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Brief Curriculum Vitae


Department of English
Banaras Hindu University
Cell no. 9415446163

Current Position : Professor

Employment No. : 11746

Academic Qualification : M.A., Ph. D.

Teaching Experience : 36 years
Areas of Specialization : Comparative Studies, American Fiction and Literature,
British Friction
Academic Interest : Comparative Studies, Indian Writings in English
New Literatures in English
Doctoral Guidance: :

Office Room No. . : 160, Department of English

Email :
Cell no. : 9415446163
Publications : * Published near about two dozens of articles and research paper in
different national and internationals journals.

*Books Published: Two

1. Barat, A.P. Jack Kerouac and Buddhist Thought. Calcutta: Writers

Workshop, 1997.
2. Barat, A.P. Ivory in Gold: A Study of Keats, Huxley, Kerouac, Raja Rao,
Ginsberg. New Delhi : Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, 2009
3. At present working for another book

Seminars : Participated in various National & International Seminars and presented

a number of papers

Experience in educational Administration: Worked as a member of various administrative bodies from

time to time

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