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Laboratory is based I the 4th floor of the critical care process all our phil book client tests

ts so they will
building. We are made up of a team of highly skilled measure your hemoglobin, white cells and platelets. So
health care centers support staff. The laboratory is whenever the sample has been processed, for it spilled
composed of 3 discipline we have clinical biochemistry, blood kind, which is our main hematology test and it
microbiology, hematology and blood bank. All 3 will move to the next and part of the track which is our
disciplines provided 24/7 service for both our primary sites dinner. What is does is it allows for it some of the
and secondary care users for the southeastern trust. In patient sample and it’ll spread it onto a slide and dry it
doing so we process over 1Million samples a year. and unset to any information regarding that patient on
it so that we can look at it easily afterwards and with
these slides then our chain biomedical scientists who
Ruslan reception is responsible for the initial stage of look under the microscope for various reasons it could
sample process and in laboratory we get samples from be and maybe new form of leukemia and diagnose in an
Jps? JPS wards and write patients in the hospital. Some anemia it could be a multitude of thing. Examples are
of those may be urgent and we need to look out for sent down the track to our inter liner ASR on laser but
those and get them across to the relevant disciple our analyzer has a calculation on board that allows it to
immediately. The sample types that we get are blood, and process within half an hour so we can get results
urine, sputum, swabs feces, and the disciplines we have back quicker to the patient and so it’s just something to
here at the Ulster are biochemistry, hematology and note it’ll take an additional 30 minutes on top of your
blood transfusion and microbiology. Specimen for booking. What if a sample is gonna be faster for an
reception is responsible for checking the details and FP, CNN, ESR. Whenever the sample has had its fill but
samples checking that the correct sample has been kind it’s the ESR on its side and our analyzer has a
received and that it meets all the essential criteria. storage capability so it’ll archive all our samples for is
Then, any preparation that’s needed on it is done and and these 2 main racks and it’ll put them in a specific
the details are entered into the computer by manual position so if we need to go back to the particular
process, where we type all the details of the patient, sample for whatever reason we know how easily
the tests, and the sample dates into the computer or a difference. We also have the ability to carry out some
system by electronic order, comes from the wards on specialized testing here so we would do specialist
where we can just scan sample. Following these any sighted chemistry tests, malarial screen, sickle cell and
other preparation, we distribute the samples to the actually were the regional center for plasma viscosity.
relevant disciplines.
This is the coagulation section and here we look at
Arrived in hematology and either via the pneumatic coagulation of clotting over here the sample are slightly
shoot system or through a specimen section so special different to hematology in hematology we’ve seen the
section will process anything that are retained and then purple top EDTA tubes and here we have blue top
label them up and bring them over to us and anything sodium citrate samples and the difference really is that
urgent will come in pneumatic shaped and we’ll keep anticoagulant at the container so in coagulant were
the forms here at the urgent bench so that we have quite strict about our minimum fill so here they must be
them if we need to fill in anything right to the wards. filled to the minimum fill layer before we process the
Each sample will get its own unique bar code that will samples. We will spend in darkness centrifuge to
be distinctive to the patient. Before we set the samples separate the plasma from the red cells and the reason
on the track, we mix them roughly each M its ten times we do that is because that is the section of the
and then we place them on the start yard and once they component of the blood that were interested in the
arrive on the start anything that has been labeled up plasma contains the coagulation factors and that’s
and put onto the computer system and will transmit to what’s necessary for clotting so that’s were measuring
our analyzers so they will know what samples needs, here. I’ve said about the minimum fill and the reason
what tests, the samples will come along and start track were quite strict about that over in regulation is
and then we’ll move on to the first analyzer in because sodium citrate that’s present in these tubes is a
hematology. We have 2 identical analyzers and they liquid on the pregnant or as the EDTA and this tube is
spread on and its more like a fighter and before you fill 4 for emergency purposes so if we were to get and
this tube there’s already a bit of dilution. Dilutional perhaps maybe a car crash or something urgent and our
effect by having a liquid in there before you start so that massive blood transfuisoon protocol was initiated and
that’s the reason that we would be quite strict. By the we have blood that we can issue. We also have varius
way these analyzers work is they will process the other blood products and we hold albumin and anti-D
sample on a rack of coded rack similar to hematology for maternity patients and human immunoglobulin and
and it’ll ask for it like some of the plasma and the prothrombin complex concentrate as well as frozen
regions on board and will combine into a small cube at products such as fresh frozen plasma and carb
such as this it’ll shine a light through and the length of impotence.
time it takes for the light to no longer to be able to
When blood is requested for a cross match it can either
shine through is length the time it takes to clot and
be requested in a regional form or via telephone and if
utilize the methods known as optical density in order to
they fill in the blood bank whenever blood has been
measure this in Craig elation any sample that are grossly
cross-matched and we will issue it to that specific
penalized or Lupino and will flag up by the analyzer and
patient and notify the clinical area that it is read for
let us know and then are and biomedical scientists
collection then the clinical I will send a porter or a
would come along and examine those samples and
member of the community if it’s in the case of Murray
investigate if they were and the results are accurate or
carry hospice patient or district nurse to collect the
not any results then will be sent back to our main
blood and this is the room that they do it. So we have
computer screen. Ill move at some weight I’ve sent
an issue fridge and an issue platelet agitator and then
them to the clinical area.
our ledger and we put the unit of blood into the fridge
HEMATOLOGY & BLOOD TRANSFUSION BLOOD BANK or the fitted into the agitator the blood transfusion
policy of the SE trust complies with the current BC, SH
This is the blood bank department samples arrived here
guideline in that patents blood group is confirmed with
either b pneumatic shoot system or the deliberative or
a second sample prior transfusion. The blood back will
by specimen section but they’ll never be labeled by
