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Night Circus Rational

Amelia R. Bennett

Honors 9th Literature

Mrs. Motsinger

December 10, 2020


In order to produce an effective advertisement, there are multiple key factors in gaining
and keeping the audience’s attention. According to Brian Morris (2013), “Orange is energy. It
has powerful attention-getting properties, it’s fun and cool, and it makes customers feel as
though they’re dealing with a cutting-edge company.” (Morris, 2013, par. 8). To make the
thought of a roller-coaster sound less like a boring idea and more like a new and revolutionary
one, it just needs to be presented differently. The color orange is also “enthusiastic, adventurous,
risk-taking, radiates confidence, and independence” (Nwatarali, 2020, par. 16). This color can
also “increase your appetite for food” (Nwatarali, 2020, par. 19). This will help with bringing
future patrons to the food provided at the roller-coaster. Red brings out confidence and “can
trigger our fight or flight response. Red is energizing, promotes ambition, determination and
action”, red also can also mean “action, energy, speed, attention-getting, assertive, confident,
energizing, stimulating, exciting, powerful, passionate, stimulating, driven, courageous, strong,
spontaneous and determined” (Nwatarali, 2020, pars. 9, 13). Another way to gain someone’s
attention can also be the color red. Red represents power, “it gets people’s attention and holds it,
which is why it’s the most popular color for marketing” (Morris, 2013, par. 2). Red causes a
psychological reaction causing a person to have more confidence. Another great marketing color
is gold. Gold is “associated with illumination, love, compassion, courage, passion, magic, and
wisdom” (Bourn, 2010, par. 2).
If you are presenting your advertisements to the wrong demographic, they will have little
to no interest in what you are doing. In this new age of technological advancement, Rena
Gadimova (2020) stated that the iGeneration or Generation Z is “approximately 40 percent of all
consumers” and have an “eight-second attention span” (Gadimova, 2020, par. 2). Companies
wishing to do business with Generation Z need to effectively get their point across in eight
seconds or less. This is because Generation Z “are not willing to spend (i.e., waste) time and
energy on experiences and content that doesn’t appeal to them or offer what they want or value”
(Gadimova, 2020, par. 11). To begin “creating your elevator pitch is a good start. Except with
Gen Z you have until the doors close. And then all the doors close. Eight seconds is all you
have” so make it count. (Gadimova, 2020, par. 13). Gadimova also tells that Generation Z “value
brands that feel authentic” and that “saving money is a strong focus” because they “tend to be
pragmatic, practical” (Gadimova, 2020, par. 2). As a whole, Generation Z must have a practical
reason to spend money and most will not spend on anything that is just for a sow with no
practical use. Generation Z spends a majority of their time online because they just so happen “to
have the digital world interwoven into theirs” (Gadimova, 2020, par. 7). The current generation
has grown up with technology playing a prominent role in their lives, thus they are influenced by
Even if you are presenting correctly to the right audience, you still need to know where
they are online. The article “THE 9 BEST PLACES TO ADVERTISE ONLINE IN 2020” by
Acuate Media states that “Twitter has a wide variety of targeting options which will help you
gain new followers, encourage opt-ins, boost conversions, and is great at helping grow brand
recognition” (“THE 9 BEST PLACES ADVERTISE ONLINE IN 2020”, 2020, par. 8). People
would most likely be talking about the circus and the circus as a whole would already have a
relatively strong identity in the world from the classic black and white design. Facebook would

be another great online platform to advertise because these “ads take on many forms such as
images, video ads, promoted posts, and more. What’s even better is that Facebook ads show in
the margin, messenger area, or in the user’s news feed giving your ads maximum engagement
opportunities” (“THE 9 BEST PLACES TO ADVERTISE ONLINE IN 2020”, 2020, par. 3).
This platform would reach the parents of the next generation. A very popular social media
platform for Generation Z is Instagram, “Instagram is also one of the fastest-growing social
media platforms on the market. Instagram is more geared towards graphics; therefore, it’s best to
use pictures and videos to get your messages across” (“THE 9 BEST PLACES TO ADVERTISE
ONLINE IN 2020”, 2020, par. 9). This platform would be great for getting the attention of both
older generations and Generation Z.
The Night Circus has never had to advertise until the 21st century. Since “the circus
arrives without warning” it becomes noticeable by people because “it is simply there, when
yesterday it was not” (Morgenstern, 2011, p. 3). With it randomly appearing it does not need
advertisements, “no announcements precede it, no paper notices on downtown posts and
billboards, no mentions or advertisements in local newspapers” (Morgenstern, 2011, p. 3). The
circus is already known for “the towering tents [that] are striped in white and black, no golds and
crimsons to be seen (Morgenstern, 2011, p. 3). It would be surprising if a circus that is called “Le
Cirque des Rêves” or as said by a mother to her daughter, “The Circus of Dreams” would not be
popular (Morgenstern, 2011, p. 6). The circus is not like any other circus in the fact that it “opens
at nightfall, closes at dawn” (Morgenstern, 2011, p. 4).


Bourn, J. (2016, June 04). Meaning of The Color Gold |. Retrieved November 17, 2020, from

Gadimova, R. (2020, July 09). Marketing to Gen Z: Come for the Authenticity, Stay for the

Experiences. Retrieved November 17, 2020, from


Media, A. (2020, February 25). The 9 Best Places to Advertise Online in 2020: Actuate Media:

Blog. Retrieved November 17, 2020, from


Morgenstern, E. (2011). The Night Circus: A Novel. New York, New York: Doubleday.

Morris, B. (2013, January 02). 10 Colors That Increase Sales, and Why. Retrieved November 17,

2020, from


Nwatarali, G. (2020). How Color Influences Decisions That We Make. Retrieved November 17,

2020, from

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