Detailed Lesson Plan Skeletal System

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At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to
a) identify the major bones that make up the skeletal system;
b) enumerate the major functions of the bones that make up the human skeletal system;
c) describe the bones that protect the internal organs; and
d) demonstrate the different ways of taking care/protecting one’s skeletal system through a role-play
A. The Human Skeletal System
B. References
 Marieb, E. N.(2003).Essentials of human anatomy & physiology.(7th ed.).San Francisco:Pearson Education Inc.
 Vengcco, L.G., & Religioso, T.F.(2007).Science & health.(3rd ed.).Quezon City:Phoenix Publishing House
C. Materials
 Pictures
 Construction papers
 Markers/pens
 Cartolinas
D. Values Integration
 Respect for one’s body
III. Methodologies


A. Preparation
“Good morning class!” “Good morning ma’am!”
“May we all stand up start the class with a prayer.” ((students stand up)
"Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom
come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
“Okay, you may now all take your seats.” from evil. Amen."
(Checking of Attendance)
“Say present as I call your name.” (students say PRESENT as their names are called out)
“So, how are you all feeling today?” “We’re fine ma’am!”
“Did you enjoy your weekend?” “Yes we did!”
“That’s good to know!”
“Are you all excited to learn new things today?” “Yes ma’am!”
B. Motivation
“Before we start with our lesson let us first welcome our little friend who is
going to present a dance number for us. Let us welcome Mr. Congga!”
(shows a dancing skeleton)
Now, I would like all of you to stand up and shake your hands! Now rotate (stands up, shakes their hands, rotates their shoulder, wiggles their
your shoulders! Wiggle your fingers and toes! finger and toes)
“Okay! Thank you for participating actively! Is anyone still feeling sleepy?” “No ma’am.”
“You may now all take your seats.” (sits down)
C. Presentation
“So can anyone guess what our lesson today is all about?” “The Skeletal System ma’am.”
“Yes that is correct!”
“We will be learning about our skeletal system.”
D. Unlocking of Difficulties
“Before we proceed with our discussion, let us first try to define some
difficult terms which we may encounter as we go along.”
“I have here two boxes, a blue and a pink box. The PINK box contains the
keywords, while the BLUE box contains their definitions.”
“I want each of you to pick one strip from one box alternately. The 1 st (students pick strips of papers from the box)
student will pick from the pink box, the 2 nd student will then pick from the
blue box and so on.”
“Now I want you to check the back part of your paper, there you’ll be able to
see a colored shape or icon; I want you to find your partner by matching the (students find their partners)
same shapes. Once you’ve found your partner, stick your strips of paper
beside each other on the board. Go!”
“Alright, let’s try to check if these are the right definitions.”
“Who placed the first word?”
“Please read your word and its definition.” Pair 1: “Us ma’am.”

“Skeleton- a hard structure that supports and protects an animal’s

Pair 2: “Skeletal system- framework of bones and other bony parts that
protect and support the body.”
Pair 3: “Cartilage- a soft, elastic, flexible connective tissue that performs
many functions.”
Pair 4: “Joint- point of contact between bones.”
Pair 5: “Appendicular Bones- consists of the upper and lower limbs- the
arms, legs, shoulders & hips.”
Pair 6: “Axial Bones- consist of the skull and the bones from the neck to
the chest.”
Pair 7: “Bone Marrow- soft tissue inside the center of the bone.”
Pair 8: “Tendon-cord of dense regular connective tissue attaching muscle
to bone.”
“So now that we have defined the terms, we will now proceed with our (terms may not be in the same sequence)

E. Discussion
“Class, I want to introduce all of you to our guest today. He is very excited to
meet all of you. Are you excited to meet him too?” “We are excited to meet him!”
(uncovers a human skeleton model in front of the class)
“Let us all say hello to Mr. Ghost Rider!” “Hello Mr. Ghost Rider!”
“Mr. Ghost Rider has been kind enough to grant us his time and assist us
with our discussion today.”
“Let us take a look at Mr. Ghost Rider; he is an example of an adult skeleton.
And adult skeleton is composed of 206 bones, including the 3 bones inside
the ear.”
“What do you think are the main functions of the skeletal system? “
“Anyone?” (student responds)
“Okay, besides contributing to body shape and form, our bones perform
several important functions.
The Functions of the bones are
1. SUPPORT (student responds)
How do the bones function as a support?
Bones form the internal framework that supports and anchors all soft
organs. The bones of the legs act as pillars to support the body trunk
when we stand, and the rib cage supports our thoracic wall.
How do the bones protect our body?
Bones protect soft body organs like the brain, lungs, heart, and other (student responds)
vital organs of the body.
Skeletal muscles which are attached to the bones use the bones as levers
to move the body and its parts.
FAT is stored in the internal cavities of bones. Bone itself serves as a
storehouse for minerals.
Can you give me an example of a mineral which is stored in the bones?
Yes, CALCIUM. Another is PHOSPHORUS. (student responds)
Calcium and Phosphorus are the most important minerals stored in the
Blood cell formation occurs within the marrow cavities of certain bones.”


