ses Gas tags 3 foo 4988 aan ae Ging fees Gas ee ton? a dor for er Sr oe as 499g 4903 done a8 ara 4908 4ae0 4908 dag 38 a Saee e foo ges gap “tgee | 4889 3 ao) A900 ges ee fogs ges ages aes ta 8 feos tu) Ngee five 4ee3 fa) tooo da00 8 Seco S000 S08 600 Stoo 900 Gono Saco “Boo 32 33 Appendix C. Percentile Values (tp) for Student's t Distribution with v Degrees of Freedom 70 34 1158 228 727 1000 1376 668) 2 142 289 817 BG 1.067 992 3 137 277 set 7578 yea 235 318 aes Ba 4 ba an seo ar aw 153 912 278 4s 460 8 132 27 B8@ 727820 sae 202-257 336 403 6 131 205 553 718 900 fag 19g 2450 aa 71 7 130263 58907896 haz 190-236 400350 8 150 352 546 70588 140 185-231-290 3.36 9 129 261 543703888 13¢ 01820-2250 2a2 325 se 320 dey 209 137018) -2230 2% 317 11 178 260 540807878, 1350160200392 311 521m 25 s1@ 695873. 135 178-218 2685.05 121m 25¢ S38 sea a70 4250977216 2650 3.00 v4 175 3s 537 gs? 424 178244262298 15 178 258 S56 gat 6, 135 1b 243-280 285 36128 358 535 680 ass aad 175212 Den 282 17923 257 534596 137 174 241 287 250 18 127 257 (soe 69888? 43a 17) 230 2gs Dae 19 127 (257 583 6B 1320172209 75886 20 127 257 03 ga? a0 132172 2090 26 288 21127 957 (532688889 1x2 172 208 252 Bag 22 427 (285 (532 585s sag 1220728128 23427 255 632 685 4920471 207280 2B 24.127 255 S31 685887 sa2 1 208 249280 25127 356 S31 ea sa207) 208 gag 279 2 127 286 S31 gaa 1320 1m 208248278 27 127 (256 551 6Ba 55 131 ro 208 277 28127 (256 530693, 1a 179 205 2a? 278 e127 358 S00 gaat 43) 470 208 2a¢ 278 20427 1256 63068380 a1 170 20a 246278 40.725 1255 920 StS 130 188-202 242270 60126 (sa 527 78a 130 167 200° 339 265 rq kas 254 528 S77 88S 23 188 198-238 282 = 1% 253 52d gree 128 1.085 195233258 35 Appendix D. Derivatives General dle glu ty) _ du , ov eoth™™x) ox dx "dx * dx de fay gluw) dv, yd dlsinh: dlsinh=' 1 Gp ue vy AION cogny Sistah) duly). uy, avy dx Y fax! “4 ‘ay ditanhx> 2, ditanh=te} a= = seche Steen! z x {Chain Rule) de _ de dy ae dy de Transcendental ln) 4 ol) oe Trigonometric ck 7X ax Asien) die®) cosr Se) = ina dicosx) eleos x) 4 a a yt ina eu e See = gine SHO de nur = gltans) 2, dttant tx) dx Appendix E. Integrals Sdu=u+ fadu=au+C wheres is any constant J (tla) # stall du = f Hui du + fot) du +1 fre +0 net au SB am bul +e Jo au= So +e fetauretec Jsin udu ~-cosu +e Joos udu=sinu +6 frec2 udu *tanu +0 Sese2 udu = -cotu+¢ fsecutan udu =secutC ese ucotudu=-cscut Jranudu=in [sec ul +c Scot u du =n jsin u] +c fsecu du=in [secu + tan ul + Sescudu=in jeseu-cot ul +¢ yt Feo du tae Sayraen's SS te [¥]+0 whee »>0 JS sinh udu = cosh u+¢ Teosh udu =sinnu te Sooch2 udu =tanhu + Seach? udu ~-cothu +6 {seehu tanh udu = -sech u +c Fresch uw eoth w du = -cich u #6 Integration by parts fudeew-fudu 38 39 Appendix F. Mathematical Formulae Quadratic _ cb VeP dae x 2a Binomial, farby= 2 (iG) ar pk ol : I were (0) = rime Distance between (x4, ¥4. 24) and (x. ¥p- 29) = Vin =xPoW, ny? 2)? d= Vb =F + Wy, - vq)? le, -2,) Exponential and Logarithmic Identities Gey) -3*4¥ In ab ina tind Xfa¥eak—¥ in (2) Ter second for Intemationel Relations | | Ancoar acceleration fa ‘asta oer second squared argutveecty vate rosian Ser second Tenaih warm |] ace = toe meter Mass rtegram 81] Desusy san, ‘ogarger cab eter Time second |] Dynamic vscosey Nisin Iewo eoeand pe seer Elecviceurent ampere |] Bcc conocitance F tas) faa Temperature Kelvin & | Eleerieenarae © ww coulom> umminoutinconiy eardate 6a] Electric fd trenath Yim vale ger meter Fectricrestance wat hm Enopy toute ner kein Force arms?) newton Fresueney i) fee Ulsmination limit) Factor by Irduetans iel8) heey stich unit Kinematic vtosty Samer per second Sultpted Corn ence por su meter Loin a loos fume Magreromotiee force a ators Magnetic fle stngth Ale Sroore ber meer Stage Hx we wa reer agent hor density z Gein) tele Foner wo Ont att Proure Be ewan par taste meter Feaiont Intensity Wis wot pee rer Speci hast sia joule be kilogram Kevin “Thermal conductivity wink wat por meter Kean You mg meter par sear Volume ™ fubie meter Votan. Potential diterses, Elecromotive force v, way voit Wave numone = oer rer ork, energy. quantity of het : went 46 a7 Appendix K. Batteries and Maintenance AC Operation Vf you have bought or own a Commodore adapter, connect this optional adapter 10 any standard elec trical outlet and plug the jack into the calculator. After the above connections have been made, the power switch may be turned “ON.” (While con: nected to AC, the battery may be left in place or removed.) Use proper Commodore/CBM adapter for AC operation. Adapter 640 or 707 North America: ‘Adapter 708 England; Adapter 709 West Germany. Battery Operation Push the power switch “ON.” An interlock switch in the calculator socket will prevent battery opera: tion if the adapter jack remains connected. ‘Your new calculator uses ane ordinary 9 volt rectangular battery, available virtually anywhere, The connector must be attached firmly #0 the two battery terminals. Low Power If battery is low, calculator display: a. will appear erratic b. will dim . will fail to accept numbers {f one oF alt of the above conditions occur, you may check for a low battery condition by entering a series of 8's. If 8's fail to appear, operations should not be continued on battery power. Unit may be ‘operated on AC power. CAUTION JA strong static discharge will damage your machine. 48 Shipping Instructions A defective machine should be returned to the authorized service center nearest you. See listing of service centers TEMPERATURE RANGE Mode _| Temperature °C | Temperature °F ‘Operating O 10 50° 32" t0 122" Storage 40° to 55° | ~40" 10 134° 49

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