Rodel Novesteras Claus Reaction Paper Bs in Accountancy PSYCH 1100

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“A person is defined not by what he thinks but by what he owns.”

Creating such imaginative desires or impressions will never define the holistic

identification of a certain person. It is just concluding a matter of thought and doubt as a form

of judgment. Reality will always reveal and no one can hide it. What we have are something

that really makes us and what we owned can clearly describe us. Simply means, “don’t assumed

otherwise, stated.”

Sometimes, we defined a person based on what we supposed. Thinking of expressive

ideas and descriptive perspectives of mind. It is quite understood that the basis of interpreting

or identifying an individual should focus on what can be visualized, felt nor touched. It is

somehow related to “TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE”. An attributes, way of living, and obvious identity

founded a huge factor to evidently describe a person. An inventive and creative observance

directly to yourself and others will bring complicated outcomes. Because, defining a person by

means of thoughts, judgments, and impressions are just dreaming for a missing identity,

dishonest and keeping the genuineness behind every words and actions to be done.

It seems like pretending of your own individuality. It’s not bad to think our own

meaning, molding our self-descriptions thru invisible and impossible interpretations yet it will

be a conflict to us when we already know the truth about it. What we expect as a result of

mischievous words and ideas will surely hurt us when the reality comes.


No one can continue life all by himself

Honestly, we are reliant on our surroundings specifically in the product of technology

and resources. It is related in the saying; “no one can live in an island alone”. Still, there are

needs to be spend and satisfied. In coping the feeling of deprivation, we must have an essential

thing not only to use but to survive. In our generation today, needs are very extensive and

widely classified. Sometimes, our wants became our needs and we can’t deny it.

In a week, my basic necessities for material things are weakly allowance, grocery items

including the (foods, water and toiletries), cellphone with load, clothes to wear, bed for a night

sleep and rest, and other obvious needs. However, pieces of advice, presence of family and

friends, holistic functions, and ideal experiences for non-material things. These are the needs

that will complete my week. As an individual, natural thing like air, sunlight, elements, and

resources from the environment are always necessary. The use of technology would be needed

in terms of academic means and updates in order to attain new knowledge and acquire possible

ideas from the news, intensifying awareness, getting of effective tips or mechanisms and as

usual, for communication.

Those given needs below will surely help me grow personally (physically, emotionally,

spiritually, mentally), professionally and comfortably. I need them not only for satisfaction but

for the benefits that will greatly help me in pursuing life

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