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Skin Research and Technology 1995; 1: 115-122 Cowright 0 Miinkspaard 1995

Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved

Skin Research and Technology
ISSN 0909-752X

Mechanism of action of a lipophilic derivative of salicylic

acid on normal skin
J. L. LkvGque', P. Corcuff', G. Gonnordl, C. Montastier', B. Renault', R. Bazin', G. Pikrard3 and
M. C. Poelman4
'Laboratories de Recherche de L'OREAL, Aulnay-Sous-Bois, France, 'Laborntoires de Recherche de L'OREAL, Chevilly-Larue, France, 3Service de
Dermatopathologie/CHU du Sart Tilman, Li&e, Belgium, 4Facult6 de Pharmacie/Paris V, Paris, France

Backgroundaims: Keratolytics are agents used for a very long improves smoothness and firmness of the skin. The appearance
period of time to improve various skin disorders such as acne, in terms of clearness and healthy complexion is also improved.
hyperkeratoses, ichtyose etc. Very little is known about their The thickening of all the living epidermis layers is obtained by
mechanism of action on healthy skin. On man, the chronic appli- both histometric measurement and confocal microscopy. This
cation of a cosmetic cream containing a lipophilic derivative of acanthosis is only recorded on the LSA-treated zones. The Ki 67
Salicyclic acid (LSA) markedly improves the aspect and texture labelling study shows that LSA significantly increases the skin
of the skin. Different methods were used to investigate the mech- proliferation index.
anisms of action of this new compound, compared to salicyclic Conclusions: Salicylic acid, and more markedly its lipophilic de-
acid. rivative (LSA), appear to have a significative effect on the re-
Methods: Both non-invasive and histologic methods were used newal of the living epidermis. This probably explains the cos-
on the dorsal forearm of human volunteers treated with the prod- metic improvement of the skin obtained after a 1-month treat-
ucts. Concerning the non-invasive methods, TEWL, silflo replica ment with a cream containing this new molecule.
and confocal microscopy were used. On shave biopsies, various
histometric parameters were measured by image analysis after Key words: lipophilic salicylic acid - healthy complexion - con-
different staining. The use of antibody MIB-1 reacting with the focal microscopy - histometry - aging.
proliferating nuclear antigen Ki 67 allows one to measure the
epidermis proliferation index. 0 Munksgaard, 1995
Results: Compared to the excipient alone, presence of LSA 1% Accepted for publication 2 March 1995

salicylic acid (SA) has long been used in able clinical improvement in the aspect and "feel" of
cosmetology and treatment of a wide range of
skin disorders (acne, hyperkeratosis, etc.), published
the skin. We thought it is highly unlikely that all the
observed ameliorations were simply due to increased
reports suggest that it is very difficult to determine its desquamation, even if this mode of action accounts
precise mechanism of action. The term "keratolytic" for some effects.
chosen to define its clear beneficial action appears to With the aim of identifying the underlying mechan-
sum up our knowledge in this field. Indeed, while isms involved in these clinical improvements,we under-
there are many publications describing the efficacy of took two types of investigation: noninvasive measure-
this compound in the various skin diseases mentioned ments, followed by examination of skin sections by con-
above, those reporting its effect on normal skin are far ventional and immunofluorescence microscopy.
less numerous (1-3). These studies showed a rela- The non-invasive methods included confocal micro-
tively small increase in desquamation, with no change scopy in vivo, which permits direct visualisation of
in the mitotic activity of the epidermis. the epidermis, layer by layer, and measurement of
There are now several commercial preparations both the thickness of the stratum corneum and that of
containing SA for normal skin care and other "kerato- the living epidermis.
lytic" agents, whose short-term effects on the skin ap-
parently boil down to an increase in softness. For our
part, we have attempted to optimize the effect of SA
Material and Methods
by making it more lipophilic. As shown below, Table 1 summarizes the experimental protocols used
chronic application of this product leads to a consider- to study the impact of this lipophilic salicylic acid de-

LkvCque et al.