contact the clinical area should a confirmation sample
specimen section. We keep the forms and samples
be required.
ourselves here and said sample is labeled up and a
corresponsing label put onto the form. 3 analytical MICROBIOLOGY (SPECIMEN PROCESSING)
stage here is to spend the sample down in a centrifuge
This is a microbiology lab and in the microbiology lab we
to separate the plasma from the red cells and once
detect microorganisms associated with causing disease
they’ve been spin down then they go onto racks and are
such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. We also
sent to RM analyzers. As with other sections and we
would determine treatment options and this is done
have two identical analyzers again to maintain the
largely by antimicrobial susucptibility testing. In terms
workflow and one we will specifically keep for an
of the samples we receive we would receive a various
antibody identification and cross matches and other for
range off sample types.
grip and screen switch our main test requests. In
association trust, we have a policy in place that means This section we would process a number of swabs,
that wwe will not transfuse patients unless we have a fluids and tissues. Swabs would be received in container
confirmed sample cases so its beneficial to get a like this. This swabs will have been taken and placed
confirmend sample just asap and in order for us to into the container. This fluid in the bottom is any
relesease the blood to the patient and the clinical area. bacteria present will be in the bottom of the container.
People in here that usually quite amaze that this is the The samples are then added to this rack where they’ll
only stick but that we have an enire hospital but this is be then added to this rack where they’ll be then
it. And we can get more blood from the northern blood processed on our walk away specimen processor.
transfusion service. So we keep various amounts of
each different blood type and depend on how common This is our walk away specimen processor its called
there are in the population and how frequently we previous achucu. We load up all the media that we
think we might need them and we keep only 12 units of require for each particular sample type onto the left
emergency of own negative blood and of that we keep hand side then the samples that we want processed we
just put into this compartment. Chck that the crack hopefully freely from the bottle onto the agar just like
plates have been loaded on the left had side and then so. He’s gonna manually spread the blood cross a bit
start. The fluid form the bootom of the container is unlike our previe automated machine. This section is all
aspirated onto each appropriate media type. You can down manually so he’s making a well at the top of the
see down here ppossibly theres a labeler. And this flip and he’s streaking out that blood for single colonies.
labeler will label each indiv plate with the accession The next stage is a grain stain. Its going to prepare a
number and patient details and once the specimens ve glass slide and drop the blood on top of the surface its
processed we will get it right here in this Ipad cassette. gonna spread that out make a thin smear and then he’s
The samples have been processed. The plates which gonna heat fix it on a hot plate. And then enxt stage
have been inoculated with the fluid form the swabs. when that dired will perform a grain stain where hes
They come out enter these in a twit cassettes so youll gonna flood with several different reagents to reveal
be able to see here and how they’re labeled up so they actual bugs that are present in that blood and we look
relabeled u with the extenson number as well as the up under the microscope. Bursted white blood cells on
type of swab that there was initially and fit onto the the background this little gram positive cocci is present
system so these plates here are typical plates that we in the blood and these are actually the bacteria growing
would set up. This is a culture plate after 24 hrs into your blood.
incubation. You can see the bacterial colonies growing
Next sample is CSF which means cerebral spinal fluid,
the whole way around the plate and but what most
now this is taken one through meningities or
useful to us are these indiv colonies at the end where
hemorrhage so what happens is on the wards they
we can do further work on and help determine the
would take a lumbar puncture and it would be
antibiotic of choice for the patient.
discounted into 3 bottles and should be numbered. The
MICROBIOLOGY (BLOOD CUTURE) first one w ekeep is RBC for referral for viruses, second
is bacteriology work on it. Take the bottle to count
We receive approximately between 20 and 30 blood
contents into it centrifuge tibes spin it down and
cultures per day so your blood is normally a sterile fluid
concentrates any bacteria that are present in the basis
so there shouldn’t be any bacteria grow in there and if
of conical tube and perform a grain stain. We would
there are then obviously your patient has a problem. So
conduct a cell count. Inidicate where there is a viral or
basically what hapend is that if your patient spikes the
bacterial infection.
temp the doctors and nurses will take a blood cultures
as a set of blood cultures so we will receive something MICROBIOLOGY EPIDMIOLOGY
like this. Checking of smaples that we received. Fivide
This is where we screen of mrsa. Screening bacteria
the form form the bottle, remove your bottles again and
with no amorous present. Rest 12-15 hrs. however if
checking of details if it is matched. And then we give it
there is amorus present then a whole gambit of control
an accession number now this links to our bottles with
of infection swings and then we reported as such. When
our form. Next thing were going to do is to note our
we detect amorous we use chromogenic agar in this
blood cultures into our 37 degrees incubator. Scan the
barcode again and load it into it. Those flow cultures
will stay in there for 5 days If the blood culture is MICROBIOLOGY CATEGORY 3
negative and there no bacteria it will be released after
that time as no growth. And if however there is bacteria Category 3 lab we process feces, sputums. We use these
found, it will start to multiply. Green color no growth of to help determine call any cause of lower respiratory
bacteria (negative). Carbon dioxide has caused the color tract infection nd a couple of example of bacteria that
change (positive). Positive bottle try to inoculate the we may isolate to other sample are hemolysis influenza
blood form the bottle onto the pips. First, sterilize the or streptococcus pneumonia. In term sof feces and
top of the bottle with alcohol and use a subculture one there are number of examination carried out there and
side and little channel on the other so the needle goes examining for enteric infection and example of bacteria
into the top of septum and he removes the sterile cords slipped are salmonella, campylobacter and cdifficile.
and the channel is just here at the top. When he tis the Will also look for parasites, patient away from foreign
bottle upside on the blood will flow slowly and country os they must bring home some parasites. All
work is carried out her ein category 3 so we may deal
high risk sepecimens. So we could have risk of TB from
the sputum samples so everything has to be carried. We
wear blue colored clothes so different sa white coat in
the lab


