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Non Governmental Organization (NGO)

 is a non-profit, citizen-based group that functions independently of

 sometimes called civil societies
 they serve specific social or political purposes
 cooperative in nature

Two Broad Groups of NGO Identified by World Bank

1. Operational NGOs

- which focuses on development projects

2. Advocacy NGOs

- which are organized to promote particular causes

Characteristics of Non Governmental Organizations

1. An NGO must be entirely independent from the control of any


- authority and jurisdiction on operation and decisions

- design own programs and activities without interference from

2. NGOs are not considered as political party.

- have political participation in political issues but not classified as
organization part of bureaucratic operation of the state
3. NGOs perform their task not because of generating income.
- described as non-profit and not-for-profit
How NGOs are Funded?
1. Membership dues
2. Private donations
3. The sale of goods and services
4. Grants
5. Some NGOs rely significantly on government funds
Non Governmental Organization (NGO)

- is a non-profit, citizen-based group that functions independently of


Two Broad Groups of NGO Identified by World Bank

1. Operational NGOs

2. Advocacy NGOs

Characteristics of Non Governmental Organizations

1. An NGO must be entirely independent from the control of any


2. NGOs are not considered as political party.

3. NGOs perform their task not because of generating income.

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