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2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

Try your hand at answering the questions. Write your answers in the first column only. Leave the third
column blank at this time.

What I know What I learned

They are responsible for all What do voluntary muscles do? Voluntary muscles are the
kinds of movements in muscles that help you walk,talk,
vertebrates. pick up things, run, jump and do
all the basic or complex
movements you do everyday.
Involuntary muscles are What do involuntary muscles Aid in the passage of fluids and
involved in the movements of do? food in the digestive system.
the internal organs.

4) Activity 3 Skill Building.

The human body has a lot of muscles that help us move. List 3 actions or movements and describe what
muscles could be involved.

1. Running- Quadriceps femoris

2. Planking- Rectus abdominis

3. Biking- Sartorius

6) Activity 5: Check for understanding:

1. Triceps/ triceps brachii

2. Pectoralis major
3. Serratus anterior
4. External oblique
5. Rectus abdominis
6. Adductor longus
7. Sartorius
8. Quadriceps femoris
9. Tibialis anterior
10. Biceps brachii
11. Deltoid
12. Trapezius
13. Latissimus dorsi
14. Gluteus maximus
15. Hamstring group
16. Gastrocnemius
B. Think about your Learning

1. What did you do well today?

- Answering and learning in SAS module

2. How did you know that you did well?

- Because I read the SAS module.

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