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Psych-K Explained

Psych-K Explained
Stephanie Mehring-PSYCH-K practitioner and Environment Changer

Note from Larry Bilotta: This is an article I asked Stephanie to write so that I could
include it in Module 4 and make it part of the Environment Changer course. If you have just
joined the EC course, I want to make you aware of Stephanie’s history. Like you, Stephanie
joined the course because her husband Bob left her for someone else. She followed the course
and became a great student of this energy world to the point where she saved Bob from
that disconnected state and brought him back home. They are happily married and closer than
ever before.

Stephanie’s intuition led her to become a PSYCH-K practitioner. I saw the great experiences
Environment Changers were having with Stephanie’s help and realized that she had found a
way to help EC’s go into their subconscious minds and free them from long held childhood pain
that distorts our lives. I have put this article in Module 4 because once you realize you have a
Freddy, you’ll also realize that he is the manager of your childhood pain. Remove your
childhood pain and remove your Freddy’s power over you.

The article that follows will introduce you to the ideas that underlie the PSYCH-K practice, first
discovered by Robert Williams. You can see an eight-minute video introduction to PSYCH-K by
Robert Williams himself on You Tube at:

The Core Ideas of PSYCH-K by Stephanie Mehring

Consciousness: Although, no one can say for sure what consciousness is, I see it as the gap
between two thoughts, where we can experience the life we know, as well as what we cannot
explain.  It is the energy within when we quiet our mind and go deeper than our daily human
experience. We are being instead of doing. We are connected to our true self, beyond ego, in
the presence of something sacred.

Superconscious Mind: The Superconscious Mind is also your Wiser Self or Higher Self, or Soul.
Our connection to intuition comes from the Superconscious.
It is your Superconscious that sees the big picture, guides you in making sure that your goals are
safe, and appropriate in the context of your life’s purpose. Your Superconscious is like a caring
teacher who watches over your development. Any effort to spiritually expand
your consciousness creates an important bridge between spirituality and psychology. PSYCH-K
provides a format that blends the two ways of seeing life.

Conscious Mind: The conscious Mind is our choice/decision making mind.  It sets goals
and judges each result. Sometimes, all that is necessary to change a belief is to become
consciously aware, and have a strong desire to have a new belief in its place.

Psych-K Explained

Subconscious Mind: The subconscious mind is our habitual mind.  It monitors the operation of
the body’s motor functions, heart rate, and digestion to name a few.  It holds our long-term
memories, past experiences, attitudes, values and beliefs. It only knows the world only through
the five senses: visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (feeling), gustatory (tasting), and
olfactory (smelling). That’s why the most successful communication with the subconscious is
achieved by using one or more of these senses. During a PSYCH-K session, I often use a process
that engages the first three of the five senses, to create a change you want to see in the

Unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious mind thinks literally, rather than abstractly. 
Choosing to repeat an affirmation, such as “I am worthy,” which is an abstract statement to the
subconscious mind, is often not enough to create a lasting change in you belief system. Let’s
say you want to change the energy of a past event or create a future event. You will need to
define that energy into the language of the five senses, then your subconscious will be able to
incorporate a new meaning to a past, present or future event.

Integrating the Three Minds: A good student seeks to master the knowledge gained from a
teacher. In the same way, your conscious mind needs to learn how to integrate the wisdom of
the Superconscious mind with the subconscious mind to develop what is called a unified
consciousness. Once you enter this highly aware state, the best
possible action becomes automatic, an act of will and an intuition all in one.

Neuro-Science and Split-Brain Research: In the last thirty years scientists have discovered what is
called “Brain Dominance” Theory, (also known as split-brain research). The findings of this research
indicate that each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex tends to specialize in and preside over different
functions, process different kinds of information and deal with different memories.

                 Left Brain                                                             Right Brain

      Logical, Analytical  & Reasoning                   Emotional, Intuitive, Creative
Thinks in words                                        Thinks in pictures
 Time bound, extroverted                              Time free, introverted
Orderly and controlled                                Spontaneous and free

Life experiences, especially traumatic ones, often trigger a dominance of one side over the other when
responding to situations that resemble an emotional event from the past. Although we
naturally operate both sides of the brain simultaneously, the more emotionally charged an experience,
the more likely we will automatically over-identify with just one hemisphere of the brain
when we’re faced with similar life experiences.

With PSYCH-K, the goal is to increase the “cross-talk” between the two hemispheres to reach a whole-
brained state. This is the ideal to change subconscious beliefs. When right and left hemispheres are in
simultaneous communication, you increase your ability to deal with life’s challenges in a balanced way
which improves health, changes addictive patterns, improves sleep, in short, everything you do in life is
affected by your subconscious mind.

