MODULE 6 The Physical Self

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MODULE 6 The Physical Self

Activity I:

How well do I know my physical self?

1. In a mirror try to evaluate the physical component of yourself.

2. List down 5 of your most considered positive physical characteristics while looking
into yourself on the mirror and your 5 most considered negative physical characteristics
you able to recognize on yourself upon reflecting on the mirror.

Positive Physical Characteristics Negative Physical Characteristic

1. Lips 1. Eyes
2. Eyebrows 2. Hair
3. Height 3. Skin
4. Posture 4. Weight
5. Teeth 5. Nose
3. If you will be given a chance, will you be changing some of that body parts. Explain
your idea about it.

Most cliché answers would be that they will change any part of their body, because they
are happy with what they are because if they change some of those parts the person
that they will see in the mirror will not be them. From what I can tell everyone we are not
born with confidence and self-love, instead we are born with insecurities, so answers
like that sounds pretentious in some ways. So yes in my state of mind there are things
that I want to change with my self especially my body, a person will go through a lot of
change in their lives and some of them are changes that doesn’t happen naturally, it’s
either them working hard to change their body shape or some that will change under the
knife. But all I can say is that the change we need to do is our mindset. It is not wrong to
want some change, for the wrong thing here is judging those who wants to change.
Change is a part of us but more importantly, wanting change means there’s still room
for us to be better.

Activity II

Read and create your reaction paper using the link below:'s_original_experiment

Individuals come to “know” their own attitudes, emotions, and other internal states
partially by inferring them from observations of their own overt behavior and/ or the
circumstances in which this behavior occurs. Thus, to the extent that internal cues are
weak, ambiguous, or uninterpretable, the individual is functionally in the same position
as an outside observer, an observer who must necessarily rely upon those same
external cues to infer the individual's inner states. Self-perception theory provides a
similar explanation for emotion by suggesting that people infer their emotions by
observing their bodies and their behaviors. In other words, people’s emotions and other
feelings come from such actions as facial expressions, postures, level of arousal and
behaviors. In this way, feelings are consequences of behavior rather than the other way
around. People are angry because they scowl and are happy because they smile—this
is the self-perception effect. We all experience being an observer and in turn we use
what we observe to observe our own selves.

Activity III:

1. Reflect on your own personal concept of what for you is a real Beauty.

Real beauty is felt, it is not something we see. For me I don’t necessarily view beauty as
what they are, I can only understand the beauty if I happen to get to know the person.
As cliché as it sounds for me beauty is how is encouraging ourselves that it’s okay to
have flaws and to celebrate it. Knowing that everyone has insecurities makes me
believe that we can only acknowledge beauty if what we lack we can see on others and
that makes them beautiful but, real beauty is acknowledging that we have different
issues that makes as flawed yet, knowing how we can celebrate that makes us believe
in beauty and as we see beauty in ourselves we can see beauty in others.

2. Download and print the picture of your most admired person bearing a real

physical beauty. Below that picture, describe the characteristics that manifest such

real physical beauty

Sophistication, elegance, intelligence, and confidence. These description feels unreal to

see in one person. I can’t still believe that such woman existed. She’s much more that
the word beauty, her presence alone will make you believe such perfect person exist.
She is the epitome of what beauty is for me. She emanates power without being loud,
she’s that woman, a woman I admired, a woman who’s long gone but has everlasting

Self-Assessment Quiz:

A. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write U if all of the statements are true; R if only two
of the statements are true and underline the false statement, S if all of the statements
are false; and B if only two of the statements are false and underline the true statement.

