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- lack chronology of the accession of rulers of Sulu and Maguindanao sultanates
- Najeeb Saleeby's work, early European sources fill gap
- complete Sulu Chronology in 18th and 19th cen., incomplete in 17th and 16th

A. Nature and Functions of Tarsilas

- primarily written genealogical accounts - succession of rulers
- older: use of Malay to judge; elaborate: name of last person as index to date
- inaccurate: oral reports unreliable (mixed personalities, claiming to be close to
- royal tarsials: 1. reign of sultans, 2. Prophet Muhammad thru sharif established
? relations bet. local dynasty and Malaysian empires
- possess high political/ religious position (intro to Islam)
- sultan: descendant of Prophet Muhammad = khalif (successor)/ imam (religious
leader) belong
to Quraish (family of Prophet) = hadith (Prophetic tradition)
- rise of Christianity: khalif solely to religious functions, political pretensions
of sultans
(amir ul-muminim)
- tartib: criteria for selecting sultan, governance; sultan must belong to the
family of the
Prophet, Arab descent
- connection bet. othr sultanatesin SEA
- right to territory (marrying local girls)
- intro: mythological symbolisms = not purely ficion, not purely historical =

B. Sulu Tarsila
- Genealogy of Sulu: by Saleeby provided by prime minister Haji Buto Abdul Baqi;
settlers of
Sulu, seventeen sultans of Sulu
- first sultan introduced Islam
- Sayyid Abu Bakr marries Rajah Baguinda's daughter, Paramisuli in Buansa, Sulu =
not foreign
- no mention of Alexander the Great (Iskandar)

C. Chronology and Succession of Sulu Sultans

- discrepancies bet. Dalrymple and Sulu Tarsila (Nasirud Din exclueded in Dalrymple
due to
opposition to Badorodin; Sitecabil excluded in Sulu Tarsila due to being female)
- no specs on dynastic confilcts

D. Khutbahs and Kitabs

- supplement list of sultans in Sulu Genealogy
- khutbah: sermon during Friday of Id ul-Fitr and Id ul-Adha; prayers of first four
and reigning Muslim ruler with achievements and descriptions of their characters;
more names
than the two lists; repeated text; if changed, doubts; in Arab lang.
- Saleeby refered to The Sulu Oration for the Feast of Ramadan
- Patikul Khutah: most reffered list of sultans
- kitab: list of sultans, saient features of character and exploits, dates, if not
number of years reigned, data based on khutbah except for time, inaccurate dates
except for
latter part
- Haji Buto: written one of the eariest kitab, history of Sultan sultanate,
inaccurate dates,
reliable data because of connections with Sulu royal family (manuscripts, archival
source of other succeeding kitabs

E. Problems of Chronology
- neither Sulu Genealogy nor khutbah contain date of Abu Bakr's rule
- kitab of Buto: states rule of Sahrif ul-Hashim, but inaccurate, calculations
- 28, 1/2 yrs: generation of each sultan
- differences of dates of reign, problem if Abu Bakr was first sultan due to its
common name,
conflict with Sharif ul-Hashim's (same name) reign and existence with new name of
Bakr, no
date in tomb in Mt. Tumantangis
- seal: most accurate source of date reign, 16th-17th cen.: European sources; 18th
Chinese; 15th: Chinese but not sultanate, rulers only
- difficulty in European sources: sultan names use local names not Arab, named
after place of

F. Sulu Sultans
- no evidence that all have sultan as names
- khutbah: Muhammad, Shah, pace of death + Marhum prefix -> les majeste (fear of
the dead),
datu names
- court in Dungun: first sultans in Sulu in Buansa -> Jolo -> Maimbung (capital of
non-Islamic rulers)

1. Sultan Sharif ul-Hashim

- Sulu Genealogy: Abu Bakr, tombe names: Paduka Mahasari Maulana al-Sultan Sharif
- names in Ming Annals
- maulana: Arabic for protector, respected teacher, learned man
- 30 yrs in Buansa (1st seat), tomb in Mt. Tumantangis
- khutbah, kitab: wise, learned in fiqh/ jurisprudence, master of his age and time
(sayyid ul-
Asr), kindled light of Allah, 1450-1480

2. Sultan Kamal ud-Din

- Sulu Gen.: son of ul-Hashim
- khutbah, kitab: kind, considerate, full of pity, umarked tomb

