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Module 4 – Using Conditionals in Expressing Arguments (Johanisa Dandamun

Lesson 1
1. For
2. Against
3. For
4. Against
5. Against
6. Against
7. For
Looking Back to Your Lesson
1. If I were you, I would continue working on it until it is done.
2. If I were you, I would use my time wisely.
3. If I were you, I would not work so hard.
4. If I were you, I would see a doctor.
5. If I were you, I would not watch horror movies.
1. If people don’t wear masks in public when there is a deadly virus going around, then they
might get the virus.
2. If support for health workers was cut off, then they would stop working for the patients.
3. If a hospital refused to accept people who are sick with contagious diseases, then the virus
may spread faster.
4. If the only breadwinner of the family loses his/her job, then his/her family would starve.
5. If scientists would not be able to find the cure for a deadly virus, then our population would
1. If we continue throwing plastic into oceans, then marine animals would extinct.
2. If 100,000 marine animals continue to get killed, then we would not have enough food.
3. If we don’t stop polluting the ocean, then marine animals will continue to die.
1. The opening of classes will help students continue their education amidst the fear of the
deadly virus.
2. The flexibility of teachers in using the technology will help them stay updated and smoothly
transition to online classes.
3. The modification of the transportation system in the Philippines will prevent the commuting
public suffer the consequences.
Checking Your Understanding
1. ♥
2. +
3. ♥
4. +
5. ♥
Thesis statement: (“___________________is true because ________________________.”)
The growth of pollution due to e-commerce is true because on Single’s Day in 2017, there were
160,000 tons of packaging waste and trees were cut down more.

Lesson 2 – Writing an Argumentative Essay

1. Which of the two will be better in defeating COVID-19, herd immunity
or quarantine?
2. Is better to teach students by: online learning, classroom learning?
3. Is it healthier if we eat only vegetables or more meat?
4. Does Facebook help us in a good way or a bad way?
5. Should the age for imprisonment go lower?
Looking Back to Your Lesson
A (1) THESIS STATEMENT is a single sentence that ties together the (2)
main idea of any argument. In the context of student essays, it’s a statement that
(3)summarizes your topic and declares your (4)position on it. This sentence can tell a
reader whether your essay is something they want to read. It has to be strong, specific,
(5) arguable and based on factual information.


Parts of the Essay Issue/Topic:

Introduction: Children of single parents can be just as progressive with
*What is the claim or emotional, social and behavioral skills as those with two parents.
position on the issue?
*Is the argument valid?
*Is it debatable?
*What is the first reason? *Single parents can still have emotional time and support to their
What is the evidence? child – 49% of American families are single parents
*What is the second *Children don’t need 2 role models – quotes himself as an
reason and evidence example for not having a father but still had positive male role
represented? models such as his grandfather
*Does it have a third *Not all times children get enough attention and love from a
reason and evidence? mother and father. Children who are raised by one parent who
Were all points devotes their time and emotion would benefit much more than
explained clearly in the who has both parents showing them that fighting and arguing is
arguments? acceptable.
*What is the opposing *Boys who do not have fathers as male role models suffer esp.
argument? *Children get enough love and attention by one parent raising
What makes it valid? them properly
How is this refuted? *Children can be raised properly even with 1 parent sometimes
What evidence supports better then with 2 parents
the counterclaim?
Is the thesis statement Children become of how they are taught from young age.
restated? Furthermore, whether there are two role models or one, it doesn’t
What new things are matter as long as they learn strong moral values that will be passed
added to convince the on their families.

1. Classroom learning, which is also known as a traditional way of learning, is a
lot better and more effective than online learning. Some studies have shown
that online learning was less effective. On average, students do worse in the
online setting. Those who struggle in face to face classes are likely to struggle
even more online. Being in person with teachers and other students creates
social pressures and benefits that can help motivate students to engage and
better learning. Furthermore, if you are a student, you will be able to
concentrate better on your learning because there'll be less distraction than if
you were at home. You may feel more comfortable and learn more easily in a
familiar, traditional classroom situation.

2. Supporting Reasons

In classroom learning, Students are likely to do bet- There are less distractions in
students get motivated by tter in classroom learning classroom learning compared
their teachers and classmates because of concentration and to online learning at home
by social pressures. discipline. with your family.