___B___1. Youth cover the age between 15 to 30 years of age

The range for identifying who the youth are was created by the National
Commission on Election

Heredity and environment were not important in growth and development

___S___2. Physical self are intangible aspects of the person

Our naked eyes can always see what is real on our physical characteristics

Physical self doesn’t matter as we wanted to take a better edge on the job

___R___3. Self-concept is an individual’s belief about themselves

Adolescence marked the physical exploratory period to determine an

individual’s sense of his world

When individual base their sense of self on how they believe others view
them is a process under a looking–glass self

___U___4. Development begins during prenatal period

Puberty makes dramatic physical changes during adolescence period

Declining physical characteristics are remarkable during old age period

B. List down at least ten examples of what shows Physical Self

1. Slim ___________________________ 6. Our height ___________________

2. Muscular_________________________ 7. Facial structure_________________

3. Hairstyles _______________________ 8. Our weight ___________________

4. How people dress__________________ 9. Facial Features__________________

5. Color of our skin___________________ 10. Acne __________________

C. Discuss the schematic presentation of the Social Comparison Theory

The Social Comparison Theory refers to the idea that people are constantly comparing
themselves with others for a variety of reasons, involving social norms. The Theory first
gained recognition in 1954 when Leon Festinger proposed his similarity hypothesis
stating “When objective standards for self-evaluation are unavailable, they compare
themselves with other people.” The Social Comparison Theory correlates with the Spiral
of Silence Model, in that both processes suggest that people have a general fear of
being an outcast or against the norms of society. According to the Social Comparison
Theory, people, both consciously and subconsciously, compare themselves with others
in order to evaluate their behavior, verify their actions, and feel better about their
decisions or place in society.

According to the article by Wood, Chi, and Gaucher, research has shown that people
who are seeking to evaluate a certain aspect of their life tend to compare themselves to
others who are similar to them. Whether they are comparing looks, athletic abilities, or
academic performance, people are most likely to observe individuals who they consider
to be on “their level.” On the other hand, the Social Comparison Theory can also be
applied to those individuals who are seeking to gain confidence, and therefore will
compare their situation to those who they see as being lesser than them. The article
explains this aspect of the Theory using dimensions, stating that people who are lacking
in one dimension of their life will often focus on one aspect of a person’s situation or
character in order to make their own situation appear more advantageous.

The desire for social acceptance is the basis of the Social Comparison Theory. Since it
is such a prevalent aspect of human life, it is difficult to measure; however, according
the article most research is done in the form of personal recordings of comparison
instances. Since we live in such a competitive society, the Social Comparison Theory
will continue to be an accepted explanation of human behaviors. A poll conducted by
Self Magazine in 2010, 53% of women said they feel fat when comparing themselves to
images of women in the media. The poll also discovered that 27% of women said they
“feel like giving up” when they see someone who is in shape.

Pluralistic Ignorance, as defined by shin, also explains the role that social acceptance
plays in our society. The Theory stems from the idea that people often change their
beliefs or views on societal issues based on their perception of public opinion. Pluralistic
ignorance argues that most members of society have a skewed view of what the
minority and what the majority opinions are. The article explains that the media plays a
large role in forming these distorted views of social norms by emphasizing or ignoring
certain issues. This, along with the Social Comparison Theory, verifies and emphasizes
the Spiral of Silence Model.
I definitely agree with the Social Comparison Theory and the idea of Pluralistic
Ignorance. As a member of an extremely competitive society, I am able to see evidence
of this model every day. I live in a sorority house with fifty other women who are all,
including myself, constantly comparing their looks, achievements, and abilities with the
others. We are all the same age and are involved with the same social circle, and
therefore evaluate ourselves by looking to the other women. I have also seen evidence
of the Social Comparison Theory with my cousin who is currently applying to colleges.
When students who he feels are much smarter than him are accepted into a college that
he isn’t, he is not upset. However, when a student who he believes is ranked lower
academically than is accepted into a college over him, he is frustrated and upset. This
supports the Social Comparison Theory because it states that individuals, when
evaluating their performance, compare themselves with others who are on “their level.”

MODULE 7 The Sexual Self


This kind of topic is very important matter that I think that we need to address and teach
to youth on the way to their adolescence. It is no way shape or form teaches children to
be sexually active but it helps on keeping their curiosity and learning the consequences
that may help people like me who is going through the same change. By learning all of
these we can have an open-minded approach to things regarding our sensual selves.

I. Matching Type. Match the item in column A with column B

Write the letter of correct answer in the blanks.