3. Sultan Ala ud-Din

- Sulu Gen.: brother of ud-Din, not sultan (it's complicated)
- khutbah, kitab: offsprings are ruler of Sulu, proper heirs to throne, kind,
governed along Islamic principles

4. Sultan Amir ul-Umara

- Arabic translation of Maharajah-di-rajah (4th sultan)
- not mentioned in Sulu Gen and Dalrymple: might ruled with other sultans or
usurper, outsider
- kitab: grandson of first sultan
- khutbah: champion of Islamic faith, ruler of large territories, leader with many
refused to revenge
5. Sultan Mu'izz ul-Mutawadi'in
- Sulu Gen, Dalrymple: Maharajah Upo (princely title)
- Sulu Gen: succeeded upon death of ul-Din
- khutbah: helper of poor, whom Allah given strength to rule, Allah strengthened
his kingdom
= trouble in reign he overcame

6. Sultan Nasir ud Din

- surname: Digunung, Habud = grew up or ruled from interior of Sulu
- not mentioned in Sulu Gen, Dalrymple, problem: no. 5/7?, usurper?
- khutbah, kitab: generous, firm, powerful, victorious = equivalent to name

7. Sultan Muhammad ul-Halim

- Pangiran Buddiman
- khutabah: Halim = more accurate
- Sulu Gen: succeeded upon death of Upo
- khutbah, kitab: crafty, wise in temporal and spiritual, conqueror
- Thomas Forrest from Maguindanao tarsilas: Brunei royal family
- Saleeby: Rajah Iro (Ylo), Pangiran of Brunei, fought Spanish troops
- Spanish Governor Francisco de Sande: lord of Xolo, married to sister of Seif ur-
Brunei sultan

8. Sultan Batara Shah Tengah

- Batara: ruler name accg to Brunei annals
- Tengah: older bro before, younger bro after
- khutbah, kitab: intelligent, knowledge of Shari'ah (Holy Law), honored by comm.,
- Francisco Combes: Paguian Tindig -> Pangiran Tengah (more correct); fled with
bros to
Basilan, settled in Jolo after subjugating natives, cousin Adasaolan fought vs his
rule and
killed in battle, cousin marriage alliance with Maguindanao royal family, Tengah
succeeded by
Rajah Bongsu, younger relative -> credible, consistent with tarsilas

9. Sultan Mauwallil Wasit

- Spaniards: Rajah Bongsu
- Dutch: young man
- daughters married S. Qudarat of Maguindanao, Balatamay, ruler of Buayan
- son Pangiran Bakhtiar took over
- khutbah, kitab: noble, knowledgeable in affairs of state, long, glorious reign
- kitab: fought hard and long vs white men
- sons: Pangiran Katchil, Sarikula vs Spaniards, joint rule
- Sarikula in khutabah, kitab: kind, ascetic, victorious

10. Sultan Nasir ud-Din II

- in Sulu Gen, not in Dalrymple's list -> reigned during the lifetime of Bongsu
- S. Quadarat of Maguidanao = most powerful Muslim ruler in PH 50 yrs
- declaration of jihad (holy war) = incuded in prayers

11. S. Salah ud-Din Bakhtiar

- Spaniards: Pangiran Bactial
- Dutch: Pangiran Batticale
- after death: Marhum Karamat
- constested father's rule after death of Sarikula
- khutbah, kitab: just, ascetic, fought Spaniards, infidels, wrong doers and
enemies of religion,
veritable protector of Islam and Muslims
12. Sultan Ali Shah
- not in Sulu Gen, Dalrymple
- Sulu Ramadan Oration: victorious, great, superior, sultan of land and sea, heir
was Shahab
ud-Din (15)
- khutbah, kitab: reign short and peaceful, unselfish

13. Sultana Nur ul-Azam

- not in Sulu Gen, Sulu Ramadan Oration; in Dalrymple
- ommission = being female
- Patikul khutbah: Azam
- Nur: dropped disbelief of female rulers; Azam: remained: can be name of male
- Dalrymple: Pangyan Ampay/ Sitti Kabil (Arabic - grand mistress), 4-5 yrs of rule
- daughter of sister of Salah ud-Din married with Buayan datu Balatamay
- married an Iranian datu
- Patikul khutbah: didnt like proud ppl, Sulus unfavor reign due to being female

14. Sultan Al Haqunu Ibn Wali ul-Ahad

- in Patikul khutbah, Sulu Ramadan Oration, Dalryple
- Ibn Wali ul-Ahad = Arabic for son of rajah muda (heir apparent)
- speculations: son of Sarikula, became Rajah Bandahara, help govern with S. Salah