TABLE 1. Summa y of the various experiments carried out on the healthy volunteers
Experiment no. In-vivo experimental approach on humans
Volunteerslsite Duration Applied products' Techniques

1 12/forearm2 2 weeks SA 5%/LSA 1.5%Iexcipient TEWL

2 12/forearm 4 weeks LSA 1.5%/excipient/controI confocal microscopy - replicas
3 6/forearm 2 weeks LSA 1.5%/SA 0.78%/excipient TEWL
4 6lforearm 4 weeks LSA 1.5%1SA 5%/excipient/control biopsies
5 35lface 3 months LSA 1% self appraisal3 - clinical
6 80/face 6 months KSA 1%/excipient* self appraisal3

O M emulsion: 2 mg/cm2, 2 x a day.

Randomized sites on the forearm (dorsal side).
Analogue scale.
4-grade scale.
* Contained 5% glycerol.

rivative (LAS) on human skin. These studies com- were randomly allocated to the upper and lower parts
prised clinical evaluations, noninvasive measure- of the two forearms.
ments and biopsy examination (see Table 1). We used the following devices:
CIinical studies Replicas: Negative replicas were obtained with SIL-
Two main studies were carried out. FLO@(Flexico, UK)
35 volunteers (women aged between 30 and 65 A JEOL 200 scanning microscope was used
years) were recruited by the dermatology unit of during the 1st week of application (experi-
LiPge University Hospital (Belgium). This inclusion ment no. 2)
criteria included the presence, on the face, of marked Confocal microscopy. We used a prototype developed
signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles, dry skin in our laboratories from a Tracor Northern tandem
and mottled pigmentation. The volunteers applied an scanning microscope (TSM) (4, 5). A surface contact
O/W emulsion containing 1%LSA to the face. device was designed to assume surface applanation
At times TO, T1, T2 and T3 months, the quality of and limit any shift caused by patient movement and
the skin was evaluated by the volunteers themselves blood flow.
and by the clinician. The latter assessed softness, A 50X/0.85 N.A. Nikon oil immersion objective
suppleness, hydration and firmness on rating scales lens was chosen as an acceptable compromise be-
from 0 to 4. The volunteers assessed the same criteria, tween magnification, resolution and working dis-
plus radiance and the presence of fine lines, using vis- tance. The light source was a 100-watt mercury arc
ual rating scales (Experiment 5). lamp with an UV and IR filtering system to respect
80 women aged between 30 and 65 years were re- the non-invasive nature of the method. Image capture
cruited. They were divided into 2 groups of 40, each was performed using a low-light camera (DAGE MTI
group applying an excipient (O/W emulsion contain- SIT 68) coupled to a Sony U-Matic video recorder
ing 5% glycerol) with or without 1% LSA. At TO, the (PAL).The video images were transferred to a Quanti-
volunteers were asked to evaluate, on a 15 cm visual met 520 image analyser. After image-by-image selec-
rating scale, the cosmetic state of their skin on the tion, each image was digitized in a 512x512 pixel ar-
basis of the following parameters: firmness, radiance, ray. Fast Fourier transformation was used to eliminate
softness, "healthiness" and hydration. the scanning lines generated by the Nipkow disk.
The same evaluation was made after one, four and Skin layers thicknesses were measured using the
six months of application, in the morning after wash- contact system. The vertical position of the objective
ing and in the evening (Experiment 6). was controlled by a stepping motor, each step corre-
sponding to a vertical displacement of 0.9 pm. Height
Noninvasive measurements data are displayed in overlay and recorded together
Noninvasive measurements were made on the fore- with the confocal image in real time via a mixing im-
arm (exterior side) in the various experimental con- age processor.
ditions summarized in Table 1. The areas to which the Technical details regarding the recognition of the
products were applied and the untreated control areas different skin interfaces are given in (4).

