Leadership & Leadership Theories: Ie 213 - Industrial Organization & Management

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Leadership &
Leadership Theories
What is Leadership?


Leadership is the ability to develop a vision that

motivates others to move with a passion toward a
common goal. So leadership is a process by which a
person influences others to accomplish an objective
and directs the organization in a way that makes it
more cohesive and coherent.
Four Factors of Leadership
You must have an honest You must know your people.
understanding of who you The fundamental starting
are, what you know and what point is having a good
you can do understanding of human
To be successful, you have to nature, such as needs,
convince your followers not emotions, and motivations.
your superiors, that you are
worthy of being followed

The nonverbal communication We must use our
is leading judgment to decide the
Bad communication harm the best course of action and
relation between leader and the leadership style
employee needed for each situation
What we do in one
situation will not always
work in another

Great Man Theory

Trait Theory
of Leadership Contingency Theory

Situational Theory

Behavioral Theory
Great Man Theory of Leadership

The theory suggests that the ability to lead is inherent

The term “Great Man” was adopted at the time because leadership
was reserved for males, particularly in military leadership.
Leaders are born with just the right traits and abilities for leading –
charisma, intellect, confidence, communication skills, and
social skills.
Great Leaders

Abraham Lincoln Alexander the Great Julius Caesar Mahatma Gandhi

Empowering leader with
16th president in US King of the ancient A brilliant military leader
his non-violent
The hero who freed the greek kingdom of who inspired great
independence movement
slaves in USA Macedon loyalty among his troops
against British rule

Trait Theory of Leadership

Trait leadership theory is very similar to Great Man Theory

This theory sought personality, social, physical or intellectual traits
that differentiate leaders from non leaders
The theory is used to predict effective leadership.
Trait Theory of Leadership

In identifying a leader, they focus on the physiological attributes such

as appearance, weight and height; demographics such as age,
education, and familial background; and intelligence, which
encompasses decisiveness, judgment, and knowledge
Trait of Leaders
Intelligence Acceptance of Responsibility
Physical features Open-Minded and Adaptability
Inner motivation Self-Confidence
Maturity Human Relations Attitude
Vision and foresight Fairness and Objectivity
Contingency Theory of Leadership
Contingency Theory of leadership focuses on the particular variables
related to the environment that might determine which
particular style of leadership is best suited for the situation.
According to this theory, no leadership style is applicable for all
Success depends upon a member of variables, including the leadership
style, qualities of followers, and aspects of the situation.
Contingency Theory of Leadership

Renowned leadership researchers Hodgson and White believe that

the best form of leadership is the one that finds the perfect balance
between behavior, needs, and context. Good leaders not only possess
the right qualities but they also evaluate the needs of their followers
and the situation at hand. In summary, the contingency theory
suggests that great leadership is a combination of many key variables.
Situational Theory of Leadership

The situational theory is similar to the contingency theory as it

proposes that no one leadership style supersedes others.
As the name suggests, the theory implies that leadership depends on
the situation at hand.
Put simply, leaders should always correspond their leadership to the
respective situation by assessing certain variables such as the
type of task, nature of followers, and more
Situational Leader
 Is one who can quickly change leadership style as
the situation changes
 the best action of the leader depends on a range
of situational factors
Behavioural Theory of Leadership

In Behavioral Theory, the focus is on the specific behaviors and actions

of leaders rather than their traits or characteristics.
The theory suggests that effective leadership is the result of many
learned skills
Behavioral Theory

Technical Skills

Human Skills

Conceptual Skills
Technical Skills
Behavioral Theory
 refer to a leader’s knowledge of the
process or techniques

Technical Skills

Human Skills

Conceptual Skills
Technical Skills
Behavioral Theory
 refer to a leader’s knowledge of the
process or techniques

Human Skills
Technical Skills  means that one is able to interact with
other individuals
Human Skills

Conceptual Skills
Technical Skills
Behavioral Theory
 refer to a leader’s knowledge of the
process or techniques

Human Skills
Technical Skills  means that one is able to interact with
other individuals
Human Skills
Conceptual Skills
Conceptual Skills
 enable the leader to come up with ideas
for running the organization or society



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