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College of Engineering
Course Work-1

(Alternative Assessment)
BEng in Electrical Power Engineering (GCU) & Electronic
Name of the programme
& Instrumentation Engineering (GCU)
Name of Module with Code Electrical and Electronic Measurements - M2H624677
Level/Semester & AY Level 2/ Semester B/ AY: 2019-20
Name of the Module
Mr. Muhammed Kunhamu
Coursework Type Assignment (Theory and Numerical Problems)
Assessment weightage 50 % of Overall
Type and date of submission Online Submission: 30th April 2020

To enhance the students’ attainment of knowledge and

skills in the area of electrical and electronic measurement
and measuring instruments.

On successful completion of this course work students will

be able to :
o Describe the basic concepts of measurement
theory and methods used for measuring electrical
and non-electrical quantities;

Learning Outcomes o Choose appropriate type of instruments for

particular measurements;
o Design multi range ammeter and voltmeter using
shunt and series resistors;
o Propose wattmeter based circuits for measurement
of power in three phase ac systems.

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Students are expected to answer the following questions. Data required (highlighted in yellow
shading) for numerical problems will be given separately for each students through the
blackboard. Each student has to work out the problems using the data assigned to him/her.

Sl.No. Description
1 a) With the help of an appropriate block diagram illustrate the functioning of a
generalized measurement system consisting at least the following five
elements: a) Primary sensing element; b) variable conversion element; c)
data transmission element; d) variable manipulation element and e). Data [10]
presentation element.
b) Figure Q1 shows the schematic of a pressure actuated thermometer. Give
a mapping of the different elements of this measurement system against
the basic elements of a generalized measurement system. (You need to
identify the particular elements in the figure that corresponds to each of the
basic element of a generalized measurement system) [5]

Figure Q1: (courtesy of

c) Assume that the sensing bulb of the measurement system shown in figure
Q1 is immersed in hot water. Explain how it is possible to display the
temperature of water by a proportional displacement of the pointer on the [5]

2 a) A manufacturer supplies electrical components with specifications as

given in Table Q2a.

Table Q2a
Component Value Accuracy/Error
Inductance L (mH) ±ΔL%
Capacitance C (µF) ±ΔC%
Resistance R (Ω) ±ΔR%

Determine the possible range (maximum and minimum) of the component

values when they are measured using ideal instruments. [6]

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b) A testing lab has two voltmeters V1 and V2. Each meter has scale range of
0 -100 V. Test results obtained by the two meters for some voltage
measurements are shown in Table Q2b.

Table Q2b
Meter True Value Indicated Value
Meter-V1 E1t (Volts) E1m (Volts)
Meter-V2 E2t ( Volts) E2m (Volts)
[Assume that the percentage error of each of the meters is independent of
the actual magnitude of the voltage within the given maximum range].

Voltage output of a 50 V ‘power supply unit’ is to be tested within an

accuracy limit of ±1.75%.
i) Which of the two voltmeters will you choose for the testing? [8]
ii) Give a clear technical justification for you answer. [2]

c) In light of the results obtained in Q2a and Q2b, critically analyze the
relevance of absolute error and percentage error in measurements. [4]

3 a) With the help of a suitable schematic diagram and necessary theoretical

explanation, illustrate how a thermo couple can be used to measure a

b) Discuss the features of thermocouple based instruments in comparison to

Moving Iron or Moving coil type instruments focusing on the applications. [5]

c) A permanent magnet moving coil instrument has technical details as given

in Table Q3c.

Table Q3c
Parameter Value
Number of turns on the
Flux density in the air gap B (weber/m2).
Width of the coil b (mm)
Length (depth)of the coil l (mm)
Control spring constant C (N-m/degree)
Current to be measured I (mA)

i) Determine the deflection torque and actual deflection of the pointer in

degrees when the instrument is used to measure the above current. [6]
ii) What would be the deflection if the current is doubled? [2]

4 a) With the help of neat drawings and necessary theoretical explanations and
mathematical expressions, illustrate how a basic PMMC ammeter of low
range can be modified to work as multiage ammeter with minimum four
current ranges. You may opt to provide a circuit with general values or a
circuit with particular values chosen by you. [10]

b) A basic PMMC movement has internal resistance of Rm Ω and full scale

deflection (FSD) for a current of Im A. Using this basic instrument, design
and draw the circuit of a multi-range voltmeter with four volt ranges of 0-V1
Volts, 0-V2 Volts, 0 – V3 Volts and 0 – V4 Volts. [10]

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5 a) With the help of neat circuit diagrams explain how the power consumed by
a three phase load connected to (i) three phase 3-wire and (ii) three phase
4-wire supply can be measured using wattmeter. The answer should
include relevant formulae to be used for the calculation of total power. [10]

b) A balanced, star connected load is connected across a 415 VC, three-

phase power supply. The load and supply details are shown in Table Q5b.

Table Q5b
Parameter Value
Total power drawn by the load Ptot
Power factor Pf/ CosØ
If the power consumed by the above load is measured using two
wattmeter method, what would be the two wattmeter readings? [10]


1. Plagiarism is a serious offence. In case of any plagiarism detected, penalty will be

imposed leading to zero mark. Policy and guidelines for dealing with plagiarism and
malpractice in examination can be viewed by clicking:
2. The course work shall be subject to plagiarism software check.
3. Course work should be submitted on time. College guidelines on late submission of
coursework can be viewed by clicking:
4. Course work should be submitted with an appropriate cover page, which can be
obtained from the departmental assistant at the department.
5. Name, student identification and title of the course work to be written clearly and legibly
on the cover page.
6. For online submission of course work, pdf file with appropriate cover page mentioning
name of student, student number and title of the course work should be uploaded using
the submission link created and made available by the module leader.

Harvard Referencing (CCE Style) First Edition 2013 should be followed for both in-text and
listing references. This downloadable document can be found in our CE portal at:
Name and Signature of Module leader:

Mr. Muhammed Kunhamu

Date:15th April 2020

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