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fana Shiv Publications 4 1, eed fea & oH are aI i [Micro Computer (a) ort BAY Mini Computer (b) ene wT i (c) SeBCTT BRT ‘Super Computer (arbre @ 2. cof Rat wa ara era ae () GROIN (Comparer) (b) Sewety BACT —=>— — (o)fefsearrqez [Analog Computer| __[ Hy Computer] (a Prt oma i) 3. aivedaed a mye wore (a) Rance atoeter she oeetoer ieee, (b) hover ot sir (o) Hie lailae as oh reel luc RAT (@) FAIAS Ray 4, BHCC aa Fr a A feb Mellor & fery SeIATe (Use) feoer aH wal B- (a) Brat Afar (b) Beh Teh & fore err () ARGH, @ Rema @ 5. Frat a Bia ar Ren & da # eager oo webs acral B- (a) giererer Rae (by Fatsice aaa (c) TATE TTA (a) EEA (a) 6. WRC HAR (HHS) OME I Fe Huts aT (a) aH oge oR eT (0) stitcs wees (o) Tifa (aor fa) 7, Fra Roauor ongeral cuter rare (a) Waa DAA (b) TACIT RACY (c) Suet BrART (ay sewdha wT (a) 8. SAA YOM a GRE ser WELW aA (Storage Capacity) WeAA (Performance) 3h Ser Urafir & Herel & wae efeerench weaee B- (a) Micro Computer (b) Mainframe Computer (©) Super Computer (@) Palmtop Computer ©) 9, Fra a atrel Haege faren wh fasta Hal 87 Computer Q Bank 2 a Oy tetera (cy HHT aT (a) EIs——(e) 10. Printer ((Bex) $4 4 ¥ forwer Sere B— (ay ara (b) Ra (c) YE (a) sIBeTe (d) 11 gaa ala a que OME wu a aloe TAT (a) PARAM Super computer (b) IBM's Sequoia (©) FUjitsu’s K Computer (d) Dell Latitude @ 1, fa wey a Ure Pa R- (FAT Learn FB) (a) RAM (b) DVD (c) Hard Drive (d) ROM: (b) 2, Soll ete Hier ar... Yo VOR S| (a) Hear fer (oy Htac fee (c) Aya) aye Hex — () 3. Tafel me fara 4 feow sch Bt Devices Gt WA TA e- (FA iLearn #82) (a) 318cye fsareRra (b) St gage feat 3h siscyc fearera (RK aR (toe (a) 4, faa Hare ar DIE (HT iLearn Waa) (a) WH Wag (wor ay aihiex (b) 5. Pra atetrah Aan ale tbs we are Petpet et e- (@) IEW (Static RAM) —_(b) 31 (ROM) (© BrrAie %H (Dyanamic ram) (d) $485 (Eprom) © 6, fra ea na ome wr aH aa (SALearn FV) (a) ROM (b) Pen Drive (c) Hard Drive (d) CD Drive (a) 7. We sificaser Baye Feare we ah oe HAfSen we a Ute & rent eer Hee BU gal &- (a) Pifew eu (by das OTE ex (c) aiffte@el VOR (a) OMR @ 8, BURTS Giworas Ya Hata (a) 818 {3% Specification (b) arate fafa (©) Sat er (@) ar wh @ 9, Fratton 1a at wad godt yore ae dace miftbaa oI Sema See (a) 3B aC HAR (b) Tier (c) Se AMAR — a) AOR ACY dy) 10. itar§ (DPI) a1 fea WH (Complete Form) & (a) Sieufa atga (b) Sie wer ea Shiv Publications fa 3 (oe) Tia are wa Ber SICH (a) THT A () DIRT ay ey TH wR wt a Hee a eI ee (a) Soft er He (by CTT Hex (c) GOR AEX (a) HHT ee) Fira 4a aha Ww 2a Hen (Data Storage) fea e- (a) eh () 7a (es aET (a) Hie () «Reh otra AAT & forereo vey RAM are fe are eT A gar are Yo wT “ga ae fe rar aa t= (a) SA (b) FARM (cp oY =) ROM (a) |. 