Lipophilic derivative of salicylic acid and normal skin

Biopsy processing
Shave biopsies were taken from the four test sites and
from a control area of the forearms. They were fixed
in Cornoy medium and embedded in paraffin. Sec-
tions five microns thick were prepared and stained
with haematoxylin-eosin and with PAS-colloidal iron.
Other sections were deparaffinized in xylol or toluene
and a graded series of alcohol. Endogenous peroxi-
dase was blocked with 3% hydrogen peroxide in
methanol. Immunohistochemistry was performed
with the APAAP method. The following antibodies
were used: L-1823 (prediluted, Dako) against 56 and
64 kDa keratins, and MIB-1 (1:20, Immunotech) re-
acting with the proliferation nuclear antigen Ki-67.
Computerized image analysis of tissue sections was
performed using a MOP videoplan (KONTRON, Ech-
ing, Germany).

Studied compound
The experiments were designed to evaluate the cos-
metic efficacy and the mechanism of action of a new
lipophilic salicylic acid derivative of the following for-

Fig. 1. Improvement of the skin after 1, 2 and 3 months of treatment

with an excipient containing 1% LSA. Asssessment by the panelists
acid and assessment by the dermatologist (experiment no. 5).

Clinical assessment and self-appraisal
(experiments nos. 5 and 6 )
This compound (MW=264.3) is poorly soluble in Fig. 1 represents the % ameliorations assessed by the
water. It is thus solubilized in a synthetic oil then in- dermatologist and the volunteers for a number of cos-
troduced into the oil phase of a nonionic O / W emul- metic parameters. The dermatologist considered that
sion. The same emulsion was used to test SA at 5% the main improvement was, in decreasing order:
and 0.78% in comparative studies with LSA. smoothness, hydration, suppleness and firmness. No
significant effect on fine lines was observed. The vol-
Informed consent unteers also found that smoothness was mostly im-
All the experiments in this study were carried out fol- proved, followed by hydration and radiance, then
lowing the ethical standards of the participating .cen- wrinkles and suppleness. These effects were marked
ters: the PARIS V Faculty of Pharmacy and the SART and appeared within the first month in the view of
TILMAN Hospital, Li2ge, Belgium. both the determatologist and the volunteers. Further
Documents concerning the nature of the test prod- improvements occurred until the 3rd month with re-
ucts, their toxicological dossiers and the experimental gard to softness and fine lines, suggesting an effect on
protocols were supplied, and the volunteers gave the deeper skin layers.
their informed consent. These results were impressive, but were not ob-
tained comparatively to an excipient.
Statistical analysis In the following study, cosmetic efficacy was judged
This was determined by means of two-way analysis relative to an excipient containing a moisturizing
of variance (times, products). compound, glycerol, at 5% (Fig. 2). No difference was

LCvCque et al.

0 Exclplent (n = 40)

Exciplent + LSA 1% (n = 40)


Clearness u Healthy

Smoothness .9
0.78% 1.5 %
5% 1.5%
Fig. 2. Improvement of the skin of 80 volunteers after 6 months of V
6 mM
treatment. 40 were treated with an excipient containing 5% glycerol,
and the other forty with the same excipient containing 1% LSA (ex- Fig. 4. Increase of TEWL after 2 weeks of treatment of an excipient
periment no. 6). containing L S A 1.5% or SA 0.78%. This corresponds to the same
molar concentration 5.7 mM. When compared to the same weight con-
centration (5%) the TEWL increases are not signijicantly different
(experiment nos. 1 and 3 - mean?s.e.).