15. S. Shahab ud-Din

- son of Salah ud-Din
- Sulu Gen: immediate successor to father
- Sulu Ramadan Oration: heir, successor of Ali Shah
- Dalrymple: young when Sitti Kabira reigned, killed S. Kahar ud-Din Kuda of
ceded Palawan to Spaniards
- khutbah, kitab: well verse in Shari'ah, figq

16. S. Mustafa Shafi ud-Din

- young bro of Shahab ud-Din, also known as Juhan Pahalawan
- khutabah, kitab: knowledgeable in law, good jugde, considerate
- abdicated in favor of his young bro Badar ud-Din to avoid dynatic troubles

17. S. Badar ud-Din I

- young bro of two previous sultans
- Spanish authors: Bigotillos, Barbillas, el Rey viejo de Tawi-Tawi
- after death: Marhum Dungun = died in Dungun, Tawi2
- Dalrymple: mother was Tirun lady from N.E coast of Borneo
- nephew contested rule = retirement in Tawi2 = known as S. Dungun
- died during reign of son Azim ud-Din
- khutbah, kitab: victor on land and sea, brave, manly, just, guided by Qur'an,
additional religions

18. S. Nasar ud-Din

- son or grandson of Shahab, also known as Dipatuan
- Spaniards: Datu Sabdula
- contested rule of Badar ud-Din = skirmishes bet. factions of Nasar ud-Din and
- khutbah, kitab: gentle, always in consultaion with ppl
- regained throne many time unsuccessfully

19. S. Azim ud-Din I

- Spaniards, Sulus: Alimudin
- mother: Bugis lady from Soopeng, Celebes
- before sultan: Datu Lagasan
- father Badar ud-din proclaimed him ruler in Tawi2
- transfer court from Dungun to Bauang (Jolo), political struggle -> leave Jolo ->
-> Zamboanga -> young bro Datu Bantilan became sultan -> Manila imprisonment ->
sultan again
in Jolo -> sultan is son Muhammad Isra'il -> after Manila: khalifal title Amir ul-
- khutbah, kitab: kind, learned, just, wise, seeker of Allh's justice, obedient t
his will,
left country but with help of Allah was able to return

20. Sultan Mu'izz ud-Din

- Spanish officials and priests: Datu/ Pangiran Bantilan
- young bro of Azim ud-Din
- khutbah, kitab: patient, truthful, disbeliever of ill reports about others
- Patikul khutabh: patient, never left country

21. S. Muhammad Isra'il

- son of Azim ud-Din I
- poisoned by partisans of cousin or cousin (Azim ud-Din)
- khutbah, kitab: popular, patient, peaceful, successful

22. S. Azim ud-Din II

- son of Mu'izz ud-Din
- governed sulu with bro after death of father
- arrival of uncle Azim ud-Din I -> left for Parang
- khutbah, kitab: peaceful, polite, powerful, helper of the poor
- brief rule

23. S. Sharaf ud-Din

- son of Azim ud-Din I, lived of old age
- Spaniards worried if successor antagonistic vs them
- khutbah, kitab: religious, loved the poor and afflicted, merciful, closely
watched actions
of datu, close contact with ppl

24. S. Azim ud-Din III

- son of Sharaf ud-Din, died same year as father
- rule: 40 days -> Sayyid ul-Asr master of days
- Spaniards, khutbah, kitab: very good, fine
- ruled from the smallpox epidemic in Jolo

25. S. Ali ud-Din

- young bro of Azim ud-Din III (ruler in absence of rajah muda in Jolo)
- rajah muda: son of Azim ud-Din II, called Datu Bantilan (retired to Parang)
- khutbah, kitab: stern, ruled accg to Qur'an, great, victorious

26. S. Sharikullah
- bro of Ali ud-Din, called Datu Sakilan
- rule: 2 yrs
- khutbah, kitab: uncompromising monotheist, learned in Islam, very pious, helper
of poor, in
close touch with ppl

27. S. Jamal ul-Kiram I

- son of Azim ud-Din III
- khutbah, kitab: kind, wise, good administrator, beloved by the ppl, encourage
desired to haji but Allah designed otherwise, good merchant

28. S. Muhammad Fadl

- son of Jamal ul-Kiram I, known as Pulalun
- khutbah, kitab: just, good governor, brave, fighter of white men, forced to
retire to interior,
careful of his actions to avoid wrongdoing

