412 f20 Buechele Administrationproject-Communicationplan

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Foden High School Orchestra Communication Plan

Below is a summary of planned communication in regard to last minute changes,

announcements, rehearsal schedules, etc.

String Orchestra: ​Communication to the FHSSO will be communicated in class or through the
remind app. All students should have this app downloaded so that in case of any announcements
that they are not in school for, they will receive it. This includes last minute changes to locations,
attire, etc. Students and parents should also be on the groups Facebook page so they can RSVP to
concerts and learn of any updates from the ensemble.

Full Orchestra: ​students and parents should be on the groups Facebook page for reminders of
events. Otherwise, communication will be through class announcements and the remind app.

Administration:​ administration will be notified of events through email at least 2 months prior
to the event. Upon changes in the event or other activities the Orchestra teacher will email the
secretary and the principal.

Boosters: ​Boosters will be in communication with the orchestra teacher through email, phone, or
text message. Boosters and the orchestra teacher will work together for fundraising but the final
say will always be the Orchestra teacher’s. The Boosters and the orchestra teacher will decide
what goes on the Facebook page and what does not.

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