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Aaron Raboi

December 6, 2020
ENC 1102

1. What were the most significant comments you made on a peer’s paper? Summarize 2-3
a. I did not have anyones portfolio to review. If I did a portfolio to comment on I
would have focused mainly on if the portfolio made sense. If it was easy to
navigate and made sense where everything was on the website. In addition, I
would have commented on the cover page and if it was able to argue why they
accomplished the class outcomes.
2. What were the most helpful comments you received from your peers? List 3 and explain
a. I did not receive any comments. If I did receive any comments I wish I would
have had some comments on if the writing on my cover page was starting to
make sense. I also wish that I could have had some comment on my theme and
whether it makes sense and if I am going down the right path.
3. What were the least helpful comments you received? Why do you feel they weren’t
helpful and what could your peer do to improve their feedback?
a. I feel the comments that would have been the least helpful to me would be about
navigation. I have made websites before, so I would like to think I understand
how they should be organized for easy navigation. I also think that anycomes that
just offer meaning less notes of good job are not that constructive.
4. What changes would you make to your own feedback if given another chance? How will
you implement these changes for the next peer-review activity?
a. I would have like to be able to improve my ability to peer review especially on
things that are not papers. Reviewing and commenting on a paper is different
from reviewing and commenting on a website. I wish I could have had the ability
to see the difference between the two.

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