Enc 1102 Conference 2 Memo

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Before the conference I felt like I was a little behind.

This was because I was behind on getting

the results of my data. This was due to some complications when it came to conducting the interview I
wanted to. The coach I tried to interview has been recently busy with several of his clients having
competitions over the last few weeks. This made finding a time to interview him practically impossible
whether it was an in person or phone interview. At the conference I was able to talk about this which
made me have a better understanding for what I need to do now. If I do one or two more video or
written interview analysis instead of the interview, then I am in a good place with the amount of data I
would gather. The conference made my next step a lot clearer, so no questions have arisen since the
conference. I still feel like I am a little behind on my scholarly article since I have just recently gotten all
my data from the written and video interview analysis done. I feel like I can get to where I need to be
relatively fast and no longer feel behind. In addition, I gained come confidence about where my article
needs to go after the conference. Having the ability to talk about what my plans are with someone and
having them agree that what you are doing is the right path to take is a real confidence booster. Overall,
I feel like I am in a good position since I have all my data now.

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