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The Similarities and differences between the

direct and indirect democracy

Indirect Democracy
Direct Democracy
In direct democracy all adult
population, remaining present in the
People do not elect representatives form of assembly, takes part in decision-
to make law, but make the laws
SIMILARITIES making and exercise of power.

themselves. They both have citizens choose others to represent them,

laws or rules and making important decisions on their
People or the citizens has all regulations behalf.
the power. They are both
political system has many forms like (i) Parliamentary
or Cabinet Form; (ii) Presidential
Every citizen has equal say on
They both have Form; (iii) Unitary Form, and (iv)
government. Governments Federal Form. There are many mixed
forms of indirect democracy.
They are both
Direct democracies may operate
exercised by the refers to a system of government in
through an assembly of citizens or by citizen which the people control the
means of referenda and initiatives in
government through elected politicals
which citizens vote on issues instead of officials ..
for candidates or parties.


12- HUMSS 5

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