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English Vocabulary Booster

Episode 30
The podcasts that boosts your English vocabulary and makes you sounds like a native.

Crime Hit
Get pulled over
Give a ticket

I’m not a great driver, okay? I’ve never been but I try to drive safely. Yesterday I got distract-
ed, only for a second, I promise. I checked my phone and as I did… BOOM. I hit something
or… someone with my car. I panicked and instead of stopping I started driving even faster.
I know that’s considered a hit-and-run but I got so scared I couldn’t even think properly! I
drove a couple more miles and I thought maybe I had imagined it all. But I hadn’t, right
behind me there was a police car getting closer and closer. Just as I’d expected, I got
pulled over. waited for the officer to come talk to me. I was about to cry, to tell him that yes,
it had been me, that I was guilty, that I was a horrible person. But, to my surprise, he simply
said ‘I don’t know if you realize it, miss, but you were speeding so, I’m sorry, but I’m going to
have to give you a ticket. Oh and, by the way, you should check your car, make sure it’s fine,
I noticed you hit a big rock back there.’ That’s right. A stupid rock!
Hit - I hit something or... someone with my car.
• If you hit someone with your car, is it because the car was moving quickly or slowly?
• Can you die if a car hits you?
• Have you ever been hit by a car? Or have you ever hit someone?

Hit-and-run - I know that’s considered a hit-and-run...

• If an accident is a hit-and-run, does the driver stop to help the victim?
• What are the reasons for not stopping?
• Have you ever witnessed a hit-and-run? What do you think the punishment should be?

Get pulled over - I got pulled over.

• If you get pulled over, do you stop the car or go faster?
• Where do you stop the car, in the middle of the street or on the side?
• By whom can you get pulled over?
• Have you ever gotten pulled over?

Speed - You were speeding...

• If you are speeding, are you going slower or faster than legally allowed?
• Can you speed while driving? What about riding a bike? And walking?
• What’s a good punishment for speeding?

Give a ticket - I’m going to have to give you a ticket.

• If someone gives you a ticket, do you have to pay money or not?
• Who can give you a ticket?
• Why would someone give you a ticket?
• Has a police officer ever given you a ticket?

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