Prepare Level 2 Achievement Test 5 17 20 PDF

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Corpus tasks test 5 (Units 17–20)


  Listen to Chrissy asking Pat to record something on TV. Complete the notes.
Write one word or a number.
Pat’s notes
1 Record for Chrissy because she has to go
2 Name of programme:
3 It’s on afternoon.
4 Starts at: pm
5 Name of channel:
6 Programme is about:
7 Programme will help Chrissy with her project.

Kate is talking to Josh. What does Josh say? Complete the conversation with the
sentences in the box. Write the letters. There are four sentences you do not need.

A I’m going to see that now!   ​B I don’t think so.   ​C OK. I’ll wait outside.   ​
D How about Gravity?   ​E Because I’m so busy.    ​
F Yes. Let’s go together on Friday instead!   ​G I suppose so.   ​
H What’s the next review about?    ​I That sounds interesting.   ​J Is it?   ​
K Yes, you should.   ​L Well, I don’t have to see it today.

Kate: Hi Josh! We’re going to change the school website. Can you help us with that?
Josh: (1)
Kate: Why not?
Josh: (2)
Kate: But we only need someone to check the film review page.
Josh: (3)
Kate: It is. We post one each week.
Josh: (4)
Kate: The School of Rock. Have you heard of it?
Josh: (5)
Kate: That’s a shame!
Josh: (6)
Kate: Yes! Because I’d like to come too, but I can’t right now.
Josh: (7)
Kate: Are you sure?
Josh: (8)
Kate: Good one!

Prepare! Level 2 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Read the message then write:
 Four sentences about things you did last weekend.
 Four sentences about things you are going to do next weekend.
From: Harry

Hi! I haven’t heard from you for a while. Tell me your news!

To: Harry

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are three words you do
not need.

quick to hard for don’t would fast should very have

1 Can all the members of the sports club run really ?

2 Does Sally to study all weekend at boarding school?
3 Did you train very before you entered the race?
4 What’s that album like? Is it good?
5 Are you going play your guitar at the concert?
6 Owen, you like to enter a talent show?
7 Why we go to football practice tomorrow evening?

Total: 23

Prepare! Level 2 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015

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