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Andre Gonzalez

English I
Troy High School
Unit: Argumentative Essay Writing
Lesson: Goal Planning


1. Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed:

Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing
what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.

2. Learning Target(s): (What will students know & be able to do as a result of this lesson?)

Students will be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their writing and create an action plan to improve the areas they want to improve.
3. Relevance/Rationale:

Immediate relevance: Students will have to complete a goal-sheet by the end of this lesson
Unit relevance: Students will have to write an argumentative essay at the end of this unit.
Real-world relevance: Students need to learn how to create goals to achieve the outcomes they want (sports, activities, college, jobs)

4. Formative Assessment Criteria for Success:

a. Students will have a one-on-one conference to discuss goals

b. Students will write an essay to see if their goals were met
c. Students will reflect on goals and writing process at the end of the essay

5. Access for all:

a. In order to ensure equity in this assignment, I will check in with my students routinely as they are going through the writing process. I have
made a number of writing resources and past lesson materials available on our Google Classroom. These resources include: sentence
starters, vocabulary, grammar tips, how to introduce and cite evidence, MLA, plagiarism, etc.

6. Procedures:

a. Students sit through a debrief of their previous writing assignment

i. Students will be presented with general strengths and weaknesses that I saw throughout the paper
b. Students will receive a goal sheet
c. Students will complete a goal sheet and write an action plan on how they will earn the grade that they want at the end of the writing
d. Students will share goals with a partner(s) and gain any feedback from them on how to achieve their desired outcome
e. Students will receive feedback from instructor

7. Materials:

a. screencast of instruction
b. goal sheet
c. previous writing sample

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