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Performance Task in Science 10 ( Week 7 & 8 ) RUBRICS FOR PHOTO COLLAGE

You will collect 10 kinds of pictures that are related with the effects of plate movements and make a photo collage out of them.

Poor Fair Good Excellent

20 pts 30 pts 40 pts 50 pts

Organization Poor Fair Good Excellent

The pictures & words were not organized/ balanced and did The pictures & words were generally organized/balanced, but may not The pictures & words were well organized and The pictures were extremely well organized/ balanced and
not cover the 5x7 area. Student did not include several types have covered the 5x7 area. Student may not have included various included several different types of media photos included several different types of pictures , words, drawings
of pictures,words, art required for this assignment. types of pictures required for this assignment. or art required for this assignment.

Content Poor Fair Good Excellent

The picture collage did not demonstrate student's The picture collage generally demonstrated student's understanding of The picture collage clearly demonstrated The picture collage sincerely demonstrated student's
understanding of gratitude and/or the assignment. gratitude and/or the assignment, but a few things were lacking. student's understanding of gratitude and/or understanding of the gratitude assignment. Student added extra
assignment. information above what was needed or discussed in class.

Format Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student did not follow format given for this assignment.) Student generally followed format given for this assignment; however, Student followed format given for this assignment Student followed format given for this assignment and included
there were still a few things missing. There was some own writing or and included all required information students all required information. Student may have also included
drawings. own writing or drawings. something extra.

Creativity Poor Fair Good Excellent

Not much effort put into making the collage colorful, unique, or Some effort was given to make the collage interesting. The student demonstrated creative methods for The student demonstrated creative methods for designing a
eye-catching. designing a collage. Various materials were collage. Various materials were utilized and colors were
utilized and colors were distributed. distributed. It was very neat and appealing.

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