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Professional and Enterprise Development Assignment Page 1 of 4

Lecturer : Total marks: 100

Intake : CT105-3.5-2-PDT
Campus : TPM
Handout Date : Week 2 Due Date: Week 12 (13/4/2018)
Submission Date :

This in-course assignment comprises of two distinct parts. Part 1 is individual work with the
aim of preparing you for the recruitment process and Part 2 is group work.

I. Part 1 – Personal Portfolio (40%)

You have been introduced to the concept of Personal Branding, Verbal Business Cards,
writing CVs and Cover Letters. The objective of Part 1 is to develop your own personal
development portfolio by applying these concepts to prepare for your own paperwork. As a
preparatory step, your portfolio must include the following:

1. A job advertisement relevant to your discipline.

2. A one-page Cover Letter in response to item 1 above, with the following:
a. an introductory paragraph stating the purpose for writing, citing reasons for interest in
the aforementioned vacancy
b. a paragraph justifying why you are a strong candidate for the vacancy
c. closing paragraph
3. A CV taking into account the following pointers:
a. a maximum of a double-sided A4-sized paper, formatted with well-defined sections
b. highlights relevant qualifications, skillset and experience
c. does not contain any spelling or grammatical errors
d. provides at least one (1) referee

II. Part 2 – Group Project (60%)

A. Activity and Report

This task requires your group to undertake a research on an organization to understand the
organizational context where professional work occurs: planning, managing, and decision
making. Your group report is to contain the following based on your research:

1. Introduction
a. Company background – a brief background of the organization
2. Project Management
a. High-level Planning - describe your team’s plan to meet the objective of the
assignment. A Gantt Chart is required.
3. Main Body

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a. Organizational Culture – explain the culture practiced by the organization with your
b. Recruitment process – explain the recruitment steps. Describing the top three
employability skills sought by the organization
c. Professional or Career Development Plan – career progression within the organization
d. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – how the organization creates business value
while promoting positive social change
4. Group evaluation – critical evaluation of the above (including activity evidence)
5. Conclusion

B. Presentation
Your presentation will be assessed as follows:
1. Delivery: speed, eye contact, clarity
2. Content: well organized and explains key ideas well
3. Response to questions: able to answer questions well

The assignment must draw upon the materials taught in lectures, any research deemed
appropriate and your wider reading. Your group should consist of four members, however,
additional team members will be allowed based on the discretion of the module lecturer. The
word limit for Part A is 3,500 words.

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Performance Criteria
Group Component (60%)
Fully Partially Not
Performance Criteria
Distinction (51 – 60 marks)
  All credit criteria fully met
   Produced professional group report with critical evaluation
   Conclusion is well structured, shows in depth thought and reflection
   Excellent quality documentation that adheres to Harvard Referencing
Credit (31 – 50 marks)
  All pass criteria fully met
   Citing and referencing are accurate
   Conforms completely to Report Guidelines
   Group work has Introduction, Main Body, Evaluation, Conclusion written in detail
   Adequate research with understanding, analysis and critical appraisal
   Satisfactory documentation with minimal grammatical mistakes and spelling errors
Pass (0 – 30 marks)
   Table of Contents
   Group work attempted
   Conclusion is attempted
   Citation and References have been attempted
Individual Component (40%)
Name Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5
All topics
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
(10 marks per
criteria below)
Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not

Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not

Cover Letter
Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not

Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not Fully Partially Not

Additional Comments

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Marking Criteria

Distinction: 75 to 100 marks (A+, A)

Demonstrated comprehensive research with detailed evidence. High level of analysis performed,
exceptional and thorough knowledge and understanding displayed with regard to application. This
includes analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results of evaluation. Good quality
documentation with no spelling or grammatical errors, presented in a professional manner, following
proper sequencing and flow. Displayed evidence of critical appraisal.

Credit: 65 to 74 marks (B+, B)

Adequate research conducted with fair detail of evidence presented. Moderate level of understanding,
analysis and knowledge displayed. Some level of relevance included in terms of application. Moderate
level of analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results comparison. Good level documentation
presented. Some level of reflection was evident in the documentation. Moderate level of critical

Pass: 50 – 64 marks (C+, C, C-)

Low level research conducted. Some evidence of research displayed. Basic level of understanding and
knowledge analysis displayed. Satisfactory level of documentation. No evaluation and analysis of
facts, no results comparison performed. Satisfactory or low level of reflection displayed. No level of
critical appraisal demonstrated.

B. Report Guidelines

a) Line spacing: 1.5 lines

b) Font Size: 12 (Titles and Headings: Font size 14)
c) Font Type: Times New Roman
d) Part 1 (for all team members) and Part 2 are to be submitted in one document
e) APU cover page with relevant details

Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 201801

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