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BS Accountancy 1-2 Assignment

Racing Extinction: Humanity is killing the world.

Racing extinction is a wakeup call for all viewers around the world aware of the

damage we are causing to beings living on Earth long before us and yet today are suffering

their existence in quality and quantity. But far from staying only in the complaint, it is an

invitation to begin to participate, to be part of the change, act and transform the impact into

a more harmonious and positive for all of us even animals that inhabit the planet.

We live in an era that was called as “Anthropocentric”, that is, the Age of Man. Let

this historic time means a before and after, not for being responsible to extinguish more

than half of the beautiful creatures on the planet, but for being those who save those

animals that look to us for a last legacy trust and respect. Only by this way we will save the

Earth and ourselves.

The most useful lesson was that we had to keep the intellectual and emotional sides

of the film in perfect balance. People who neglected or degraded the worth of diverse

creatures will suffer for its wide effects or outcomes. We are responsible to take care of our

surroundings, to cultivate our resources and offer alternative solutions for conservation

and preservation. The video clip made me realized how important for us to show our

concerns and voices in uplifting our thinking towards having a secured habitat. I found it

very interesting because of inspirational messages and values to be kept for a lifetime.
“People think they cannot make a difference. The truth is that the planet

depends on us.”

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