"1 "1
Non-invasive characterization: TE WL
(experiments 1 and 3)
Transepidermal water loss was chosen as a represen-
tative index of the keratolytic effect of LSA relative to
the reference compound, salicylic acid. Fig. 4 shows
the results obtained in two experimental situations in
8 "1 which the two compounds were tested at different
concentrations in the same excipient.
Given the different molecular weights of the two
compounds (264 and 138), we tested them at 1.5%and
0.78%, corresponding to 5.7 mM in both cases. TEWL
was not significantly modified by SA relative to the
Fig. 3. Variation versus time of the improvement of the 4 cosmestic excipient, but increased by 15% (pCO.01) with LSA
parameters. This corresponds to the group treated by the emulsion
containing LSA 1% (experiment no. 6). (Fig. 4). The same figure shows the increases in TEWL
in experiment no. 1, in which the two products were
applied at W/W concentrations of 5% for SA and
1.5% for LSA. Relative to the excipient, the increases
in TEWL were respectively 36% and 31%, not signifi-
observed between the two preparations in terms of cantly different.
the effect on dry skin. No significant effect on
wrinkles was observed with either preparation. In Confocal microscopy (experiment no. 2 )
contrast, significant improvements were noted at six Visualisation of the different layers of the epidermis
months in skin firmness, radiance, "healthiness" and by identifying the interfaces between the skin surface
smoothness with the product containing 1% LSA but and the horny layer, the horny layer and the living
not with the excipient (Fig. 3) (Table 2). epidermis, and the living epidermis and the dermis,
Fig. 3 shows the time course, during the 6-month allows the thickness of the horny layer and the living
study period, of the percentage of amelioration in the epidermis to be precisely measured. The results in
different clinical parameters with LSA. A progressive Table 3 shows that the living epidermis was thickened
improvement was obtained, especially in terms of by about 20% after 2 and 4 weeks treatment with 1.5%
healthiness (healthy complexion) and radiance (com- LSA (p<0.03). The thickness of the SC was not modi-
plexion clearness). fied by any treatment.

Lipophilic derivative of salicylic acid and normal skin

TABLE 2. Summary of the statistical results; S refers to the significance of the improvement relative to TO (p<O.Ol)
Improvement after Excipient+LSA 1% Excipient
1 month 4 months 6 months 1 month 4 months 6 months

dry skin S - S S - S
smoothness - - S - - -

firmness - - S - - -

clearness complex - S S - - -

healthy complexion S S S - - -

Replicas (experiment no. 2 ) labels cells in the division phase. A proliferation index
On the LSA treated zones, desquamation is character- (%) was calculated relative to the number total of cells
ized by single cell scaling starting at the first day of in a section of epidermis. This index was significantly
treatment and continuing throughout the first week higher in the zones treated with 1.5% LSA than in the
(Fig. 5). zones treated with 5% SA (pC0.05). These were also
different from the control and excipient-treated zones
Biopsies (experiment no. 4) ( p<0.05).
The histological aspect of the skin in the control, ex-
cipient-treated and salicylic acid-treated sites were
similar. However, there were subtle differences in the
thickness of the epidermis and the compactness of the Among the numerous skin care products, moisturiz-
stratum corneum according to the volunteers. The ing preparations have been the subject of many scien-
sites treated with LSA looked different at the level of tific publications showing the efficacy of certain active
the stratum Malpighi, where the keratinocytes ap- substances in skin dryness (6,7). The same holds true
peared smaller and more numerous, and had better for anti-wrinkle products, even though fewer data
polarity orientation. Fig. 6 shows the thickness of the have been published (8,9). The efficacy of sunscreens
stratum corneum in arbitrary units (or the number of is also well documented.
nuclei for the living epidermis). Only the zones The present study concerns a new compound
treated with LSA were significantly different (p<O.Ol) having marked effects on aged skin. These effects
from the other three zones, which were similar. essentially involve the radiance aspect, firmness and
High-molecular-weight (56 and 64 kDa) cytoker- softness of the skin.
atins were present in the upper part of the Malpighian The results of experiment no. 5 (Fig. 1) show several
layer, leaving the germinative compartment unla- cosmetic benefits, which appeared during the first
belled. Evaluations by computerized morphometry of month of application and increased gradually. This
the areas of the Malpighian layer and the germinative benefit was noted both by the volunteers themselves
compartment revealed modifications induced by LSA. and by the dermatologist. The impact on wrinkles
These data correlated well with the number of nuclei
per unit area of the epidermis (Fig. 7).
Fig. 8 shows the results obtained with Ki67, which