Those s looked at directly with through microscopy and

we culture single urine as well. So pretty much what
happens is every sample tends to microcopy they want
to pass into a machine it takes 10 snapshots and brings
up the pic on the screen this result then transfereed to
the somputer. If its negative sample which all no
growth. If there is UTI you see there 3 organisms
groantibiotic nag rrequest ren sila. wing.


These yellow table sample we get about 1600 of these a

day and we do about average 15 test on sample. First
thing happens is all of our samples go onto pre
analytics. It scans a barcode on each. Processing sample
and getting it ready for analysis. It mixed the sample.
There isn’t sample is then capped and it gets archived.
IAC module ions sensitive elctrose. 2000 test an hour.
Very quick 3 seconds for sample. Primary chemistry
analyzers. Can run 400 tests at the same tie for
measuring total protein and glucose. 502 module which
is another spectrophotometer measuring of color
change. We add antibody specific to the cuvette and
mix it together. Measure the amount if light absorbed.
Immunoassay analyzer, we can reason antibody to
whatever we looking for like thyroid stimulating
hormone. Measuring blood glucose level-HBA1C.
diabetic controls.

Mnanula section of biochem which deal with protein

electrophosis its used for lookingfor signs of accumulate
condition called multiple myeloma. Capillary
electrophoresis machinepasses small amount of serum
from blood through a very narrow capillaries based on
the size and charge. We get a couple of lovely graph.
Looking fro any abnormalities one example is that you
have a normal pattern

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