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Villarta 1

Christine Villarta

Prof. Kane

English 115 at 12:30 pm

28 September 2020

The importance of gender equality and freedom

We live in a world full of narrow-minded people where we judge each other based on our

gender. Recently we celebrated the hundred-year of women having the privilege to vote. Only to

have the right to vote, but gender inequality did not stop there. Living in this generation makes

me feel that we/ I as a people of this country perhaps have freedom of speech. Where we can

spread awareness, advocate, and educate one another. Growing up having gay family members

and gay friends. I have seen how other people saw them for their physical and emotional aspects.

Sex discrimination affected the way people see gender identities. Therefore, I agree with Steve

Pinker's idea that gender-equal rights are a dangerous idea. Also, the fact that the passing of

Ginsburg's legacy and replaced by Amy Coney Barrett is affecting the whole advocacy of

Ginsburg’s for women’s rights and could be abolished.

In Steve Pinker's article, the "In Defense of Dangerous Ideas,” Pinker talked about many

dangerous and toxic ideas where he pointed out gender inequality but not for the gay people

community. I believe that Pinker should discuss gender equality because not everyone accepts

the LGBTQQIA or must be known as “gay people” on who they are. It is part of dangerous ideas

because it is not a new issue for our society or the world. They just get enough attention from

people for being different but not from the law to have the right to protect themselves.
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In the summary, of “Transgender Under Fire: Hetero-Cis-Normativity and Military

Students’ Attitudes Toward Trans Issues and Trans Service Members Post DADT.” by Worthen,

Meredith G. Transgender persons are incapable of serving in the military because of certain

diseases, or conditions that they might have or could transmit. The U.S. military received great

media and public attention when they well-publicized repeal of the sexual orientation exclusion

law referred to as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."' (2007). In June 2018, they continue to study and

examine trans military issues due to unclear work performance from now and then so they can be

accepted in the military or air force and still restricted or disqualified to take part.

In making this comment, I think this law does not justify liberty. Where is the freedom to

be you without restrictions, accused of doing wrong, accused of having that transmitted disease

because your identity is known for your performance, not by your gender; have you praised him/

her for its loyalty, help, and for serving the country.

After the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy, many women including me are

frightened about how and who will continue to fight for our rights. For example, an injustice trait

for being a woman that men cause with or without knowing it is inappropriate. Some unfair traits

that women experience daily are getting harassed walking in the streets, taking the bus/ train, for

showing, or not showing too much of your skin. The article "#MeToo Was Started for Black and

Brown Girls and Women", by Tarana Burke, talks about the daily basis of life of being a black

and brown woman. Burke stated that the women workers in the dinner said that It is “okay” to be

harassed while at your workplace. In making this comment, if my boss has been sexually

harassing me and I am acting like it did not happen for a reason is if I want to save my job so I

can provide for my family, or that is all I can do for a living. That could be a reason the waiter

defends her boss and never reports to the authorities or fights her/ themselves (the waiters).
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What I see is related to cultural and gender issues; where a black man can do whatever he can do

because he is a man.

I believe that the boss in the diner treats his employees in that way because most women

of color need the job to live. A man at times intends to treat and see women as a smaller or weak

person. In the same article, Burke was telling a story on how the boss in her favorite diner was so

close to approaching a waiter for a kiss, “practically close enough to plant a kiss on her lips and

say something like, “What are you gonna do for it?” Burke’s point is that the boss would say

things that they say or attempt to do certain things that make women feel uncomfortable. Men

just take advantage of women because I see that we do not really say or fight back more often

than guys so they might think that it is “okay” or fine to act in that way towards women. Men

think that it is “okay” to manipulate women because some of us cannot fight physically.

The movie Suffragette directed by Sarah Gavron talks about the early 20th- century and

the history of how Suffragette started. The setting took place in the United Kingdom, it talks

about how women did not have a voice to fight against men verbally, and physically. Women

work to iron clothes or stay at home to take care of their kids. Maud Watts, a laundry worker,

only gets paid $1 a month, a 0.82 cents difference compared to men. Additionally, the fact that

women get to work twice as dangerous as men is also a fact that they get harassed by their

company/ factory owner. The devastating part is where the other workers do not say or do

anything to their boss because they genuinely need their jobs. The reality of not having the

power to speak against men is total war and a crime and that made some women like Maud join a

suffragette to stop the pay inequality and to have the right to vote.

Suffragette was the biggest movement that happened and where the women’s rights

movement started. The gender inequality in salary, abortion, health care, and discrimination has
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lessened and improved successfully. Now that Barrett is in the position many netizens are

worried about her rapid decision and changes in-laws; after 200 years of fighting for women’s

rights, it will be abolished again. For instance, in the article “Barrett’s Record: A Conservative

Who Would Push the Supreme Court to the Right,” abortion believes that parents should be

notified about getting an abortion. “three laws restricting abortions from her home state,

Indiana-- a law tightening the requirements for notifying the parents of minors seeking

abortions.” This statement of Barrett terrified many women concerning their decisions for their


Lastly, some dangerous ideas such as health care, gun rights, discrimination, and the

death penalty that does not need to be fixed are being touched by her and it is making everyone

wonder what else will she change in the laws. Lastly, I think the dangerous idea of Steven Pinker

and the adjustments in-laws after the death of Ginsburg’s are just small issues that affect the

netizens, and the government is making a big deal out of the freedom for the people. All the

work and effort women put in to gain the rights that we all deserve, and even the LGBTQ

community fighting for equality should be given to everyone. As a woman of color, I wish the

privilege of discrimination, and gender inequality will stop to have equality to have peace in the

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Citation Page

Pinker, S. (2007). In Defense of Dangerous Ideas. Chicago Sun-Times. 

Worthen, Meredith G. “ Transgender Under Fire: Hetero- cis- normativity and Military Students’

Attitudes Toward Trans Issues and Trans Service Memebers Post DADT”. ​ResearchGate,​

Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, part of Springer, Nature 2018,



Burke, Tarana. “#MeToo Was Started for Black and Brown Women and Girls.

They’re Still Being Ignored.” The Washington Post, 9 Nov. 2017.



Adamas, Kimberly. “ The campaign finance of women’s suffrage ” ​Campaign finance, J​ un 4,

2019, ​

​ arrett’s Record: A Conservative Who Would Push the Supreme

Liptak, Adam. “​ B

To the Right.”​ ​The New York Times,​ Nov 2, 2020, ​

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