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Safe fra Fare ears wi ATTA Gr (ga iLearn 42a) {a) Scroll bar (®2iet IR) (b) Taskbar (7FRBER) (©) Home (#7) (A) None of the above (BIE Eh) (a) 7. wMU feistar Ae a we BA B- @IMarsR Ae — ) TATTISTTAwIe (Afed saris orwode = (A) aHTT waa e (d@) 8, Ue eee ame ar fechte a ag worgeu ate whee wl Cored Gea (@) Fairs (by Diese (c) ReansRRoet ae (a) TUR A (c) 9, Sal re wry Pace Si Wea & arch I HL (Fat Learn BS) (a) wna Pea (b) situa Rreer (una taatic (veto aeeeR (b) 10. Fat center me Fira Fo weET SereNUT &- (SAM iLeam Fe) (a) GUI (38g 38) (b) Linux (a7) (©) UNIX (@PTTH) (Gy HTEBTBTUE SHA (Microsoft office) (a) 4 + nt UE ne BT SURAT ORG Tes TE TK AT FR ety Fa Hd BT Wore! (a) mao ey (y) ait eat (c) thea, fostar (a) ore, wd stor (b) 2. TRAST WOR aw Midler t- (ASCH (6) TCP/IP. (©) RAM (d) DBA 0) 3. Ghar dea ame afte ol ya A sre & ferg- (a) Re wh (b) Rieres ““wieal-baRew"” (c) fers ““te-bahca’” (a) Reeres ““baRew-e ¢ baker’ (a) 4, FE MY GS WA EY BE & FA “hetp:/”, at Zl .org BI aed (a) sifeforrat aa ase (b) WOT ta HEE (o) Brae de mee (@) sitargsterreal da ase @ 6, Wo chee stead Gh... Be AaB (ay Feet Hae ae (ey seete Reade faaa Shiv Publications 5 (oe) eerie ERAT (a) Fee feet Ae @ 7. Fred cafe fora # (Arrow) Wel owe) sft ea &1 (gt iLearn FAM) (a) Server (RX) (b) Data Transmission (221 F2R) (©) Transfer ZFAER) (d) Address Bar (4 9R) (a) 8. foe wh fates ory & fee sre) Tae... ATA A S| @ome OMA (Caatraa wecA () 9. Serie we taht ag Yernat wh feoa vers gow 4 fanfare fear ara 8? (a) BAIR (b) fe. (ter ad) HAH (b) 10. feo fava ue el ed WH & Sue GWG a Yoru ured atl @, ae Serdy aa tera A aera ale 81 (a) WC OH (CWI MER () 11, 8eete oy Poa Rec fara oe al oe wl Ded B- (a) RiFror AW — (pee. Orr (b) 12, SRA. I ae 8 (a) sa eer (b) gefiee Sin fare (0) 37 Fer () Scrat area fa) 13. SEA (Internet) BAIA IT fF HOA OND YAMA De AoA e (a) $a (E-mail) oF (b) SiC (Online) Fee Te BET (c) 3HAIEA (Online) ewe Fw DAT @ arta wh (a) 14e-g0vy edu, .mil 3% net GRE VaRETT Gl GEM F @acnea Heras CAM GaaewA (b) 15, TARR Head 4 Sar gree wea o fore saber fase Sat 81 @ Rea OAH (CRS Maar (a 16, $8 (Internet) --- & am Bh of v1 echo —(b) duel (co) WRI MET (a) tere (c) 17. dal gral A yw age Aqua wie WR aM BI Ueber Bl wed B- (a) tio (b) feeoa, eae eu @ 18. 06 wi &-aa wear & ae aPraral sia .. (a) GA, Ta He SAT (oy i, ae (o) suet aH, Sh rH she SIA als (a) i, Ue aka BAR TAT (c) 19, wan ate (a) SIUC (o) FRAME HT (c) STRAT are Ha eT Het (a) STATE We (a) 20 une OG OAH et HA HH SOT TB stain (yaa of = @ toa @ Computer Question Bank 6 = Gfbla Pera ow total wl cafe 8 (HT iLearn Fea) (a) STATE ASAT FATE (oF aT (@) 31a ara (a) . direIga/fefaIee YA (Online/Digital Payment) & Het 8- (a) t6f8e DIS (credit card) (b) 72 4a (net banking) (0) SC BIE (debit card) (@) sie wh @ Fred cae en fra feowen sfita ear &- (zat iLearn HW) (a) ITGK Code (b) OMR Code (©) Bar Code (@ QR Code @ SRS safes wu a orate aa ae fa Vara owed eel Sagar st ‘ahora rT a (@) sara zara (b) sie sr (¢) Sat Reorar att (a FAROE AA (b) BHIM, Freecharge, Paytm, Boddy 3210! - (a) Credit card (b) Debit card (c) Mobile Wallet (d) fea 72 Bic) Ue FAL ST eea SASHA RA RB BAI GA MN GE? 