Psych-K Explained

PSYCH-K: A PSYCH-K balance is a process designed to create a whole-brain state, which is

ideal for reprogramming the subconscious mind with new life-enhancing beliefs.  The results of
a balance may be felt immediately or it may evolve over time, depending on the type of goal
you are working on. Some things might take longer to appear. It is important to note that, in
addition to balancing, you must take action towards creating the results you want in your life.
If, for example, you were to balance for confidence in building a business that is successful, you
would need to engage in the action of building that successful business.
"When you rewrite the software of your mind, you change the printout of your life… and the world!"
                                                       Robert Williams, Originator of PSYCH-K®

PSYCH-K directly facilitates communication between the conscious and subconscious portions
of the mind. It includes processes to increase the “cross talk” between the two brain
hemispheres, resulting in a “whole-brain” state, dramatically reducing the resistance to
changing outdated subconscious programs. As Rob Williams explains it, "PSYCH-K is the missing
Piece in your Life that helps you find the Peace in Life that you are missing!"

PSYCH-K® is:

*  a non-invasive, interactive process of change with a proven record of success
    for over twenty-five years.
*  a simple, yet powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-
    limiting and self-sabotaging.
*  a ground breaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at
    least 95% of our consciousness operates.

“The major problem is that people are aware of their conscious beliefs and behaviors, but not
of subconscious beliefs and behaviors.  Your subconscious beliefs are working either for you or
against you, but the truth is that you are not controlling your life because your subconscious
mind supersedes all conscious control.” ~ Dr. Bruce Lipton-author of “The Biology of Belief”

How It Works: PSYCH-K goes beyond affirmations, will power and positive thinking. It is our beliefs that
determines our behavior. The most effective way to change a behavior is to change the belief that
supports it. Using muscle testing to communicate with the subconscious mind, we establish a
connection, in order to change a present negative belief into a belief that is supportive and creates the
positive results you choose. A PSYCH-K balance is a process designed to create a Whole-Brain State,
which is ideal for reprogramming the mind with new life-enhancing beliefs, reducing unwanted stress
and helping you access your full potential.

Muscle Testing: Applied Kinesiology, or muscle testing is an easy way to communicate directly with the
subconscious mind to discover self-sabotaging beliefs.  The subconscious mind controls the autonomic
nervous system and is responsible for our neurological functions. When we choose to move our bodies,
it is the subconscious mind that directs our movements. When the mind is thinking a stressful thought,
an electrical conflict is created in the brain and the signal strength to the body is reduced, which results

Psych-K Explained

in a weak muscle response.  During a PSYCH-K Session, communication is established by using muscle
testing to identify true and false statements held in the subconscious.  As I facilitate, there is no question
as to what the client believes about a statement. A true statement creates a strong muscle response and
a false statement creates a weak response.

Whole Brain State: Research shows that PSYCH-K creates a Whole Brain State, which in turn acts as a
kind of “gateway to higher consciousness,” elevating your ability to think clearly at new levels of
functionality and creativity. Psych-K increases the “cross talk” between your two brain hemispheres
resulting in whole-brain integration.
Surrogation: A process that creates a kind of energy link between the Superconscious minds of the
facilitator and the client. Permission protocols are used before this work is done to ensure a safe,
respectful, and noninvasive interaction between the facilitator (the surrogate) and the recipient. It is a
bit like making a cell phone call between two Superconscious minds. There is never an agenda; only an
intention for the highest wellbeing of both parties throughout the session. As a facilitator, whether I am
working with a client in person or working at a distance on their behalf, permission for muscle testing is
done to ensure proper communication with a client’s subconscious beliefs.

Beliefs Matter: Beliefs are the building blocks of your personality. Your life is a direct reflection of your
beliefs. They define you as worthy or worthless, powerful or powerless, competent or incompetent,
trusting or suspicious, fairly treated or victimized. Beliefs have far reaching consequences, both positive
and negative. They affect your self-esteem, relationships, prosperity, job performance, mental and
physical health and spiritual outlook. PSYCH-K helps you clear a safe path through those "roadblocks" to
a new place of expanded potential in every area of your life.

Beliefs are formed as a result of life experiences. Much like the operating software in a computer,
our core set of operating instructions are the result of hand-me-down software from our parents. Their
beliefs, reinforced by childhood experiences and cultural conditioning, profoundly influence us. Our
beliefs, attitudes and values are drawn from past experience and stored in our subconscious mind. Even
though you may not be aware of their influence, they direct your actions and behaviors. These
subconscious beliefs create the filters through which we respond to life’s challenges. They are
responsible for our actions and reactions to each new situation in our lives. Unless changes are made on
the subconscious level, repeating old reactions and behaviors will continue as our way of life. The good
news is that it is possible to change self-limiting or negative beliefs into beliefs that support our goals
and aspirations. We can choose to design our future.

