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The aim of this assessment is to reflect on what I have learned this semester
regarding the module of Business in Global Context; from the lectures with the
professor, the case studies done in class and the three previous patchworks that
we worked on.

We have learned that there are different internal and external components that
affect the business environment, from corporate social responsibility to cultural
and institutional framework; organizations must take into consideration all the
factors related to the different parts of its environment.

For the topic discussion, I will be discussing globalization and how it has affected
the global business environment along with the key aspects and the different
point of views regarding it. Then I will state the links between globalization and
some of the other lectures that we have covered this year, I chose this lecture
because it’s one of the most important parts of any business environment
worldwide, globalization has also introduced many developments such as
internationalization, liberalization etc.

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