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Fre eer 1 fea AGORA Transaction fear ai Wi 8 (a) Net Banking @ payment —_(b) Debit card % pyayment (©) Credit Card @ payment (ay FATE A @ 12, sterearge feb Break ot gen werael ef Hepa 8 (a DR aRa Ba (by DEA Rosh Ah aera (247) OT (oy TRB AG-AE Bev fer HAT gH HE ara Hensh Ba TAT (a) saan Hh (a) 13, Freda Bata wl tanger diete wr serewr wal 8 (a) SBI Buddy (b) Pay TM (c) BHIM (A) Credit Card (d) 14, sieeags afta Ae afb suede eq ae sae B— (a) 3aTH at User IDASRAA —(b) UAE (Password) (aa a (FAVORS ©) 15, eg Ag Hei I ATH 8 (gH iLearn #2) (a) Point of Sale Machine _(b) Prititing Machine (©) FAX Machine RoI Ae f@) 1, Sw aer ste ae & fryer Yar arell daenge few wed wi ach €? (a) Wexete tarTEeH (by 3-ofrl daarec () Hite Acar mH (a) who (b) 2, aess etal lew BI Hw Sere B- (a) aerate 1 Bea (b) Tete BRA (c) BM ala (a) THA aw (a) 3. Swim dame WR PIA GY aed 8 (a) Cash on Delivery (b) Debit Card/Credit Card (c) Internet Banking (a) sana wa (d) 4. $-cafta/sitreares fren # see urea areal fea faewea a frend 8? (a) VIDEOS. (6) WORD DOCUMENT (©) SLIDESHOWS/PDF (ad) RTT @ 5. WaRUe gag (a) We TES 2a BT BI UH TAT (b) YoU (©) area ae ha (a eerie hans OT (a) 6. Hee 3 RA ers «er... BT WAT Be & a Tea are Vlaams Yo Computer a Bank 8 & ae ard 4 ated a aT 81 (a)Spider (bd) Templates (c) Index (4) Search Engine (4) 7. Online Shopping Websites & Saw &? (a) AMAZON (b) SNAP DEAL (c) FLIPKART (d) ft 72 #4 (d) 8. E-Commerce & @ a4 8? (a) Sea H steeH (b) MH Baas (c) Yen (a) THETA a) 9, Shr aH ae aie & are aret anfeel eT a ..... el aATaT | (ay arraiga (by Hey (co) AB fagaa — (dy S-AaeRAT (a) 10, ded aS AeA fee FfRre Fr al Garo Fea A BY TSE (a) Browsers and scanner —_(b) Gopher and Windows’ (c) Scanner and Search Engine (d) Search Engine and Ind&x —(d) 11. oro VBR e- (@) C2 (b) B2B (©) B2C Msanmrwi (a) 12, $-teaa8? ORS CSUEICUE (b) Seer AeA (Internet mailing) (c) ec FA7ST7 (Instant messaging) (FRAG) 13, del oth wafer wer eaes ear feng acer Har acl erage wl bed (a) i, (yreafion (cy thera Acafba (a) wefan (e) 14, TORT WOR SRI YH (5A TY “e-Bazeer” GB URL 8? (a) http www ebazaar gov. in (b) http:swww:ebazaar rajasthan, gov. in {€) http:/www ebazaar rajasthan. (d) FAV HS (b) 15. Raj eVault @) fefticet ceed wae eel ot weoaT 81s whet snfereih eS ‘eee SA WTO Wal... BEY BY Yee Sal 81 (@ fefsiea aeTER (b) efsreet rater (©) fefstee Beams OMI ©) 16, at $a H feo ae GI Urea AA SUC DAS wart 8? (a) Power point/Videos (b) e-Content (c) e-Book (d) uRea wi(d) 17, tae Are ae wt eat aT? (@) RAR To aT (oy ted Terr are a fea eae TTR Thorns Bans SOT Tos se TA BEAT (©) SC, ST, OBC, ear, Hse, DAR a ty stove are are eT ‘Ferg feta ator TT (d) aR A (@) 18. MOOC @I Full form @ &? 