TABLE 3. Thickness of the stratum corneum and living epidermis,

measured directly in vivo by confocal microscopy
TO T2 T4

SC thickness LSA 1.5% 12.420.6 13.620.6 12.420.4

excipient 12.020.4 13.420.4 12.1?0.6
control 11.820.4 12.520.5 12.3205
epidermal thickn- LSA 1.5% 21.921.3 26.627.7 26.827.9
ess excipient 24.021.6 25.921.6 26.522.3
control 23.522.0 25.622.0 24.421.9

The effects of the excipient and 1.5% LSA were compared to control
values after 2 and 4 weeks of treatment. Only the outlined figures Fig. 5. Aspect of the skin surface 3 days after the beginning of the
are statistically different from those at To @<0.03). treatmen t.

LCvCque et al.

Fig. 6. Histomety ofthe epidermis after 4 weeks of treatment with the Fig. 7. Histometry of the epidermis after 4 weeks of treatment with the
different preparations (experiment no. 4). In the 2 graphs, there is no different preparations (experiment no. 4). In the 2 graphs, there is no
statistical differences between control, excipient and SA 5%, although statistical differences between control, excipient and SA 5%, although
LSA 1% corresponds to a higher number of nuclei (p<O.O1) and to a LSA 1% corresponds to thicker malphighian and germinative layers
thinner SC (p<O.O1) (mean5s.e.). (p<O.Ol) (mean-+s.e.).

probably resulted from the fact that the volunteers

were asked to assess their fine lines, whereas the der-
matologist evaluated deep wrinkles. These results do
not however reflect the value of the compound pres-
ent in the formulation, as this pilot study was not pla-
In this respect, the results of experiment no. 5 are
extremely important, as they were obtained in com-
parison with the excipient alone, which is an excellent
cosmetic in itself since it contains 5% glycerol. It
should be underlined that this type of experiment as-
sessing the efficacy of a complete product relative to
a moisturizing cream is extremely rare and, to our Fig. 8. Proliferation index (%) of the skin treated by the diferent prod-
knowledge, has never been reported in journals of ucts. LSA treated skin has a higher index than SA treated skin
cosmetic research. Table 2 shows identical positive re- ) SA treated skin has a higher index than control and
( ~ 4 0 5 and
excipient treated zones (p<0.05) (mean5s.e.).
sults for skin dryness with the excipient alone and the
full product; this was to be expected given the pres-
ence of glycerol in both preparations. The presence of
1% LSA in the excipient led to large and statistically effect is more gradual in terms of "healthiness" and
significant improvements in firmness, clearness, radiance, which progressively improved throughout
"healthiness" and smoothness. Fig. 3 shows the time the 6-month treatment period, suggesting a slower,
course of these improvements and indicates that the more profound action, giving a younger aspect to the