Bone Box – contains pictures of the skull, rib cage, limbs, shoulder, pelvis &
“I am going to pass the bone box around and everyone should pick one
picture out from the box. In front is a picture of a human body with the vital
organs which are protected by specific bones. Those who were able to pick
(students pick pictures out from the box and sticks it on the vital organs
pictures of bones, please stick the bone on the organ which you think it
in front)
“Let us try to examine the illustration on the board. Do you think the
pictures match correctly?
Let’s first take a look at the skull. The skull gives shape to your head. It is
made up of several bones, your cheekbone or the zygomatic bone, part of
the nose or the nasal bone, and the jawbone or the mandible.
Inside the skull is a very delicate organ.
What organ does the skull protect?
“The Brain ma’am.”
Correct. The skull encases the brain protecting it from direct danger.
The backbone or the spine; Can you feel your backbone?
The spine is composed of 33 hollow bones called the vertebrae. They are
stacked on top of each other and form a tube that protects the spinal cord. It
also helps support the weight of the head and body.
The rib cage gives shape to the trunk. There are 12 pairs of ribs which
(students respond)
protects the…What organs does the rib cage protect?
The heart, lungs, and liver are protected by the rib cage. In front, the ribs are
connected by the sternum, at the back; they are connected to the upper
The shoulder girdle connects the upper limbs to the axial skeleton. The
clavicle or collarbone and the scapula or shoulder blade make up the
shoulder girdle.
The pelvic bone carries most of the weight of the upper body. It also
protects some of the organs like the urinary bladder, female reproductive
organs, and the rectum.
Arms and legs are made up of long bones. These include the humerus (upper
arm bones), radius and ulna (lower arm bones), femur (thigh bones), tibia
and fibula (lower leg bones). The large, thick leg bones provide support for
the entire body. Hands and feet are made up of short bones. Many smaller
bones form the wrists, ankles, fingers, and toes.
How can you protect you skeletal system? (students respond)
By eating healthy foods like vegetables. Drinking milk and eating dairy
products as they contain calcium and Vitamin D which are important for
bone development.
You also have to protect yourself from injuries by wearing protective gears,
e.g. helmet, knee and elbow pads when riding a bicycle or motorcycle. And
avoid engaging in rough contact sports. ”
F. Enrichment
“Let’s have an activity. I want you to count 1-3. All #1s will stay in this area,
#2s at the back, and #3s on the opposite side. (students count from 1-3, and forms into their separate groups)
There are three hollow human bodies, each of the group will be provided
with one. Along with it re the different pictures of bones and the vital organs
which are protected by these specific bones. Correctly construct the human (students work on their group activity)
body with the vital organs encased by their specific bone/s, and label each
bone. Each group will present their work in front, and explain the following
Group 1 : Skull, limbs Group 1: “the skull protects and supports the brain and other organs in
Group 2: Rib Cage the head, like the eyes. The limbs act as support and pillars as they carry
Group 3: Spine, Pelvis” the weight of the body.”
Group 2: “the rib cage protects the heart, lungs, and liver.
Group 3: “the spine acts as support and protects the spinal cord. The
pelvis acts as support as it carries the weight of the upper body; it also
protects the urinary bladder, rectum, and reproductive system
“Good job! Thank you, you may now return to your seats!”

G. Generalization
Concept Mapping
“Class, I want you to look under your chairs. Find a strip of paper and hold on (students find strips of paper)
to it.”
“In front is what we call a concept map. What you need to do is to come in
front and fill in the missing boxes with the words written on your strip of
paper. Try to analyze where the word should be correctly placed. You can try
to ask your classmates for help if you are not sure.” “Understood?” “Okay (students with strips of paper come in front and stick them on the
you can come in font now.” missing boxes)
Cheek Bone
Cheek Bone
Nasal Bone
Nasal Bone

“Okay, good job! So, taking a look at our concept map, this practically sums
up the skeletal system. You can make use of this to help you remember
important details regarding the skeletal system.”
H. Application
“The same groupings apply in this activity. Each group will perform a role-play (students proceed to their previous groups)
showing the ways of taking care & protecting your skeletal system.”
“I will give you 5mins to plan your play and please minimize your noise while (students perform role-play)
doing so.”
“Thank you very much for that inspiring presentation!”
“I hope you all learned about our skeletal system and understood how it works.”
“Are there any clarifications or questions regarding what we have just (student responds)
(answers question/s raised)

IV. Evaluation


“Okay, now we will have a short quiz. Please take one whole sheet of paper and (students take out a piece of paper and answers the questions on the
answer the questions on the board.” board)
A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The soft material found inside the center of the bone is called ________. 1. The soft material found inside the center of the bone is
A) cartilage C) ligament called ________.
B) joint D)bone marrow A) cartilage C) ligament
2. The skeletal system functions as ___________________. B) joint D)bone marrow
A) Growth C) support and protection 2. The skeletal system functions as ___________________.
B) Nutrition D) respiration A) Growth C) support and protection
3. One of the minerals that make up bones is _____________. B) Nutrition D) respiration
A) Aluminum C) magnesium 3. One of the minerals that make up bones is ___________.
B) Calcium D) sodium A) Aluminum C) magnesium
4. There are ____ bones in an adult human body. B) Calcium D) sodium
A) 365 C) 639 4. There are ____ bones in an adult human body.
B) 206 D) 122 A) 365 C) 639
5. Skeletal system is composed of _____________________________. B) 206 D) 122
A) Blood and nerves 5. Skeletal system is composed of ____________________.
B) All the bones in the body which serves as its framework A) Blood and nerves
C) Tissues and organs B) All the bones in the body which serves as its
D) Lungs and alveoli framework
C) Tissues and organs
D) Lungs and alveoli
B. Put a ( ) mark if the following bones inside the box are in the skeletal B. Put a ( ) mark if the following bones inside the box are in
system and cross ( ) it out if not. the skeletal system and cross ( ) it out if not.



V. Agreement/Assignment
1) Draw an illustration of the following body parts. Place each drawing on a separate sheet of short bond paper.

-Breast bone

2) Bring the following materials tomorrow.

1 cartolina
1 pencil
1 ruler
1 paste/glue
1 pair of scissors
Detailed Lesson Plan
(Skeletal System)

Submitted by

Maria Danica C. de Villa

Submitted to

Mr. Felipe Sullera Jr.

May 20, 2013

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