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Political Leaders:

1. Kim Jong-un – North Korea president

2. Moon Jae-in – South Korea president
3. Emmanuel Macron – France President
4. Joe Biden – Newly elected president of US
5. Kamala Harris - Newly elected vice president of US
6. Elizabeth II – Queen of UK
7. Naruhito – Emperor of Japan
8. Boris Johnson – prime minister of Great Britain
9. Justin Trudeau – prime minister of Canada
10. Angela Merkel – chancellor of Germany
11. Xi Jinping – president of People’s Republic of China
12. Le Keqiuang – prime minister of People’s Republic of China
13. Salman bin Abdullaziz Al Saud – King of Saudi Arabia
14. Vladimir Putin – President of Russia
15. Volkan Bozkin – President of United Nations General Assembly
16. Antonio Gutierrez – United Nations Secretary-General
17. Lee Hsien Loong – prime minister of Singapore
18. Halimah Jacod – president of Singapore
19. Joko Widodo – president of Indonesia
20. King Maha Vajiralongkorn – king of Thailand
21. Chan-o-Cha – prime minister of Thailand
22. Muhyiddin Yassin – prime minister of Malaysia
23. Abdullah of Pahang – king of Malaysia
24. Hassanal Bolkiah – sultan of Brunei
25. Nguyen Phu Trong – president of Vietnam
26. Nguyen Xuan Phuc – prime minster of Vietnam
27. Bounnhang Voracinth – president of Laos
28. Thongloun Sisoulith – prime minster of Laos
29. Norodom Sihamoni – king of Thailand
30. Win Myint – president of Myanmar

31. Africa – most corrupt and backward region

32. Japan – people with highest lifespan
33. 87 – lifespan for female in Japan
34. 81 – lifespan for male in Japan
35. Ageing – growth in the number and proportion of older people
36. Ebola – disease in Guinea, Africa
37. Organization of African Unity – OAU
38. 34 countries – signed the charter
39. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – where the charter of OAU was signed
40. Climate Change – contributes to the certification…
41. President Truman – ordered the Atomic bomb in Japan
42. Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan – Atomic bomb

43. Akihito – father of Naruhito

44. Hirohito – father of Akihito
45. World Health Organization – WHO
46. Migration – movement of people from one place to another
47. Gender Equality – equality between men and women
48. International law – relation among states
49. Sustainable Development Goals – SDG
50. Decolonization – freeing to many colonize entities
51. Democracy – rule of the people
52. Global poverty index – less than 1 dollar and 90 cens a day considered as
a poor
53. Every child has the right to health, education and protection
54. 7.5 billion – estimated population in the world
55. 1.4 billion – china population
56. 1.3 billion – India population
57. Refugees – the leave their countries because of political and economic
58. Rohingya Refugees – Myanmar
59. South east Asia – Philippines location
60. Alfred Sauvy – three worlds one planet
61. Brandt line – partition between developed North and developing South
62. 54 – countries in Africa
63. South Africa – highest number of AIDS cases
64. United Nations Atomic Energy Commission – regulates atomic energy
65. 87.5 billion – foreign debt of the Philippines to the International Monetary
66. Race to the bottom – countries lower their labor standards
67. International Monetary Fund – IMF
68. World Trade Organization – continued the function of General Agreement
of Trade and Tariffs
69. Stagflation – combination of stagnation and inflation
70. Washington consensus – minimizes government expenses to reduce
foreign debt
71. Great Britain – redrew from European Union
72. Denmark – Copenhagen criteria
73. Treaty of Westphalia – ended 30 years war
74. Liberty, equality and paternity - Principles of the French Revolution
75. Immanuel Kant - First major thinker of liberal internationalism
76. Jeremy Bentham – First major thinker of liberal internationalism
77. Woodrow Wilson – President of League of Nations
78. 193 – members of UN
79. UN General Assembly – main policymaking body of the U.N.
80. North-South Divide – Socio-economic political subdivision of earth
81. Shanghai – world’s busiest container port

82. Saskia Sassen – she coined the term Global City

83. Global citizen – aware of the wider world and has a sense of her or his own
role as a world citizen; respects and values diversity; has an understanding
of how the world works economically, politically, socially, culturally,
technologically, and environmentally; is outraged by social injustice;
participates in and contributes to the community at a range of levels from
local to global; is willing to act to make the world a more sustainable place;
takes responsibility for his or her actions.
84. Cosmopolitan – citizen of the world
85. Global citizenship - the idea that one's identity transcends geography or
political borders and that responsibilities or rights are derived from
membership in a broader class: "humanity".
86. Donald Trump – out-going president of US
87. Youth – hope of the world
88. Jakarta Indonesia – Headquarters of ASEAN
89. Harvard University – World’s top university
90. Global City – Are sites and mediums of globalization. They are the material
representation of the phenomenon. Through them, we see the best of
globalization. They are places that that generate tremendous wealth
91. Gentrification – Phenomenon of driving out poor in favor of newer,
wealthier residents
92. Silk road trade – oldest trade
93. Galleon Trade – this was the first time that the Americas were directly
connected to the Asian trading routes.
94. Fiat currency – Currencies are not backed-up precious metals and whose
value is determined by their cost relative to other currencies.
95. John Maynard Keynes - His ideas influenced the BrettonWoods conference
96.Saving generation from war
97. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IBRD
98. Fresh water – sustains human life and is vital for human health
99. Nuclear energy – 13 countries relied on it
100. President Rodrigo Duterte – Philippine President
101. Myanmar - new name of Burma
102. Continental agenda 2063 - Agenda 2063 strives to enable Africa to
remain focused and committed to the ideals it envisages in the context of a
rapidly changing world.
103. Universal declaration of human rights – by UN General Assembly
104. Banlieue- suburb of a large city.

Top 10 Powerful People

105. Xi Jinping
 Top leader in the Communist Party of China and the President of
the People’s Republic of China.

 Age 67
 Chemical engineering at Beijing’s Tsinghua University
 First wife, Ke Lingling, the daughter of the Chinese ambassador
to Great Britain.
 Second wife, folk singer Peng Liyuan, who also holds the rank of
army general in the People’s Liberation Army.
106. Vladimir Putin
 Voted the world's most powerful person four times between
2013 and 2016, Russia's president has exerted his country's
influence around the world.
 Doctor of Jurisprudence, Saint Petersburg State University
 Children: 2
 Age 68
 Residence: Moscow, Russia
107. Donald Trump
 Donald Trump became the first billionaire president of the
United States in January 2017
 Age 74
 Washington, DC
 Children: 5
108. Angela Merkel
 Merkel became the first female Chancellor of Germany in 2005
and is serving her fourth term
 Berlin, Germany
 Age 66
109. Jeff Bezos
 He is best known as the founder, CEO, and president of the
multi-national technology company Amazon.
110. Pope Francis
 Pope Francis is the spiritual leader to more than one-sixth of the
world's population, 1.3 billion people.
 Age 83
111. Bill Gates
 He is best known as the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation
112. Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud
 Age 35
 Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia
113. Narendra Modi
 Prime Minister of India
114. Larry Page
 Age 47
 CEO of Alphabet, the parent of Google

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