Leigha Schweiger - Chapter 28 Study Guide - Teddy Roosevelt Presidency 1

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AP U.S. History


Provide two events or legislation that exemplifies the 3 C’s of Theodore Roosevelt’s “Square Deal”. Use pages
647-655 to complete.

1. Interstate Commerce Commission
Hepburn act of 1906. free passes and hints of bribery was severely restricted. “For the first time, the commission was
given real molars when it was authorized, on the complaint of shippers, to nullify existing rates and stipulate
maximum rates.”
2. Roosevelt’s antitrust bludgeon
Roosevelt as a trustbuster first appeared in 1902 with an attack on the Northern Securities Company , a railroad
holding company organized by financial titan J.P Morgan and empire builder James J. Hill. they wanted to achieve a
virtual monopoly of the railroads in the Northwest. Roosevelt challenged the most regal potentates of the industrial
aristocracy. the company was ordered to be dissolved. then lead to other monopolists to fall.


1. Meat Inspection Act of 1906
meat shipped over state lines got inspected from corral to can. The large packers saw this as an advantage to kick out
smaller companies, but also receive the government’s seal of approval on their exports.
2. Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906
The act was designed to prevent the adulteration and mislabeling of foods and pharmaceuticals.
the book ​The Jungle ​showed the ugly truth of the packaged meat


1. Desert Land Act of 1877
The federal government sold arid land cheaply on the condition that the purchaser irrigate the thirsty soil within
three years.
2. Forest Reserve Act of 1891
Authorizing the president to set aside public forest as national parks and other magnificent trees were rescued from
the lumberman’s saw in the 1890’s and preserved for posterity.
3. Carey Act of 1894
distributed federal land to the states on the condition that it be irrigated and settled

1. Roosevelt Panic of 1907- ​On wall street the financial flurry featured frightened “runs” on banks, suicides, and
criminal indictments against speculators. they blamed Roosevelt. the had a shortage of money and was
unable to make more

2. The Legacy of Teddy Roosevelt-​ he remains the youngest person to become president of the United States.
Roosevelt was a leader of the progressive movement, and he championed his “square Deal” domestic
policies, promising the average citizen fairness, breaking of trusts, regulation of railroads, and pure food and

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