Members of 5th Group: - Aan Anisa - Della Muzdalifah - Fikri Faishal - Nisa Muttaqoh

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Members of 5th group:

- Aan Anisa
- Della Muzdalifah
- Fikri Faishal
- Nisa Muttaqoh

Source of Data, Form of Data, Techniques and Instrument of Collecting Data and Data
Analysis in Qualitative Research

Source of Data :

Nugraha (2014) explain that Various kinds of data sources that can be utilized in
exploring information in qualitative research, among others include
1. Documents or archives
2. The informant (informant), or interviewers
3. Events or activities, observation an event or activity
4. happens more precisely.
5. Place or location
6. Objects, images and recordings (p. 109).

Form of Data :

Rahmat (2009) say that, the form of data in qualitative research is descriptive in the form of
personal document, field notes, respondents statements, also document (p. 5).

(Nasution, 2003) form of data: descriptive, personal document, field notes, responden’s, sayings,
documents, etc. Analysis: continuously from the beginning to the end of the study, inductive,
looking for patterns, models, themes.

Creswell (2009) argues that there are four basic type, namely:
a. Observations, ranging from nonparticipant to participant.

b. Interviews

c. Documents

d. And audio-visual materials,

e. Journaling in narrative story writing, using text from email messages.

f. Observing through videotapes and videographs.

Techniques :

Nugrahani (2014) state there are five techniques of collecting data:

1) Approach toward informant

2) Interview: means that An interview technique (as cited in Sugiono, 2015).

3) Observation means (As cited in Sugiono, 2015)

. 4) Technique focus group discussion (FGD) (as cited in Nugrahani, 2014).

5) Questioner technique

Data collection techniques according Sugiyono (2018), consists of observation, interviews,

documentation and triangulation / combination (p. 308).

Instrument of Collecting Data :

Nasution (2003) Instrument to collect data: researchers as instruments (human instruments),

notebooks, tape recorders. Form of Data: descriptive, personal documents, field notes,
respondent's sayings, documents, etc. Analysis: continuously from the beginning to the end of
the study, inductive, looking for patterns, models, themes.

Data Analysis in Qualitative Research :

Basroni and Suwandi (2008) say that the steps in data analysis are: identify what is in the data,
seeing patterns, an interpretation (as cited in Nugrahani, 2014).

Siyoto (2015) Qualitative data analysis is not the same as quantitative analysis in which the
methods and procedures are certain and clear. The sharpness of qualitative data analysis depends
on the habits of researchers in conducting quantitative research. Researchers who are used to
using this approach, usually review the results of their research in-depth and concrete.

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