29. S. Jamal ul-Azam

- son of Muhammad Fadl
- Spaniards, Sulus: Jamalul Alam
- khutbah, kitab: well known in European politics, fought with white men, helped
aided ulama financially, introduced hadd law on theft

30. S. Badar ud-din II

- son of Jamal ul-Azam
- khutbah: no significant info due to no finalization during reign
- kitab: kind, performed hajj

31. S. Harun ar-Rashid

- descendant of Azim ud-Din I, thru Datu Putong, son
- proceded Amirul Kiram, young bro of Badar ud-Din II
- not in favor of Sulus -> sworn as sultan for Spaniards -> Kiram was the real

32. S. Jamal ul-Kiram II

- young bro of Badar ud-Din II
- rajah muda: Amirul Kiram
- contested by Ali ud-Din who was forced to flee to Basilan
- refused to state visit Spaniards -> died -> surrendered political powers to US
Carpenter's Agreement

G. Maguindanao Tarsilas
- more specific on relations bet. local and older dsynasty like Malacca
- royal datus claim descent from sharif, pagan/ pre-Islamic ruling family -> more
- more elaborate rules
- narrate how Sharif Muhammad Kabungsuwan arrived in Mindanao with sea-faring
Samals from
Johore -> son of Sharif Ali Zein ul-Abidin from Mecca who settled in Johore,
daughter of S. Iskandar Julkarnain, 1st Malacca sultan -> could be grandson of 1st
sultan of
- supplementary sections: genealogy of Sahrif Ali Zein ul-Abidin from Prophet
unlike Sulu Gen -> no genealogy of Sharif ul-Hashim, states descendant of Prophet
- local and foreign descent -> married local chieftans' daughters
- some state descent from Sharif Maraja (uncle/ relative) with dumatas as
- effective intro and spread of Islam in W. Mindanao
- left Johore spearated from followers -> Samals, Badjaos, Brunei
- Samals: also Orang Selat (live along straits of Singapore and Batam)/ Orang Laut/
-> high standing in Muslim Malays
H. Maguindanao Rulers and Sultans

1. Sharif Muhammad Kabungsuwan

- Maguindanao tarsila: father was Sharif Ali Zein ul-Abidin, mother from Johore
royal family

2. Sharif Maka-alang
- son of Kabungsuwan, surname: saridapa, mother Angintabu: daughter of Iranian
chief from
- Sarripara, salidapa, saripada: Spaniards' name to chiefs in Pulangi

3. Datu Bangkaya
- son of Sharif Maka-alang
- Asulutan, son: Dimasankay, ruler of Pulangi

4. Datu Dimasankay
- son of Bangkaya
- Spaniards: ruled old man
- leading datus of Iranun and Maranaos all claim descent from him

5. Datu Salikula
- half bro of Dimasankay, also known Gugu Salikula
- leading chief at his time
- married Sulu princss, banished for being restless and rebellious, bro-in-law of
Sulu ruler,
uncle of Maguindaao rajah muda

6. Kapitan Laut Buisan

- young half bro of Dimasankay and Salikula, also known Katchil
- displaced Salikula, controlled nephew, rajah muda, son of Dimasakay
- Dutch: relations with immediate predecessor of Qudarat

7. Sultan Qudarat
- son of Buisan
- Spaniards: Corralat
- Dutch: Guserat
- involved in Buayan-Maguidanao war, lead Buayan, ruled for half a century,
entitled Katchil,
reganl name: Qudratulla (bearer's power came from God)
- great grandchildren: Nasir ud-Din

8. Sultan Dundang Tidulay

- son of Qudarat
- grandchildren: Saif ud-Din
- died before father, ruled briefly

9. Sultan Barahaman
- son of Tidula, also known Minulu sa rahmatullah, sons refer to him as Muhammad
- William Draper: Almo Sobat; Spaniards: Almo al Lasab Brahaman
- used grandpa Qudarat name

10. Sultan Kahar ud-Din Kuda

- young bro of Barahaman, also known Jamal ul-Azam, Amir ul-Umara, Maulana
- nephews/ 2 sons of Barahaman contested rule -> aided by Sulu Sultan Shahab ud-Din
to secure
court -> feud bet. Sulus and Maguindanaos -> Sulus kill Kuda
11. Sultan Bayan ul-Anwar
- also known Jalal ud-Din, Dipatuan, after death: Mupat Batua, son of Barahaman
- held court in Slangan and Sibugan
- young bro Ja'far Sadiq, rajah muda, revolted but managed to keep throne
- abdicated throne for son Tahir ud-Din Malinug

