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Law is an essential set of rules and principles created and enforced by the state whereas
morals are a set of beliefs, values, principles, and behavioral standards that are enforced
and created by society. Some laws mirror the majority of society's moral view, for
example, are those that are presented in the Criminal Code of the Philippines: Section
39- Corruption which shows that fraudulent conduct and dishonesty of those in power
are wrong, another is Section 52- Murder which implies that killing someone is not right,
and Section 66- Infidelity which implies that cheating and having sexual act with another
person while being married is morally wrong.

2. I agree with the first statement that morality is not necessarily based on law, however, I
do not agree with the second statement that the law gets its real meaning from
morality. Morality is not necessarily based on law because sometimes there are laws
that are one-sided and can cause prejudice to others. Furthermore, I do not agree that
law gets its real meaning from morality since certain laws can be immoral but are still
based on accepted, but wrong, moralities.

3. As an individual, I really believe that the social aspect is essential to our life as it brings

us a strong support system through our family and community which will eventually
foster some important components of our life such as emotional, physical, mental, and
most importantly spiritual health.

4. Yes, in a society where everyone has a different set of beliefs, it is important to have
humanitarian ethics that includes both religious and nonreligious systems. I believe that
we all have the abilities to be moral and immoral regardless of how religious and
nonreligious we are since morality is not based solely on religion.

5. Philosophy is the study of reality and existence, Epistemology is the study of knowledge
which also distinguish a justified belief and opinion, Metaphysics is the study of what
really exists along with their principles, Aesthetics is the study of art and beauty, and
Logic is the study of reasoning. On the other hand, Ethics is a study of morality that
allows us to identify which is "good" or "right". The relationship of the said terms is that
they all fall under the branches of philosophy which seeks to answer different inquiries.
They are different since these studies have their own respective focus.

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