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QE OA CRATE GMA © fana Shiv Publications 44 1, MTATeITE aaa & weet A Stdtel (DBT) «I WRI wY aE e (a) 8A TAT (b) sate aiafoe CAT (THe A aa EI (@) ferret site arteritis (b) 2. $-tigiga wore & desta wdiga (FPS) OI RI BU ee? @) OR TRA (o) DeR TEA gT (co) torgtfaraet wea areca Are tbe Orem aid al (a) referee conn Fac (b) 3. SHUR OTS Bee A foes 3k ear eee? (a) 10 (b) 16 (8 (d) 12 (d) 4. Ware dard & sea digas (BSBY) & dea dear oa] e? (a) %. 30,000 (b) %.50,000 (c) #. 10,000, (d)*. 40,000 (a) 5. SSO yee oi ye a4 aa 8? (a) Single Login Interface (b) better Transpateney (©) Better Accountability, “\ 9 (d)" All of the above @ 6. SSO BIW Bae? (a) Single Sigh OFF (b) Smart Software Offer (©) None Of the above (@) Single Sign On @ 7. $-tgigg (E-PDS) Wore & dev a adie (BPL) HRI TTT a? (a) faea Roepe ark (0) fae rach ore (Co) Fach cra ere att afer ftofaroner aategh rah (a) Siete ster Wier aT (b) 8. e-PDS WEA ( 4 ata ah ee Sue AE 8? 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TR ROR BI GH A THT e-PDS Weel Haller Bea 8? (a) Food & Civil Supplies Department (b) Agriculture Department, (c) Water Resources Department (a) Revenue Department (a) «Fre Peeard a fara 4 ae cafe aren 8- (BAGH iLearn 4 2a) @QwxeAinal (b) WO Be Ba EE (att tt (@)FAaoE A (b) 2. Prd Feed a fera 4 en cafen aa 8 (AGT iLearn 4 ea) (a) He G sucrerm Reef Weed eh (ast at @ritoga (a) “View Returns/Forms” fact 8 Ta GX Wed &? (Fal iLearn 7) (a) SOA aR AR GAT ITR YA Oe aT (b) TH TAT @ fH SATA SAF income tax BT TATA fee e Bz, HT SRT GRAM ITR A: WT TR Te (at taeae (d) FH TAMU fe 3m SA income tax 1 PTT fom ey fa) «FU, SH TIONS & fre aaa SATS STAT GK Wes 87 ret we ) fama Shiv Publications 13 5. IY SUT SA BIE FEU (Details) FAG EA A Weird BX Hod S— (a) Siro fae (b) site Fare (agit at (ay aor ae ©) 6. Mawr Fie4 (Income Tax Return-ITR) Fa #7 (a) GAT es BMT TF income tax IATA fae (b) WH THI fs BMT BTA Road tax TAA fa 8 (aa b Ft (a) AAO @) 7, Fara a foe sree we ale acreran Ba hel Bt wa wt ag B- (a) wea gare Feast (by arg Herat ere (FAA oH (a) wile arate Sai Feta) 8. Wile eater Bar oh & gaa Fes wr we ese (a) A Catt geT & fore HAR HTeT A ante OR WAS (by GER & fere sitreg sree OR WO s, Te BSE, OPMRMAM saws CswaMiod wit (a) 9. LPG facie afta ax Ge ara Ue ae Ferm eb eT A fear oH Hebe 2 (aati oye (b) 10, PAN GTS H1ae7 & fey SH ASR A NSDL(National securities De- pository Limited) @awge ¥ Grd ate iF... HAAS (a) 894 (b) 494, (©) 39A (FTAA TTS AE (by 11 d@8IE (https:/ 4 SCTE urea four ot Hoa 8 (@) Aadhar Card (b) Train ticket (c)ITR (FHA BEAM (b) 12, Gera Rea sft 8 ae arf 8 (a) WTS B Rear Te ry fee (by eewe BH Reefer wen erat & fer (cy amere rg oh Ref Tt Fre (a) BAA A UNE at ) 13. jy logo ra Bar al zafar 82 @ tt OR CARD WRIA) 14, PAN OT lar Ta 8? 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