BSBINM601 Task 2 V1.2-1

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BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business

BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program

BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and
BSB61315 Advanced Diploma of marketing and
Manage knowledge and information
Task 2 – Report and Presentation

Candidate Instructions

Purpose of this Assessment task

This assessment task is designed to test your skills in managing knowledge and information as required
by the unit BSBINM601 Manage knowledge and information. Your trainer/assessor will be assessing your
work and provide you with constructive feedback on Canvas. This task will assess your skills to:
 Obtain information relevant to business issues
 Analyse information and knowledge
 Take decisions on business issues identified
 Disseminate information to the organisation.

In this assessment you will analyse the provided case provided, undertake research in the topics
presented, conduct 1 presentation to demonstrate your skills and provide report to your Trainer. By
successfully completing this Case Study you will provide the required performance evidence of your
competence in promoting innovation in a team environment.

What are you required to do to undertake this Case Study?

You should carefully read the provided Case Study; its additional documents provided on Canvas and
undertake all questions. The task includes: (i) Analysing the case (ii) Undertaking required research (iii)
Presentation and (iv) Reporting.

To successfully undertake this assessment, you should be doing the following:

 Read the provided Case Study and Bounce Fitness additional Resources couple of times and
understand its requirements
 Clarify the requirements with your trainer and assessor, if you are not sure
 Research appropriate websites as directed by your trainer/assessor
 Self-reflect and practice the presentation before you record it and upload them on Canvas
 Discuss with your trainer/assessor the contents of the report you will be presenting.

Context and conditions of undertaking the tasks?

The prescribed tasks will be undertaken by you after carefully analysing the case study. Your
trainer/assessor will provide you a context to present the scenario. Your trainer will also provide you
guidance on the websites to be researched. Your trainer/assessor may also set certain conditions under
which you will perform the tasks required by this assessment. For example, your trainer may set a time
limit to perform a task or, ask you to repeat a task or, ask you to give additional information about the
performance by asking you some verbal questions or, they may prescribe you some new conditions to
undertake certain tasks.

Given your personal conditions, your trainer/assessor should also be able to make some reasonable
adjustments in undertaking the tasks of this assessment. You should check with your trainer/assessor
about the conditions under which the tasks should be completed, and the possible adjustment they can
make in undertaking these tasks.

What specific WHS requirements may be involved?
This assessment will require you to be aware of the standard Workplace Health and Safety requirements
e.g. Workplace Health and Safety Act and Workplace Health and Safety Legislation Your trainer/assessor
will advise you on these and other legislative requirements.

Tasks and frequency of performance

Details of the tasks to be undertaken in this assessment are provided in the attached Case Study. The
tasks listed in that document must be performed at least once. The presentation question in Part E
should involve at least 2 team members.

Getting Started
The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All
assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly
indicate “Re-submission” on your resubmitted work.

You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but may refer to
reference material as may be needed. All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the assessment to
be completed satisfactorily.

For any assessment conducted that is incomplete, or without satisfactory performance, the assessment
will need to be completed again after further training support. This may be simply to focus on question
areas not achieved in the prior assessment.

Submitting your assessment

When you are ready to submit your assessments, upload the files in Canvas via the submission tab. It is
important that you keep a copy of all electronic assessments submitted to Canvas. Please submit all
assessment components.

Word count
In this assessment some of the questions include a word count. This is a guideline only, but your answers
should not vary substantially (i.e. +/- 10%) from the word count provided. Microsoft Word includes a
word count tool.

Objective To test the required application skills in managing knowledge and information.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Jacqueline Jose
Candidate name:

Trainer’s Name:

Date Submitted:
Candidate declaration: I declare that:
 I have read and understood all the information provided in relation to
the assessment requirements to complete this unit, the instructions
and the purpose and processes of undertaking this assessment task
 This assessment is my own work and where other’s works or ideas have
been borrowed, I have appropriately referenced or acknowledged them
 I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to
disciplinary action.

Candidate signature: Jjose

Task 2: Report and Presentation

General instructions:
This assessment task requires you to use the simulated business Bounce Fitness and its
additional Resources. You can access these on Canvas page for Task 2.

Case Study
Margaret House, CEO of Bounce Fitness and the Board of Directors are keen to have the four
Centres registered with Fitness Australia ( They feel that standards
required to be met as a registered fitness centre would not only ensure the credibility of the
organisation in the eyes of the public but provide goals for the Centre Managers and teams.
Registration will require meeting the Code of Conduct for the state in which each Centre is located
and ensuring that all trainers meet, or immediately undertake training to meet certain standards.
Information about the registration can be obtained by going to the Fitness Australia website and
clicking on the Registration and Policies and Guidelines tabs. The Codes of Conduct for each State can
be found on the Policies and Guidelines tab, Business Principles and Guidelines section, if you
scroll down the page.
The minimum educational qualification required by Bounce Fitness for all trainers is the Certificate III
in Fitness Instructing and all trainers must hold this to continue to work as a trainer of classes and
individual clients. At this point in time, this has not been consistently applied. In Cairns all are
qualified, in Brisbane two need the basic training, two also in Sydney and in Melbourne there is one. It
is intended under the change management initiative that all trainers, once they have completed the
basic training will continue to pursue further training, the Certificate IV and Diploma, annually as
personal development.
Bounce Fitness will pay for the training fees and other incidentals such as textbook requirements and
provide one paid hour per week for study leave. Bounce Fitness will also reimburse travel and
accommodation for compulsory study attendance sessions.
It is expected that the change management process will be smooth if adequate measures are taken
and the process is well managed. The major resistance will come from the five trainers who do not
have this qualification and have learned through experience. They do not feel that a qualification is
necessary. They have indicated that they are not keen to participate in the further training
If the whole standardisation process is not managed carefully, there is a potential for dissatisfaction
and all Centres may not comply with the standardised procedures. This is a major concern for the
Executive; hence your recommendations are crucial.
You have been asked to investigate the feasibility, benefits and practicality of entering such a
relationship with Fitness Australia and make recommendations. Prepare a report for submission to
the CEO and Board.

