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Self-Hypnosis (Osho)

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1- Starting
Set an alarm clock on 15min,
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Then repeat 3 times that :
“within fifteen minutes, when the alarm goes off, I will come back from my

deep hypnotic sleep.”

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2- Looking at a bright thing

 Books Look at a bright thing that tires your eyes - that is its only function!

Stop blinking; just stare at the shiny thing!

 Audiobooks Don't close your eyes until you cannot keep them open.

Fight to the last, keep

• k eep your eyes open!
 Magazines
(If you immediately close your eyes, nothing will happen because you will remain
conscious. The longer you struggle, the deeper will be the hypnosis.)
 Podcasts

3- Heaviness of the lids - Falling into sleep

 Sheet Music Looking at the light, you go on repeating inside in a very sleepy voice, or playing
on the recorder that:
 Snapshots “My eyes are becoming heavy, heavy... heavier, heavier. I am falling into

“My eyes are becoming very heavy, my eyelids seem to be utterly tired...”,
 Documents •

“My eyes are becoming tired, the eyelids want to close”

“Sleep is coming over me”

“I cannot keep my eyes open anymore; I am trying my best, but it is

“I cannot esist; it is impossible now to keep my eyes open”

(A point comes within three minutes, not more than that, when you cannot resist
the temptation to let them close. )

4- Going deeper.
The moment the eyes are closed, and as long as you are aware, you go on
repeating, "I am going deeper, deeper, ".
Or, at 2 or 3min on the recorder, comes your recorded
r ecorded voice repeating:
"I am going into deep sleep, and I will be able only to hear my voice and

nothing else. It will remain my only contact."

"I am going deeper, deeper, … deeper, into my unconscious "

(You go deeper and deeper into sleep, with continuous suggestions. There is a point
 when you stop hearing anything else except the sleepy voice of the hypnotist saying,
"You are going deeper, deeper, deeper")

(A moment comes when you have gone deepest into your unconscious)

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Scribd Membership5- post-hypnotic suggestions
 You can also give yourself post-hypnotic suggestions.
They have to be given at the last moment when your eyes are closing and you feel
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that now you will be going deeper.

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Before going deeper you start saying, "From tomorrow my health will be better."
Just choose one thing, not too many; don't be greedy! And just a fifteen days or 3
 weeks, saying it…
 Bestsellers
Or, on the voice recorder, after a gap of 4 or 5 minutes, comes the voice saying,
 Books for example:
• “My meditation will become deeper from today, I will not have to struggle
 Audiobooks  with my thoughts. The moment I will close my eyes, the thoughts will start
dispersing themselves”
 Magazines
(And you will find that your meditation is going deeper and you can create a very
 beautiful link.)
 Podcasts

  When the meditation goes deeper, then you can suggest to yourself:
 Sheet Music "Tomorrow my hypnosis will go even deeper."

(You can use both to bring you to the very depths of your unconsciousness.)
 Snapshots

 Once you have touched the depths of your unconsciousness, then you can start a
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second suggestion:
• "Although I will be in the dark unconscious, a slight awareness will remain
so that I can see what is happening."
 And then go on repeating, "My awareness which was slight is becoming

 bigger and bigger and bigger..."

(And one day you will find the whole unconscious is lighted with your alertness -
and that's what meditation is.)

6- Coming back
 And after 15 minutes the alarm will go off, and you will come back from your
unconscious to the conscious.

(You will be surprised how fresh, how young you are feeling within yourself - how
clean, as if you have passed through a beautiful garden full of flowers, with a cool


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Scribd Membership can be used, should be used, without any fear. Either together, by people
 who trust each other and love each other, so there is no fear that they will exploit...
 you are with your very intimate friends; you know that they cannot harm you, you
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can open yourself, you can be vulnerable. Or just yourself... by yourself it will take a
little longer, because you have to do two persons' work yourself. That is a little
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disturbance. But now, because tape recorders are available you can dispose of the
other person completely, and give the suggestion part to the tape recorder.

 Bestsellers  _________________

*Self-hypnosis has to be in the service of meditation; that is its greatest use. But it
 Books
can serve health, it can serve long life, it can serve love, it can serve friendliness, it
can serve courage. All that you want, self-hypnosis can help you with. It can dispel
 Audiobooks
 your fears of the unknown, it can dispel your fear of death; it can make you ready for
 being alone, silent, peaceful. It can make you able to continue an undercurrent of
 Magazines meditation the whole twenty-four hours.

 Podcasts  You can even suggest, "While I am asleep my small flame of awareness will continue
all through, the night without disturbing my sleep."
 Sheet Music
That has been my deep desire for long. Therapy should dissolve into hypnosis, and
hypnosis should dissolve into meditation. Then we have created one of the greatest
 Snapshots forces for enlightenment, which has never been used in the past.

 Documents Therapy has never been used. Therapy will cleanse you of all garbage, it will take
away all your conditionings; therapy will help you to cathart anything that has been
there and you have been repressing inside. Therapy will throw it out.

Therapy is a beautiful cleansing process, and a mind cleansed will fall into hypnosis
more easily, without any struggle.

So therapy has to be used in such a way that it slowly dissolves into hypnosis, and
then hypnosis has to be used so that it can become steps going towards meditation.

 What I am proposing is a simple thing: you don't need any priest, you don't need any
church, you don't need any holy scripture. All that you need is a little understanding
and a little courage. Cathart totally in therapy. You don't know how much crap there
is inside you. When you start catharting, then you will know - "My God, is this me or
somebody else? What am I doing? What am I saying?"

Sometimes what you say does not even make any sense. But it has been there,
otherwise it cannot come to you. It has been a hindrance to your meditation, and it
 will be a hindrance to your going deep into hypnosis. It will become a barrier
somewhere in-between.

So therapy has to be the first thing. The second thing is hypnosis, and the third thing
 will grow out of it - your meditation.

The ultimate in meditation is enlightenment.

Much more than
 When meditation comes to its completion, then your whole being becomes full of
light, full of blissfulness, full of ecstasy.
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