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Duterte fires Robredo as co-chair of anti-drug body

President Rodrigo Duterte has fired Vice President Leni Robredo from her post as co-chair of
the Inter-agency Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs (ICAD) after just 3 weeks. Executive Secretary
Salvador Medialdea and Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo confirmed the news on Sunday,
November 24.In a statement, Malacañang said that the firing "is in response to the suggestion of
Liberal Party President, Senator Francis Pangilinan, to just fire the Vice President from her post.

This is also in response to the taunt and dare of VP Robredo for the President to just tell her
that he wants her out."Duterte said he "cannot trust" Robredo because "she is with the opposition"
and he does not "know her. "He had also threatened to fire her if she aids foreign investigations into
his so-called war on drugs, which has left thousands of Filipinos dead. "The President has been more
than patient enough, giving the Vice President adequate opportunity to discuss possible courses of
action with him.... But she has not presented any new program that she envisioned to implement. In a
campaign where people's lives are at risk, a day is an eternity," Panelo said. Duterte had previously
derided the capability of Robredo to lead the country – which she would have to do if the president
dies or cannot function.

The drug war is overwhelmingly backed by Filipinos, but critics allege it is a war on the urban
poor with the side effect of unleashing a rush of killings linked to everything from personal disputes to
political rivalry. Police say they have killed just over 5,500 alleged dealers and users who fought back
during arrest, but watchdogs say the true toll is at least four times higher. International Criminal Court
prosecutors who have launched a preliminary probe.

“If VP Robredo is really serious in addressing the cause of the drug problem, she should have
gone down to the grassroots – talking to the victims, to their families, and to the communities.
Instead, she opted to have an audience with the United Nations and the United States embassy
officials, who remain out-of-touch from the realities of the local drug problem on the ground,” panelo
Let’s take a look on the other side of the story is it 'Set up to fail'?. Vice President Leni Robredo
was "set up to fail" as co-chairperson of the government's anti drug body, one of her allies said after
she was fired just 2 weeks into the job.

It was also "juvenile" for Malacañang to remove Robredo based on her taunts and similar
statements from her allies, said Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman.

"They we're looking for reasons to dispose her," Lagman told ANC's Early Edition. 

I think the Vice President knew that she was being to set up to fail but she was trying her best
to succeed in her new role as co-chair of ICAD," he said.

"Would the President allow Vice President Robredo to succeed in his centerpiece program of
an anti-drugs war where he himself dismally failed?"

Robredo took up President Rodrigo Duterte on his dare for her to lead the drug war, which she
had criticized for not its failure to employ a community and health-based approach.

"The only problem with her is she took this role too seriously when the President considered it
as a knee-jerk reaction to her criticism on the bloody war against drug and also as a flippant joke,"
Lagman Added.

The Vice President has said she would go after drug bigwigs, policemen who allegedly resold
seized narcotics, and officials who smuggled tons of shabu into the country. 

She earlier requested for a list of the top drug suspects in the country, but was denied by the
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) director-general who said having a list of high-value
targets is beyond the vice president's mandate.
Duterte fires Robredo from ICAD


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John Cedric Raro

Sutero Louell Ubana
Crislyn Shiela Nozaleda
Ria jane Ramirez
Claudette Ramos

Submitted to: Ms.Frances Maria Sarceno

Julia Robinson was a prominent twentieth century American mathematician. The influential work on Hilbert’s
tenth problem and decision problems contributed to her fame as the foremost mathematician. Julia Hall
Bowman Robinson was born on December 8, 1919, in St. Louis, Missouri to Ralph Bowers Bowman and
Helen. Her family moved a lot first from Missouri to Arizona and then to San Diego when she was young. She
received her secondary education from San Diego High. In 1936, she was enrolled at San Diego State
University. In 1939, she transferred to University of California, Berkeley and the following year earned a
Bachelor’s degree. In the following eight years she further studied mathematics and eventually garnered a
doctorate degree. The topic of her dissertation was “Definability and Decision Problems in Arithmetic”.

There is not much known about Robinson’s personal life. Most of what is known is about her academic and
professional life. Berkeley offered her a position as a full professor in 1975 which she accepted. However, she
taught quarter-time not having inclination toward full-time teaching. She invested most of her time working on
mathematical problems and theories.

Hilbert’s tenth problem is one of those highly recognized works that she worked on. An algorithm is required
for Hilbert’s tenth problem to determine a Diophantine equation solution. Robinson dedicated two decades in
the development of a series of results. This problem was eventually solved by her and other mathematicians
such as, Hilary Putnam, Yuri Matiyasevich and Martin Davis. They proved that no such algorithm existed. The
popularity of her work is still fresh as her contribution is documented in the form of documentary.

Robinson’s other works include her input in statistics on sequential analysis and a game theory on the fictitious
play dynamics in two-player zero-sum games. The game theory was a prize problem at RAND, but Julia
couldn’t receive the prize money of $200 as she was an employee there. Besides her contribution to
mathematics, Robinson is also known for her services to politics as she supported the 1952 presidential
campaign of Adlai Stevenson who was her husband’s cousin. She was seen actively participating in Democratic
Party activities. She acted as a campaign manager for Alan Cranston. Cranston ran for his first political office in
Contra Costa County.

It’s been reported that at a very young age Robinson suffered from rheumatic fever which damaged her heart
considerably. Consequently, in her adult life she suffered from chronic illness which interfered with her routine.
In 1941 she married a Berkley professor, Raphael Robinson. Owing to her bad health she could not focus on her
work, hence she decided to undergo a surgery to remove a scar tissue from mitral valve which went
successfully. This helped her become more active in her life and that also proved beneficial in lifting up her
spirit. However, her improving health took a sharp turn and her condition worsened when she was diagnosed
with leukemia. The doctor recommended treatment which she underwent for some time. The cancer went in
remission for a few months before recurring and claiming Julia’s life on July 30, 1985 in Oakland, California.

Julia Robinson was the first woman to be elected in the United States National Academy of Sciences in 1975.
Then she was selected as the President of American Mathematical Society in 1980s becoming the first female
president of the organization.

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