Learning Module For Grade 11 Introduction To The World Religions and Belief Systems

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The Notre Dame of Kabacan Inc.

Learning Module for Grade 11

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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems


The Notre Dame of Kabacan Inc.
Bonifacio Street, Kabacan, North Cotabato



Prepared by:


Introduction to the World Religions and Belief Systems Teacher

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The Notre Dame of Kabacan Inc.
Learning Module for Grade 11
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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems


MISSION The Notre Dame of Kabacan, Inc. are guided by the following Core
“Provide quality education and Values in a day to day basis:
formation to its clientele with diverse
cultures and faith through relevant S -Sincerity in trying to please God Always
programs updated instructions E -Excellence in everything we do
dynamic community extension and
R -Reconciliation, unity and interreligious dialogue towards Peace
active pastoral involvement.”
V -Volunteerism as a way of life
“A God-centered community of I -Integrity and honesty in all our dealings
friends renowned for its academic C -Commitment to follow Jesus the Poor, Mary as Disciple
excellence, holistic formation and
E -Empowerment through leadership that transforms.
pastoral orientation with Notre Dame
as patroness and model.”


To successfully finish this module lies on your eagerness to learn. Hence, this module
was carefully crafted just for you to learn with full of enthusiasm, vigor, diligence, and
independence. Aside from accomplishing the content and performance standard of this subject,
you’ll greatly learn additional skill sets that would help you quench your cravings for learning
and be a responsible and proud student in the future. The following are the guides that will
assist you in order for you to be on track and say at the end of this module that “I did great”;
1. Manage your time wisely. Create a suitable time schedule that will greatly help
you to understand each of the topics indicated in this module.
2. Be cautious with your time schedule in order for you to have the time to finish other
modules. It is best to put this module in a conspicuous area in order for you to be
aware of it and finish this module ahead of time.
Do not ask your teacher about some ideas that have been discussed in this
module. Always give time to digest each lesson well. If further clarifications are
needed to be raised, notify your teacher ahead.
3. Avoid being procrastinated on your modules. Remember, it is wise to finish the task
ahead of time.
4. Before doing each task, read and understand the assessment tools provided.
Don’t settle with low quality output. Aim for the highest standard. I know
you can do it.
5. Browse and read other resources (e.g. books, website, etc) that were related to this
module even prior doing the tasks in each part of this module.
Ensure that you will not miss any part of this module and should accomplish
every activity in this module as scheduled.
6. Additional discussions related to this subject will be conducted using Facebook
Messenger. Make sure to be part of the group chat for further queries and
7. Inquiries, clarifications, and additional questions that were raised in social media
shall be of pure academic discussions. Only inquiries relevant to the subject are
highly encouraged and shall strictly enforce.
Avoid plagiarism and patch-writing. Patch-writing, a form of plagiarism refers to
the act of making small changes and substitutions to copied source material.

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The Notre Dame of Kabacan Inc.
Learning Module for Grade 11
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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems

8. Lastly, you are the learner; hence, you work on the module on your own. Your
family members, guardians, and friends at home will only support you, thus all the
activities on this module must be done by YOU.
In order to pass this subject, you must:
1 Read and understand each topic carefully and do answer the pre-assessment
quizzes, self-assessment activities, and reflection questions.
2. Answer the print-based discussion activities.
3. Submit all task indicated in this module.
4. Submit the performance tasks needed for this subject.
5. Do the quarterly examinations.

Formative Assessment Activities

 You are required to answer the pre-assessment quizzes, self-assessment

activities, and reflection questions carefully and with full of understanding.

 The reflection questions were designed to help you analyze each topic in this
module for better understanding while the pre-assessment quizzes and self-
assessment activities were designed as a review management tool to prepare you
for the written works, performance tasks, and the quarterly assessments.


Week Learning Objective Activities

MODULE 1 The learners can give an example of
AUGUST 24-28, 2020
a belief system or a worldview; and Acquisition:
A. Definition of Terms
communicate his/her understanding B. Name it!
Duration: 1 Week of his/her religion C. Answer me!
A. What to learn?
B. Watch me!
C. Try it!
D. Just a thought
A. Apply it in real life
B. Surf, Search and


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The Notre Dame of Kabacan Inc.
Learning Module for Grade 11
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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems

Similar to social institutions such as family and education, religion pervades many
aspects of our everyday lives. Many of us were born in a particular religion such as
Christianity or Islam and so participating in religious activities or believing I a particular
view of God may have become unquestioned habits. That religion has become part of
one’s identity renders it not just as a sacred character but a personal, too. This chapter
will present a different way of approaching religion as a social phenomenon. While
religious beliefs and virtues may be deeply personal, they are also socially constructed.
This new mindset opens up the space for critical questions about religion.

MODULE 1: Religion in a Different Light

At the end of this module, I can:

 explain the social and scientific approach to the study of religion;
 identify and explain the two ways of defining religion; and
 differentiate religion from spirituality.

