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Applications of Bipolar Junction Transistor

There are two types of applications of bipolar junction transistor, switching and

BJT as Amplifier
Single Stage RC Coupled CE Amplifier
The (Figure.1.1) shows a single stage CE amplifier. C 1 and C3 are coupling capacitors,
they are used for blocking the DC component and passing only ac part they also
ensure that the DC basing conditions of the BJT remains unchanged even after input is
applied. C2 is the bypass capacitor which increases the voltage gain and bypasses the
R4 resistor for AC signals.

The BJT is biased in the active region using the necessary biasing components. The Q
point is made stable in the active region of the transistor. When input is applied as
shown below the base current starts to vary up and down, hence collector current also
varies as IC = β × IB. Therefore voltage across R3 varies as the collector current is
passing through it. Voltage across R3 is the amplified one and is 180o apart from the
input signal. Thus voltage across R3 is coupled to the load and amplification has taken
place. If the Q point is maintained to be at the center of the load very less or no
waveform distortion will take place. The voltage as well as current gain of the CE
amplifier is high (gain is the factor by which the voltage of current increases from
input to output). It is commonly used in radios and as low frequency voltage

The  BJT As A Switch

The second major application area is switching applications. When used as an electronic
switch, a BJT is normally operated alternately in cutoff and saturation. Many digital circuits
use the BJT as a switch.

Switching Operation:
Explain the basic operation of BJT as a switching device. As shown in Part (a), the transistor is
in the cut-off area since the base emitter intersection is bias forward; hence the resistance
offered by the BJT us very high (ideally infinite). In this case, it would ideally be opened between
the collector and the emitter as shown the switch equivalent which means both junctions are
reversed biased. In saturation as shown in Part (b), both links are forward biased and the base
current is large enough to make the collector current reach the saturation value. Then there is a
short distance between the collector and the emitter by the substitution equivalent as shown.
Usually a very small decrease occurs via BJT at which it can be said that it is equivalent to the
closed switch and then it is called the saturation voltage, VCE (sat).
Performance and analysis:

The transistor has three main terminals which are the base, the emitter and the collector, and each side
is connected to one of the layers of the transistor. Depending on the structure of the transistor, the
transistor can be represented in the form of a diode called the base, emitter, base and collector, where
it can be shared by elevator or cathode, depending on the type of transistor used. Therefore, the
transistor is subject to the same bias diode rules. In scientific terms, there are four states of bias for the
transistor coupling: the forward bias of the primary link and the emitter with the reverse bias of the
main link and the collector or vice versa, or the bias for each of the forward links or both in reverse, and
each bias process differs from the other leading to different properties used to employ the transistor.

NPN Transistor Operation Figure.1 illustrates the depletion regions and

a barrier voltage at the junctions of an unbiased NPN transistor .the
center layer of the transistor is very much narrower than the two outer
layers. The outer layers are also much more heavily doped than the
centre layer, so that the depletion regions penetrate deep into the base,
illustrated. Because of this penetration, the distance between the two
depletion regions is very short (within the base). Note that the junction
barrier voltages are positive on the emitter and collector, and negative
on the base of the NPN device. Consider Fig.1, which shows an npn
transistor with external bias voltages. For normal operation, the base-
emitter (BE) junction is forward-biased collector-base (CB) junction is
reverse- biased. Note the polarities of the external bias voltages. The
forward bias at the BE junction reduces the barrier voltage and causes
electrons to flow from the n-type emitter to the p-type base. The
electrons are emitted into the base region: hence the name emitter.
Holes also flow from the p-type base to the n-type emitter, but because
the base is much more lightly doped than the collector, almost all of the
current flowing across the BE junction consists of electrons entering the
base from the emitter. Thus, electrons are the majority charge carriers
in an npn device.


The reverse bias at the CB junction causes the CB depletion region to penetrate deeper into the base
than when the junction is unbiased (see Fig.2). The electrons crossing from the emitter to the base arrive
quite close to the region. Because electrons have a negative charge, they are drawn across the CB
junction by this bias voltage. They are said to be collected. Some of the charge carriers entering the base
from the emitter do not reach the collector, but flow out through the base connection, as illustrated in
Fig.2. However, the path from the BE junction to the CB depletion region is much shorter than that to the
base terminal. So only a very large negative-positive electric field (or barrier voltage) at the CB depletion
small percentage of the total charge carriers flow out of the base terminal. And because the base region
is very lightly doped, there are few holes in the base to recombine with electrons from the emitter. The
result is that about 98% of the charge carriers from the emitter are drawn across the CB junction to flow
through the collector terminal and the voltage sources back to the emitter. (Figure .2)

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