Reaction Paper - Taxation

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BS in Accountancy 1-2 October 1, 2019

Noted Experience

“Bridging the gap between financial and tax accounting and how to survive BIR audit”

It is a great opportunity and privilege for me to be involved in this one-day seminar. I

learned a lot of valuable ideas and information about taxation. It really taught me how to
understand different concepts which are necessary in my chosen field and it made me more
eager to study the related topics.

Some topic matters are boring because of its complexity. Even though the lessons are
comprehensives, I listed those important details for it may help us along the way. First, I am
motivated by a well-known speakers and CPA’s. Inspired by their perseverance and wondrous
knowledge in accounting. Lastly, the knowledge they imparted to us will be a countless help in
pursuing our dreams.

This kind of seminar must continue in order to help especially those accounting students.
The whole day was filled of new ideas, familiarity and knowledge which are meant to us. From
the seminar, I therefore realized the momentous desires and objectives of this event just to give
us understanding how blessed we are to experience this opportunity.

My head was rankled due to hot weather but still, I slept with knowledge and I woke
up with hope. I am now ready to study harder and get the victory ahead!

For every experience, there are lessons imparted. For every lessons, there are
treasurable knowledge to keep, For every knowledge, there are reasons to apply and
share. For every reasons, there are endless help to show.

- Rodel N. Claus

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