Column A Column B
___C___1. Utility a. These entities are clearly an intimate

___F___2. Signifiers part of who we are

___I___3. Signified b. Constituted by our bodies, clothes

___D_ 4. Significance immediate family and home

___J___5. Self-expressive functions c. Is concerned with how things serve a

___B___6. Material Economic self practical purpose

___G___7. Economic identity d. Concerned with meaning assigned to

___H___9. Economic consciousness the object

___E___10. Economic e. Study of things that a person is lacking,

___A___11. Body Self of how people used of things that they

___N___12. Negative affect f. Physical form

___H___13. Economic consciousness g. Is a psychological phenomenon that

___M___14. Anticipated positive results from social categorization

affect h. Result of socialization and

___L___15. Affective motive professionalization of the subject that

i. Mental concept it refers to (e.g. engage

to be married)

j. Reflect person’s unique qualities, values

or attitude.

k. result of socialization and

professionalization of the subject that

acquires a particular significance in human


l. is a concept used in environmental


m. excitement, pride happiness

n. anger, sadness and frustration

MODULE 9 The Spiritual Self

Activity 1.1

Answer the questions below.

1. Do you believe in the existence of God? Explain your answer.

There are many things that people can’t explain like how life comes to be. Believing in

the divine hurts no one. So, in my stand, I do believe in the existence of God because

this is who I am, my parents raised me in God’s blessing, it is the only explanation that

explains my existence in time when I don’t believe in anything. Along the way on this life

I may face a lot of uncertainty but God’s will and path is what I chose to follow. I know it

is hard to believe in something that we cannot see but, it is in the way that we don’t see

that’s why I continue to believe because, there are countless times that I have felt God

watching over me and my family, keeping us safe and the proof that we are still alive

and well is a miracle that I thank God for.

2. Do you believe that life has meaning? Explain you answer.

I believe that everyone has a purpose. I think that we are put into this world for a

reason. God gave as the power to dream, and I think once we know what we’re aiming

for, it gives us meaning to live and as long as we keep on living our meaning also keeps

on expanding. That is God’s gift to us to live a life with happiness, sadness, regrets,

disappointments, and success.

Activity 1.2

Most Filipinos are Roman Catholics and their religious beliefs have significant influence

on their ideas about identity, essence, and purpose for existence. Explain your essence

and purpose for existence are exemplified by the song below. Otherwise, identify a

different song which reflects your essence and purpose of existence. Write your answer

Jamie Rivera

Walang sinuman ang nabubuhay

Para sa sarili lamang

Walang sinuman and namamatay

Para sa sarili lamang

Tayong lahat ay may pananagutan sa isa't isa

Tayong lahat ay tinipon ng Diyos

Na kapiling nya

Sa ating pag mamahalan at panglilingkod

Sa kanino man

Tayo ay magdadala ng balita na kaligtasan

Tayong lahat ay may pananagutan sa isa't isa

Tayong lahat ay tinipon ng Diyos

Na kapiling nya

Sabay sabay mag aawitan

Ang mga bansa

Tayo tinuring na panginoon bilang mga anak

Tayong lahat ay may pananagutan sa isa't isa

Tayong lahat ay tinipon ng Diyos na kapiling nya

Tayong lahat ay tinipon ng Diyos

Na kapiling nya

I think my very sole purpose in life is to help those who’s in need because I know that in

this borrowed life, I need something to give back to God, and it is giving myself to

others. These idea come to be when I realized that I love giving help to people without

expecting something in return, it may all sound pretentious but I’ll leave it up to people

to judge, all I know is that I love helping out it puts me at ease that I can help people

ease their burden, even if it’s a small amount. But I know that in this life no matter how

many people I helped it is not enough to give back to God because at the end of the day

I am still human, although I love giving others help, I only give it to those people who

deserves it, so when the time comes that they are not deserving of it anymore, I can

easily say no. I think that we live for the sake of each other but a lot of people choose to

help themselves even if they know there still someone who needs it the most.

Activity 1.3

Complete the table by citing and describing different rituals and ceremonies that you

have experienced or witnessed.

Name of Ritual Description

Baptism (in the Christian Church) the religious rite

of sprinkling water onto a person's

forehead or of immersion in water,

symbolizing purification or regeneration

and admission to the Christian Church. In

many denominations, baptism is

performed on young children and is

accompanied by name-giving.
Marriage The Sacrament of Marriage is a lasting

commitment of a man and a woman to a

lifelong partnership, established for the

good of each other and the procreation of

their children. The man and woman confer

the Sacrament of Marriage upon each

other when they express their consent to

marry before God and the Church.

