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Address: 6520 El Colegio Rd, Apt 2302, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, USA
Phone number: (805)259-8392 Email:

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara United States
Graduate student (Advisor: Bolin Liao) Sep. 2019- Present
 GPA: 4.0/4.0
Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) Hefei, China
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics Sep. 2015- June 2019
 GPA: 4.01 / 4.3 (91.58 / 100)
Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Austin Austin, United States
 Student Research Assistant (advisor: Allen MacDonald) June 2018- Sep. 2018

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara United States
Graduate Researcher, Advisor: Prof. Bolin Liao Sep. 2019- Present
Phonon Properties in Topological Materials
 Calculated phonon dispersions, electron-phonon couplings and lattice thermal conductivity in several
Dirac semimetals (Cd3As2, HgTe) using first-principles methods.
 Found existence of ultrasoft optical phonons, which contributed to low lattice thermal conductivity.
Electric Field Effect on Thermal Conductivity in Wurtzite Gallium Nitride (GaN)
 Calculated phonon dispersions and lattice thermal conductivities of wurtzite GaN with and without
electric fields using ab initio methods.
 Completed mode by mode phonon scattering analysis to explain the opposite trends of changes in
thermal conductivity along different directions
 Analyzed the change of anharmonicity of bonds to explain the significant change of thermal
conductivity in the presence of an electric field by doing regular residue analysis.

 Tao Hou, Yafei Ren, Yujie Quan, Jeil Jung, Wei Ren, and Zhenhua Qiao, Valley current splitter in
minimally twisted bilayer graphene, Physical Review B, 102, 085433, 2020
 Tao Hou, Yafei Ren, Yujie Quan, Jeil Jung, Wei Ren and Zhenhua Qiao, Metallic network of
topological domain walls, Physical Review B, 101, 201403, 2020
 Shengying Yue, Bowen Deng, Yanming Liu, Yujie Quan, Runqing Yang and Bolin Liao, Phonon
softening near topological phases transitions, arXiv, 2001.10124, 2020


 Outstanding graduate (Highest honor) June. 2019
 National Scholarship (Top 1%) Oct. 2018
 National Scholarship (Top 1%, The highest honor for junior) Oct. 2016

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara United States
 Teaching Assistant of ME 151A Sep. 2019-Dec. 2019
 Teaching Assistant of ME 151B Jan. 2019-Mar. 2019

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