Interactions between Teachers can lecture Classroom learning
teacher-student and students and teach them environment promotes
student-teacher. physically. collaborative learning.

. According to Vygotsky, According to research,

Students getdevelop
students taught by the environment where
teacher in an interactive
cognitively through social you study affect how you
3. Counterclaim way. remember things
77% of educators believe that online learning is just as good as traditional
learning, if not better. Nearly 70% of all students claim online instruction to
be as good as or better than in a traditional classroom setting.

4. Refute

Counterclaim Rebuttal
77% of educators believe that online Only 26% of online students claim to learn
learning is just as good as traditional better online than in a classroom which
means that the rest of 74% learn better in
learning, if not better. Nearly 70% of
classroom. To the most recent surveys in
all students claim online instruction to the Philippines, students claim that they
be as good as or better than in a don’t learn much online as much as they
traditional classroom setting. learn at classroom.

5. Conclusion
Classroom learning is highly guaranteed to be much more effective than online learning. Therefore,
students do better at classroom learning, as it states that social interaction plays an important role in
leaning and is proven to be quite effective in assisting the learner to reflect on their understanding.

Checking Your Understanding

Argumentative Essay – Online Learning Vs. Classroom Learning
During the crisis brought by COVID-19, there had been a lot of sudden changes in
just a matter of few months in our lifestyle including schooling and education. In addition to
that, we were locked down to prevent going outside places that will cause to spread the virus
faster. Senior citizens, person below 21, and of course, students are one of them. Since we
can no longer go outside and learn at a traditional classroom, most of us chose to do modular
and online learning. As we all know, we are not used to learn and teach at this type of
learning. Therefore, classroom learning, which is also known as a traditional way of learning,
is a lot better and more effective than online learning.
Through education, we become successful. As Solomon Ortiz quoted, “Education is
the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their student.” For
that reason, the government made sure that no student should be left behind amidst the
pandemic. Although they aim for it, a lot of students are being left behind on understanding
the concepts during virtual meetings. How do students learn better? By classroom learning,
students get motivated by their teachers and classmates to do better and try again. Interaction
is vital to learning. According to Vygotsky, students develop cognitively through social
interaction. Teacher Interaction is the most important interaction within classrooms. Without
teachers, there is no set environment that students can adapt to. In online learning, you only
interact through screens. Is that effective for students?
Students are likely to do better in classroom learning because of concentration and
discipline. Although online learning has this so-called-netiquette, you don’t expect it be
followed all the time by students. Technical problem is a disadvantage when learning online.
In a real classroom, teachers can discipline the students effectively and every class have rules
and regulations for better management. They have better concentration since they are
surrounded by students themselves. Teachers can lecture them, and students are required to
listen attentively. Activities like groupings assigned to students help them to do better by
working as one and improve their social skills.
According to research, the environment where you study affect how you remember
things. For example, if you are studying for a test and you’re in a library, you can associate a
certain information with specific areas of that familiar location. This is called the memory
palace. Even though you can do memory palace at home, there are still limitations if you live
in a small area. In campuses, their a lot of places and rooms you can go to so you can study
and read. You can only do this if you’re physically in school. Also, in classroom learning,
there are less distractions than online learning. Less distraction means better concentration.
Better concentration means more effective studying. In online learning, if you don’t have a
particular quiet area to study at, you’ll likely to get distracted by the noises around you.
77% of educators believe that online learning is just as good as a traditional learning,
if not better. This information is according to the University of Potomac. However, I can
prove that this isn’t true. If you’re an educator, do you agree? Certainly, no. Same goes with
the teachers living near me. In the same reference, nearly 70% of all students claim online
instruction to be as good as or better than in a traditional classroom setting. But only 26%
claim to learn better online than in a classroom which means that the rest of 74% students
learn better in classroom. To the most recent surveys in the Philippines, students claim that
they don’t learn much online as much as they learn at classroom. Therefore, online learning
isn’t better than classroom learning. Classroom learning should be implemented as soon as
the pandemic ends because if online learning continues, lots of students would be left behind.
For all the reasons and evidence stated above, classroom learning is highly guaranteed
to be much more effective than online learning. Therefore, students do better at classroom
learning, as it states that social interaction plays an important role in leaning and is proven to
be quite effective in assisting the learner to reflect on their understanding. Classroom learning
is suitable for everyone, whether you can afford it or not. Education is for all.

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1. C
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. C

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