Write A on the space provided if you agree and write D on the space provided if you

______1. The largest religion in the world is Christianity?

______2. The country of China is officially an atheist country.
______3. Saudi Arabia has the largest number of Muslims in the world.
______4. The world’s most shoplifted book is the Bible.
______5. Muslims believe in Reincarnation
______6. Brazil is the country with the largest number of Catholics in the world.
______7. More Americans “regularly” attend church than any other country in the
______8. The Torah is the official book for the Jewish religion.
______9. Some religions believe that rocks have souls.
______10. The Pope is the head of the Hindus.

Lord Jesus, I ask for Your help as I begin this new school year. Allow me to
experience Your presence in the many blessings You put before me. Open my eyes to
the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this new school year brings. Open my
heart and mind to new friends and new teachers, Amen!


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The Notre Dame of Kabacan Inc.
Learning Module for Grade 11
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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems

Search for the meaning of each word and define each word according to their meaning.
A. Definition of Terms!
Religion –
Faith –
Spirit –
Soul –

B. Name it!
Instruction: Name and List down all the religions/belief systems that you know.

C. Answer me!
Do you have a religion or belief? What is it? If none, why?
What do you know about your religion?
What do you want to know?

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The Notre Dame of Kabacan Inc.
Learning Module for Grade 11
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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems

What to learn?

In two or three sentences answer why do we need to study the subject

Introduction to the World Religions and Belief Systems?

Watch Me!
Watch the shorth video clip “The Big Story: Origins of Religion”
Do you believe on what is in the video clip? Why? Why not?
Defend your answer.



1. Is broad enough to include all religions:
o It should not define religion in a way that leaves out some manifestations
of religion
o Nor should it leave out any specific religion
For example: If we say that religion means “belief in God” (having in mind God as
Jews and Christians think about God), we will leave out those people who worship
many deities (a general word meaning gods or goddesses) and those who
worship none at all. This description also focuses on belief and excludes other
important dimensions of religion (e.g. practices, rituals, moral values, etc).
2. Must be sufficiently specific (not too broad nor too vague) so as to distinguish
religion from other similar things, such as a non-religious philosophy of life or a
deeply held and passionate commitment to a social or political cause
3. Should be sufficiently comprehensive so as to include the various aspects or
dimensions of any religion
4. Consider both the substance as well as function(s) of religion (what
religion is and what it does for us)
5. Needs to be as free of prejudice or bias as we can make it

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Learning Module for Grade 11
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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems

o Descriptions that state what “true” or “genuine” religion is often fall into the
trap of imposing one person’s or group’s bias on the description of religion
o Avoid being a negative critique of religion. For example, Freud’s
statement that “Religion is an infantile dependency, a neurosis” or Karl
Marx’s statement that “religion is the opium of the people and the sigh of
the oppressed” do not describe what religion is so much as explain it as a
psychological or sociological phenomena (reductionism). These
definitions also discredit religion, casting it in a negative light. Avoid
offering a theory of religion (e.g. explaining the origin or purpose of
religion, such as Freud and Marx do) rather than describing it objectively.

Try it!
Search and Select a definition of religion (or propose one of your own) and
analyze it as demonstrated above: what makes it a good or poor definition? How might
it be improved?


“The Basis of religion is not faith but Fear” – Anonymous

Just a thought!
What can you say about the quote? Do you agree? Why? Why not?

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The Notre Dame of Kabacan Inc.
Learning Module for Grade 11
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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems


What is the difference between being religious versus spiritual? That is the most
commonly asked question by people who are spiritually curious.


It’s very easy to discover if you are religious or spiritual.

1. Do you worship any type of a deity or a God or a sect leader? This includes popular
yoga gods such as Ganesh or Rama and so-called gurus or masters. Then you are
2. Do you believe in the power of your own self and that you are in charge of your
destiny? In this case you are spiritual.

“A true Lover doesn’t follow any one religion,

be sure of that.
Since in the religion of Love,
there is no irreverence or faith.”


Apply it in real life:

Chat your friends and make an interview about their religion. Make an interview
questions or an adopted interview questions about religion. Ask their beliefs and
traditions that they adopt in their religion or beliefs. Put it in Microsoft word and send it
to your teacher’s email or facebook messenger.

Email: licudoj@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jhn17

Matter: 50%
Format: 25%
Relevance to the topic: 25%

Surf, Search and Collect!

Write as many as you can, the different religions and their corresponding
Religion Founder/Author

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The Notre Dame of Kabacan Inc.
Learning Module for Grade 11
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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems


Essay writing.
Write your insights and learning in the first Module that you have read. Your
insights must be related to your own religion and beliefs. Your insight must have an
introduction, body and conclusion. Do not copy and paste. Use your own words. (250

Content: 50%
Grammer: 10%
Organization: 25%
Method: 15%

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prior written permission from the school.
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Learning Module for Grade 11
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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems



 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9mFNgu6Cww
 https://courses.lumenlearning.com/zelirel100/chapter/reading-defining-religion-2/
 https://in.pinterest.com/rajanibhatia52/religion-vs-spirituality/
 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/religious-vs-
 Introduction to the world religion and belief systems, Abiva Publishing House,
Inc. 2017
 Cornelio, J.S. Et. Al., (2016) Introduction to the world religion and belief systems,
Rex Book Store, Inc.

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