Lipophilic derivative of salicylic acid and normal skin

skin. With regard to smoothness and firmness, the re- trations at which the increase in TEWL is equivalent
sults appeared more rapidly, reaching 80% of the (respectively 1.5 and 5%).
maximum at the first measurement one month after With regard to the morphometry of the living epi-
starting the applications. dermis (number of nuclei) and the stratum corneum,
We then carried out biopsies and noninvasive meas- the results shown in Fig. 5 are highly significant: LSA
urements to determine the mechanisms underlying led to a reduction of about 21% in the thickness of the
these effects on the different layers of the epidermis, stratum corneum relative to the control zone and the
which, after about 4 months, led to a greater cosmetic excipient-treated zone, together with almost the same
benefit than that induced by a simple moisturizing percentage increase in epidermal thickness. The re-
compound. sults were highly significant as compared to all the
In experiment no. 2, we used, for the first time, con- other zones (p<O.Ol).
focal microscopy to determine if treatment with LSA These results can be compared with published data
modified the thickness of the two most important on SA and those on LSA obtained by means of confocal
layers of the epidermis: the the stratum corneum and microscopy. The latter study was not carried out on the
the living epidermis (Table 3). Curiously, we found subjects who were biopsied, but on other volunteers
no decrease in SC thickness, while only the product who applied the same treatment. The results are in ex-
containing 1.5% LSA increased the thickness of the cellent agreement for the living epidermis (about a 20%
living epidermis by about 21%, as early as the second increase relative to the site treated with the excipient),
week of application (pC0.03). but not for the stratum corneum. We have no expla-
As explained below, the results on the epidermal nation for this discrepancy, but validation of the con-
compartment are in keeping with those of experiment focal method relative to classical histometry on the
no. 4 (histometry). In contrast, they do not concord same subjects remains to be carried out.
for SC thickness, since histometry suggested that the In different experimental conditions (6% SA in alco-
SC became thinner. This discrepany will be discussed hol, 10 days of application) Roberts et al. reported a
later on. clear reduction in the number of SC layers (2-7%).
The images obtained by means of scanning micro- Apart from the excipient used, the largest difference be-
scopy showed that 1.5% LSA induced desquamation tween the two experiments lies in the treatment time
after a few days of treatment. Fig. 5 clearly shows that and the subjects’ mean age (40 years in our study and
this desquamation involved isolated corneocytes and 58 years in Roberts’ study). It seems legitimate to con-
was thus invisible to the naked eye. This phenomenon sider (as borne out by our measurements of biopsies)
persisted for 7 days application (the lasting of the ob- that the effects increase with the degree of hyperkera-
servation period). This result may at least partly ex- tosis.
plain the improvements in smoothness. Instead of Finally, LSA clearly had a more profound effect on
desquamation of clumps (which leads to a degree of the epidermis, as it markedly increased the thickness
roughness), LSA led to the loss of individual corneo- of the germinative layers and the mucous Malpighian
cytes. layers. This epidermal stimulation, which is con-
One problem in the study of this new compound firmed by the Ki67 labelling study (Fig. 8), was bene-
was to understand its mode of action relative to sali- ficial, as it remained within physiological norms. (This
cylic acid. With regard to noninvasive measurements, index can reach 4.5 in very young subjects; G. Pierard,
keratolytic compounds augment TEWL after a few personal result). The latter histological examination
days of application (10). This property is classically provided insight into the causes of the marked clinical
interpreted as the consequence of a reduction in the benefit given by applicaton of LSA in a cosmetic
thickness of the horny layer. To compare the “kerato- emulsion. The effect on smoothness was no doubt in-
lytic” efficacy of LSA with that of salicylic acid, we duced by a regularization of desquamation which, in-
asked the volunteers to use both compounds for two volving isolated cells, was invisible. The natural
weeks (experiments 1and 3). In both experiments sali- roughness of the skin thus tended to diminish. This
cylic acid was applied at 5% and 0.78%, the latter con- effect occurred rapidly. The increase in firmness noted
centration corresponding to molar equivalence with by the volunteers as early as the first month, in our
1.5% LSA (5.7 mM). The results in Fig. 4 show that opinion, may be interpreted in the light of the thicken-
LSA was 5 to 6X more effective than SA in terms of ing of the living epidermis. Finally, it is difficult to
TEWL. interpret the other two improvements (radiance and
Accordingly, we used shave biopsies to compare the “healthiness”). These two concepts are effectively
effects on the epidermis of LSA and SA in concen- vague and do not correspond to precise physical or

LCvCque et al.

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Acknowledgements tol, Washington DC,December 1993.

The authors thank Drs. M. Hocquaux and D. Saint-

Leger for their invaluable contribution to the design,
synthesis and selection of this original compound.
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