Jobs and Professions Fun Activities Games

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✔ Match the situations in the left with the name of the job or profession in

the right.

1. a filling has come out of one of your teeth c a. a surgeon

2. you need to have your hair cut b. a lawyer
3. you need legal advice about laws c. a dentist d.
4. your house is on fire a mechanic e. a
5. your granny’s knee needs an operation 6. in the fireman f. a
shop you want advice on what sort of coffee to buy psychologist g. a
7. all the lights in your house have gone out 8. barber/hairdresser h. a
your neighbour’s flat has been burgled 9. you shop assistant
don’t get on well with your parents 10. your i. an accountant
father needs somebody to help his firm with money j. an electrician
problems k. a policeman
Finish t he f ollowing se nt e nc e s wit h t he name s o f jo bs/pro f e ssio n s give n be low

1. A person who sells meat is a ……………………………………

2. A person whose job is to treat sick animals is a …………………………………

3. A person who checks in and out books at a library is a …………………………………

4. A person who gets coal from under the ground is a …………………………………

5. A person whose job is to cook in a restaurant is a …………………………………

6. A person who sells newspapers and magazines is a …………………………………

7. A person who works in a government office is a ……………………………………

8. A person whose job is to help people buy and sell houses is a ………………………………

9. A person who designs buildings is an …………………………………

10. A person who cleaning up the school areas is a ..............................

architect ➨ miner ➨ estate agent ➨ sweeper ➨ civil servant ➨ librarian ➨ newsagent

➨ veterinarian ➨ chef ➨ janitor ➨ butcher

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