Confirmation is the sacrament by which Catholics

receive a special outpouring of the Holy

Spirit. Through Confirmation, the Holy

Spirit gives them the increased ability to

practice their Catholic faith in every aspect

of their lives and to witness Christ in every

situation. A closer bond with the Catholic

Anointing of the sick The anointing of the sick is administered to

bring spiritual and even physical strength

during an illness, especially near the time

of death. It is most likely one of the last

sacraments one will receive. A sacrament

is an outward sign established by Je y

God’s grace to the recipient, through the

power of the Holy Spirit. Christ to confer

inward grace. In more basic terms, it is a

rite that is performed to convey.

Holy Eucharist The Holy Eucharist is a sacrament and a

sacrifice. In the Holy Eucharist, under the

appearances of bread and wine, the Lord

Christ is contained, offered, and received.

Name of Ceremony Description
Worship Services these services comprise a recitation of the

Creed, Scientology, Sermon

Congregation, Auditing & Prayer.

Confession an official station about what religious

belief you have.

Feast a religious festival such as Christmas or

Ordination the process on religious ceremony by

which someone is officially made a priest

or minister.
Vigil period of time at night when you stay

awake to pray.

Activity 1.4
Watch a movie about sorcery and/or witchcraft. Based on the chosen movie, answer the

question below.

1. Where and when is the setting of the story? Who are the characters? Based on

these elements, from which culture does the film base its conception of sorcery

or witchcraft?

The story starts when Sarah Bailey moved from San Francisco to Los Angeles with her

father and stepmother and she is enrolled at a Los Angeles parochial high school. At

her new school she befriended with a group of girls that are considered an outcast

because they are rumored to be using witchcraft. They are Bonnie Harper (who bears

burn scars from an auto accident), Nancy Downs (whose family lives in a trailer and

whose stepfather is abusive), and Rochelle Zimmerman (who is African American and

subjected to racist bullying by a group of popular white girls), who all worship a powerful

deity they call "Manon" and Sarah Bailey making the coven ‘the fourth’ completed. I

think the elements that is shown in the film is similarly to what our culture about withcraft


2. How do the elements of the film achieve a seemingly realistic depiction of sorcery

or witchcraft?

They have what they call hexes much like in our culture hexing someone means it is

“nakulam”. The witchcraft that is shown in the movie is quite impressive, it shows how

scary it is to have supernatural powers and how much they have to bear the


3. How does the movie present the concept of sorcery or witchcraft?

They present it as something that is making it a gift instead of it being bad omen. I think

at first it doesn’t matter what their powers are as long as they put it in to good use but of

course as everyone else they are still human who can feel human emotions who’s

rational could be manipulated by anger and hatred.

Activity 1.5

Answer the following questions.

1. Whatever your religion is, how do you practice your faith? (e.g., through prayer,

meditation, yoga, etc.)

I always practice it through prayer and going to church every Sunday, although I did not

go as often as I want to, I think that as long as you never forget God is good enough. I

also practice my faith by basing my behavior in God’s way and will. Every time I am

going to do something or say something to someone I would count to three and think of

what will God do in these situation.

2. Do you believe in spirits? Supernatural forces? If yes, do you have a personal

encounter or experience with those forces? What did you do?

I do not consider myself as a believer but sometime I still get scared of the thought of

the unknown although I strongly believe in God there are still things that I want off my

mind. Maybe because I don’t want to have my faith in God to be divided by something

evil and sinister.

Module 10 The Political Self

SAQ#1 How to be a good Filipino?

For me what I consider a good Filipino is someone who uses their rights for the good of

everyone, a Filipino who supports other Filipinos. Sometimes Filipino are met with the

difficulty in supporting their own fellow Filipino because in our society it is the same

people, we call our countrymen who judge each other. Another thing is that a good

Filipino knows our history as well as our language. A good Filipino must be a law

abiding citizen but if ever our rights are violated in disguised of the law we should fight

for our rights because the law is made for the safety of the Filipino people not against


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