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Jimenez Krister Ann M. BEED 4A.

Exercise 3.3 answer

1. There are 195 first graders who are girls.

2. The height of shorter and taller ladder are 12.5 and 19

3. Total number of squares are 91

4. Observing the pattern of digits after decimal, we find the 44th digit after decimal to be 9

5. The cost of the shirt is $40.

6. total number of played games between teams – 156 games

7. Calculating routes to every intersection, we get 18 routes from A B = 18 routes

9. The total ways of answering the 12 questions with true or false is 4096 ways.
10. It takes 8 jumps for the frog to reach top of the well.

11. a. 1 routes; 36 routes ; 81 routes: 126 routes; 84 routes; 36 routes; 9 routes; 1 route
b. symmetry
12. a. 1;2 ; 4 ; 8; 16 ;32; 512
b. the number of routes for the probability demonstrator
c. the third diagonal
13. If eight people, greet each other at a meeting by shaking hands with one another, 36 shakehands
14. 24 line segments can be drawn between the point
15. There are 21 ducks and 14 pigs in the field.

16. by taking the Case example e find that Carla Reaches fastest than Allison.
17. In 12 ways, change for 25 using dimes, nickels, and or pennies can be made.
18. To cover a room that measure 12 feet by 15 feet, 20, 3 foot by 3 foot squares of carpet are needed to
cover the floor.
19. 6
20. 8
21. 7
22. 8
23. Applying the procedure used by Gauss,we find the sum of
a. 8020
b. 151525
c. 1892
25. Palindromic numbers that have exactly three digits and are the square of a natural number are 11 and 22,
four digits and are the cube of a natural number is 11.

26. In these 2 hrs. The car was travelling at a speed 0f 55 mile/hr.

Solution: 55 miles per hour.
The first digit of 15,951 could not change in 2 hours. Therefore, 1
is the first and the last digit of the new number. The second
and fourth digits changed to 6. If the middle digit is 0, 1, 2, …,
then the car traveled 110, 210, 310, . . ., miles in 2 hours. Clearly
the first alternative is the correct one, and the car traveled 55
miles per hour.

27. The bookworm travels 8 inches
28. Connecting the dots extended lines, we cannot connect all dots
29. a. 1996 – 1.3 billion admissions ; 2001 – 1.5 billion admissions, 2003 – 1.6 billionnnnnn admissions.
b. 1995
c. 2002
d. 2001-2002

30. a. $ 1094.87
b. $ 156.41

31. a. 1994

b. 2002

c. The admission for 2002 than the admission in the year 2003

32. The total votes cast were 17 votes so that the given statement is satisfied.

33. By annalyzing the number of blue tiles in an diagonal and green tiles overall, we find the total number of tiles to be
2601 tiles

34. There are 7 children in the family.

35. For any x number of brothers, the youngest brother will always have 2 more sisters than brothers.
36. you will have 22 pennies with you as you’ved picked or taken 22 of total.

37. On the previous day, ; day 11, the number of bacteria be half of the number present on the 12th day.

38. By explaining, the crossing pattern, we would know how the people
can use the boat to get everyone to
the opposite side of the river and
that a minimum of 11 crossing were
made to cross the river.
39. Dana has to score 91 marks in fourth exam raise average the score to 85.

40. By repeatedly transferring water between the jugs, we can obtain 4 gallons of water in the given scale
with the help of given jugs.

41. by weighing the balls in certain groups, we can deduce the fake or lighter ball.
42. by checking for the options, we found that at 21:00 it were 2 hours later, it would be half aslong as until
Midnight as it would be if it were an hour later.

43. we see that sally selects perfect square numbers. So she would select 1600 among 1600 and 1700.
44. As, there is no confirm quantity of how many blue elephants are there of total. We cannot conclude that
there are definitely 400 elephants.

45. The sequence is off cubes of natural numbers. So the missing number is 64 (cube of 4).

47. a. People born in the year 1980 might share the distinction of being 45 years old in the year 2025
b. People born in the year 2070 might share the distinction of being 46 years old in the year 2116

48. Selecting numbers from the given range and the following procedure, we find that it is valid.
49. it takes 240 digits in total to number a book from page 1 to page 240
50. We used the concept of the size of the domino, and the total number of squares it shall be required to fit
in the 31 dominoes to solve this.

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