Part A – Obtain Information

This part requires you to gain background information. Address the following points
to ensure you have all the necessary information:
Question 1:
Review the information in the Case Study; examine the information on the Bounce
Fitness website and the website of Fitness Australia.

Bounce Fitness is committed to an expanding role as a premiere

provider of wellness integrated services. Through the evolvement of an
empowered employee culture and the creative acquisition and the use
of resources, we will develop and implement comprehensive programs
and services appealing to all.

The centres will serve the community with quality, comprehensive,

unique and distinctive health programs and services. The employee
team will expand upon the preventive services while improving the
quality of life among participant through health and fitness services
utilizing state of the art equipment and practices. These programs will
reflect members needs and be financially viable for all stakeholders.

Question 2:
Identify, define and analyse the business problems and issues.

Question 3:
Identify what information you will require to provide to the CEO and Board of
Directors to allow them to decide.

Question 4:
Investigate the information on the Fitness Australia website. How do you know
that the information you are gathering is reliable?

Question 5:
Check the information and ensure that the information you select to use is not
contradictory or ambiguous.

Question 6:
How will you obtain anecdotal and other information not held in formal networks
from the Centres?

Part B – Analyse Information

This part requires you to analyse the information that you have gathered. Address the
following points to ensure you can make the best recommendations:

Question 7:
What are your objectives in conducting your analysis of the information gathered?

Question 8:
Describe the patterns or trends emerging? Why do you think these are occurring and what
has been the result?

Question 9:
Use statistical analysis to assist in your interpretation and include copies.

Question 10:
Conduct a ‘What If Analysis’ on the information. What was the outcome?

Question 11:
How have you ensured that your analysis has been conducted using a logical approach to
the evaluation and conclusions drawn by you?

Question 12:
How would you adjust any information collection systems currently in place?
Include recommendations for improvements to the information collection in your final

Part C – Making the decision

This part requires you to make decisions. Address the following points to ensure you
have all the necessary information:

Question 13:

Do you have enough information to make valid, credible and reliable

recommendations to the CEO and Board of Directors? How do you know that you
have suffi cient information and that it is valid and reliable? Document your
recommendations – one must relate to the use of an information system to capture
future information relevant to this project.

Question 14:
What risk management plans have you put into place to determine acceptable
courses of action?

Question 15:
What quantitative methods did you use to assist your decision making?

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Question 16:
With whom would you consult when making decisions about information to use?

Question 17:
How have you ensured that any decisions taken on information use are within the
appropriate authority of the decision maker?

Question 18:
Explain how your recommendations are in line with the organisational objectives,
values and standards of Bounce Fitness?

Question 19:
What would you do in order to ensure your recommendations are completed in a
timely fashion?

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Part D – Disseminate the information

Prepare a communication plan to inform the organisation about the decisions. It will be
presented to the CEO and Board of Directors.

Check your report a final time before submission to ensure the information is spell-
checked, grammatically correct, up-to-date, accurate, relevant and suffi cient.

Ensure that you include information relating to:

 How advice/information needs are documented and if there are specific

requirements relating to different locations, format and timelines.

 How and when document information and databases will be updated.

 How the design of the systems meets the information requirements of decision
makers and how the databases will be updated and on what timeline.

 How you ensured the information is up to date, accurate, relevant and suffi cient.

 How confidentiality/privacy policies will be adhered to in the transmission/release of

 How and when the communication plan will be reviewed and updated.
 How technology will be used to provide optimum effi ciency and quality.
 How corporate knowledge will be maintained to ensure security.

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Part E – Presentation
This part requires you to demonstrate your ability to communicate and consult. You must
ensure all relevant groups and individuals are advised of what is occurring and are provided
with an opportunity for input. To demonstrate your communication skills, you will now
present your report.
 If you are completing this unit Face to Face: Present your report to your fellow
learners playing the role of the CEO and Board of Directors of Bounce Fitness.
 If you are completing this unit online : Present your report to 2 volunteers (e.g.
colleagues, friends, family members, other students) who will play the role of the
CEO and Board of Directors of Bounce Fitness.

You must orally present this report exactly as you would to the CEO and Board of Directors
of Bounce Fitness. You must be clear, knowledgeable and influencing in your presentation.
The audiences may question aspects of your presentation and you must respond credibly
and accurately.

End of Assessment
Congratulations, you have completed this assessment task. Please ensure all questions are
answered and upload the following:
 This completed workbook
 Video Recording of Part E (If you are completing this unit online)
 PowerPoint slides used when carrying out the presentation in Part E.

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