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Question.1: Define Primary Key, Candidate Key, Alternate Key, Foreign Key.

Question.2: What is Degree, Cardinality?

Question.3: Difference between CHARM and VARCHAR
Question.5: What is SQL? Name the classification of SQL statements.
Question.6: How would you display tablets in a database?
Question.8: Write MySQL command to display list of existing databases.
Question.9: Which command is used to add a new tuple in a table?
Question.10: Difference between WHERE clause and HAVING clause.

Question.11: A Table "TRAINS" has degree 3 and Cardinality 8. What is the number of ray
and columns in it?
Question.12: Difference between COUNT (*) and COUNT (column).
Question.14: What is the difference between Drop Table and Delete?
Question.15: What is the purpose of ORDER By clause?
Question.19: How would you delete a column from a table (give syntax).
Question.20: How would you change a data type of a column?

Question.23: What is the purpose of SELECT statement? Give its syntax.

Question.24: Write the operators used in SQL.
Question.25: Neha created a table layer on she realized that there is a need to include CLASS
column. Which command she should use to do so? (Table Name is Student)

Question.26: A table named "OFFICE" has 6 rows 10 columns and another table
named"STAFF" has 3 rows and 5 columns5. How many rows and columns will be there, if we
obtain the Cartesian product of these two tables?
Question.27: What are the six relational operations?
Question.28: Write a MySQL command for creating a table EMPSALARY. Whose structure is
given below:
Field Name Data type (size) Constraint

EMPID INTEGER(5) Primary Key



DOJ Date

Question.29: Which command is used to create a new database?

Question.30: Which command in MySQL is used to open a specific database?
Question.31:Which command in MySQL is used to view the structure of a table? Question.32:
What is a NULL value?
Question.35: Which command is used to modify existing data in a table?
Question.36: Which command is used to delete rows from a table?
Question.38: In a database there is a table Cabinet. The data entry operator is not able to
insert a null value in a column. What may be the possible reasons?
Question.39: Do the primary key of a table accept null or duplicate values? Why?


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