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Assignment No.

1 (Graded) Total Marks: 20

Semester Fall 2020

Data Warehousing– CS614 Due Date: 26-11-2020


This assignment has been designed to develop your ability to apply De-Normalization Techniques and
principles to De-Normalize data/tables.

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Note: The assignment covers lectures 1-9.

Question 1 (Marks 10)

Consider the following part of an ERD of a Product Inventory System.
Which de-normalization technique will be used for the given ERD part? You are required to mention the name of
the technique, apply this technique on the given ERD and provide the resultant de-normalized table.

De-normalization. It is controlled crash to enhance performance without loss of information.

Ease of use is achieved by way of de-normalization.
As there is one to many relationships so pre joining technique will be used.
Product ID Customer ID Customer Name Product Name Price

Pre Joining Technique (CS614 page 57)

Two Primary keys are in the first two column and underlined
Customer name and product name are given in the next two, easily readable the product
purchased by the Customer and price given at the end.

Question 2 (Marks 10)

Consider the following information about two tables: Master and Detail.
Table1 (Master):
Header size: = 30 Bytes
Number of records: = 50000

Table2 (Detail):
Header size: = 50 Bytes
Number of records: = 30000000 Bytes

Suppose you have applied the pre-joining De-normalization technique on given tables. You are now required to
calculate the size of resultant table in Gigabytes (GB). The reference column in these two tables is of 8 bytes.
Hint: The number of records in De-normalize table will 30000000.

We know that file size can be calculated as:

(Header Size in Master + Header Size in Detail-Header Size of Key id)*Records

By Putting values

= (30+50-8)*30000000

=72 * 30000000 = 2160000000 Bytes

= 2160000000 ÷ 1024 = = 2,109,375 kB

= 2109357 ÷ 1024 = = 2059.9365 MB

= 2059.9365 ÷ 1024 = = 2.011 GB

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