12. Sultan Muhammad Ja'far Sadiq Manamir

- young bro of Sultan Bayan ul-Anwar, also known Amir ud-Din, Maulana, Paduka Sri
- contested older bro -> flee to Tamontaka
- Dutch: young king

13. Sultan Muhammad Tahir ud-Din

- son of Sultan Bayan ul-Anwar, also known Muhammad Shah Amir ud-Din
- Spaniards: Dipatuan Malinug
- killed uncle Manamir -> father shared govt -> rule contested by sons of Manamir,

14. Sultan Muhammad Kahir ud-Din

- son of Ja'far Sadiq, also known amir ul-Mu'minin
- Europeans: Pakir Maulana Kamsa/ Amir ud-Din Hamza
- father died -> rajah muda -> proclaimed sultan by Spaniards from Zamboanga ->
contest rule
of uncle Bayan ul-Anwar and cousin Malinug -> Pakir Maulana Kamsa as chief -> son
Sahriyal as rajah muda

15. Sultan Pahar ud-Din

- young bro of Pakir Maulana Kamsa, also known Datu Ponglu/ Panglu, after death:
- became sultan when Captain Thomas Forrest paid visit Maguindanao

16. Sultan Kibad Anwar ud-Din

- more regal title: Muhammad Azim ud-din Amir ul-Umara
- son of Pakir Maulana Kamsa
- peaceful negotiations with Spaniards

17. Sultan Kawasa ud-Din

- son of Kibad Sahriyal, entitled Amir ul-Umara, title of Iskandar Julkarnain
- peace treaty with Spaniards

18. Sultan Iskandar Qudratullah Muhammad Jamal ul-Azam

- popularly known as Sultan Untong
- great grandson of Kibad Sahriyal, nephew of Sultan Kawasa
- Spaniards: Iskandar Qudarat Pahar-ud-Din
- friendly treaties with Spaniards

19. Sultan Muhammad Makakwa

- grandson of Sultan Kawasa Anwar ud-Din
- died in Nuling (old settlement of Maguindanao)

20. Sultan Muhammad Jalal ud-Din Pablu

- also known Sultan Wata, son of Makakwa
- capital: Banubu, opposite of Cotabato across Pulangi

21. Sultan Mangigin

- grandson f Datu Dakula of Sibugay (grandson of Sahriyal)
- rule was after vacancy of seat due to Datu Utto desire to make bro-in-law Datu
Mamaku as
sultan (son of Qudratullah Untung) but Spaniards wanted Sibugay datus as sultan
- transferred to Sibugay, married Rajah Putri, widow of Datu Utto, sister of Datu

I. Maguindanao and Buayans

- Maguindanao: all Islamized ppls in Pulangi, N. and S. Tamontaka, upper valleys of
family or dynasty of Iranun origin
- Slangan, Maguindanao: seats of first Iranun rulers -> Qudarat in Lamitan and old
Simuay ->
Pulangi valley, close to Dulawan
- Buayan rulers: trace descent to daughter of Sharif/ male descendants of Sharif
- Buayan rulers: control datus, territories in upper valley, collected tribute from
non-Muslim ppl
- Maguindanao sultans: lower valley, real strength: Iranun coastal areas up to
Sibugay ->
first members of female is of Iranun descent
- marriages with ladies of Slangan = male descendants of Sharif Kabungsuwan became
Maguindanao dynasty
- Maguindanao Sultan: rulers of all Mindanao including Buayan
- marriage bet. Buayan and Maguindanao families were common
- Maguindanao rulers' advantage: control mouths of 2 rivers of Pulangi -> intercept
all boats
to Buayan, aid from sea-faring Iranun warriors
- Buayan rulers' advantage: greater number of followers, settlements, support from
mainly agriculture
- 16th cen. = dominance of Buayan rajah over Pulangi valley -> Maguindanao sultans
rajahs of Buayan
- 18th cen = Spanish pressure = dynastic quarrels = Maguindanao sultanate loosened
hold upon
Buayan = lower valley independence from Maguindanao = war leader vs Spaniards:
upper valley,
lead by Sultan Anwar u-din Utto: greatest chief on Pulangi River = married daughter
Maguindanao Sultan Qudarat Untong = influence elections of Maguindanao electios =
eventually won war = transfer power to cousin Datu Alli, rajah muda at Tinunkup or
Buayan = transfer seat to Iranun area


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