PSYCH-K Benefits

• Experience abundance in every aspect of your life
• Reduce stress and anxiety
• Develop the relationships you desire and deserve
• Increase your sense of well being
• Re-perceive fears and phobias to feel at peace
• Eliminate destructive habits (e.g. smoking, overeating, etc.)
• Enhance career opportunities
• Increase sports performance
• Release post-traumatic stress

Psych-K Explained

• Accelerate spiritual development

Aligning Thought and Actions: PSYCH-K provides a variety of safe ways to “rewrite the software
of your mind” by changing beliefs that limit you, into beliefs that support you… simply and

Core Belief Balance: The Core Belief Balance discovers and changes ‘core beliefs’ that may be blocking
you from achieving your desired goals. There are thirteen pairs of belief statements that represent such
basic, vital issues as self-love, forgiveness, and your personal connection to Divine Intelligence.  In
facilitating with a client’s Superconscious and Subconscious mind through the surrogation process, long
held self-limiting beliefs are identified and balanced, and are replaced with self-enhancing beliefs.

Balancing to Transform Trauma or Distress: This balance may be used to transform painful childhood
events that continue to cause trauma or anxiety. If the desire is to heal a painful memory and remove
emotional triggers, we do so in an experiential process, in order to create new meaning in a
Whole Brain State. It can be beneficial for any past, present or future event that is causing fear, anxiety
or lack of movement in your life. It is also a wonderful process in truly putting your ‘Golden Books’ on
the shelf for good!

Belief Statements to Create a New Belief or Goal: A variety of balances are available to change a self-
limiting belief or self-sabotaging behavior into a positive belief or behavior that you would rather
experience.  Once communication is established through the process of muscle testing, a clear intention
is created to bring about a desired change in a 'Whole Brain State'.


Note from Larry Bilotta: I highly recommend that you do what so many Environment Changers have
done and “cut to the chase” as they say. Set up a series of sessions with Stephanie and finally get the
most important job done. Seek Stephanie’s help to root out those painful memories that your Freddy
uses to reactivate your childhood’s most painful moments into your present day life. Below are the
details of working with Stephanie Mehring:  

Initial Session with Stephanie: A 90-minute session via Skype @ Desertbella55, using PSYCH-K
accelerated processes to uncover subconscious limited or self-sabotaging beliefs. 

* I will gather a brief history from your childhood leading up to the present.
* We will discuss your current situation as well as personal goals.
* We will identify limiting beliefs.
*  Using a process called Applied Kineseology or Muscle Testing, I will communicate
with both  your Superconscious and Subconscious Mind to facilitate a Whole Brain Balance.
*  We may use a goal clarification process for the Subconscious mind, accessing
   Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Senses; required to ensure that your subconscious
   supports the desired changes you desire.
*  We will discuss an action plan where applicable to achieve goals.

We will also discuss the different types of PSYCH-K balances offered, to address specific
concerns, and Subconscious programs. Based on what is shared, and your desired goals, I will

Psych-K Explained

have an idea as to how many sessions to recommend.  To change a limited belief, such as "I
have a fear of being alone," it may take a few sessions as we look for the root or childhood
event that created the fear.  You are unique and we need to discover how much childhood pain
your Freddy is still managing.

[ A PSYCH-K Whole Brain Balance aligns your beliefs with your true intentions. Sessions do not treat or
diagnose symptoms or disease. It is NOT a substitute for medical diagnosis or medical interventions.
PSYCH-K is strictly limited to the modification of beliefs and their relationship to wellness. Desired lasting
results can be experienced during or soon following a PSYCH-K Balance. Unlike traditional Psychotherapy,
where sessions can go on for months or years, most desired changes can occur within the first five
sessions. ]

I encourage you to visit my website: for additional information, videos, and
testimonials.  I look forward to facilitating with you to "Bring your Best Self Forward!"



About Stephanie

Throughout my adult life, I have experienced and studied many Mind/Body healing modalities. I have
been blessed with many wise teachers and have gathered a fair share of tools along the way in both
non-traditional psychotherapeutic modalities and energy medicine. I have also learned to develop and
listen to my intuition.

In February of 2014 I discovered Larry Bilotta and the Environment Changer Program.
In my thirty-fifth year of what I would call a very wonderful and happy marriage, my husband Bob asked
for a separation. Like so many ladies that have found their way to this incredibly unique, life-affirming
course, I soon discovered that beyond saving my man, I was on a mission to find my true authentic self.
Becoming Freddy-free as quickly as possible became my mission and once Freddy became my assistant
reminder, my life became effortless and joyful!  I am now the ‘Only Observer’ in my life and am choosing
to make a difference, without Freddy’s interference. 

Four months after joining The EC Program, my husband returned home and we began our new and
improved version of our journey together.  I also chose to stay involved with the EC
Community and continued to speak with EC ladies on a daily basis.  My intuition began to speak clearly
to me about getting fully on my path in becoming a difference maker. I knew that what happened in my
marriage and the pain I experienced was a necessary learning experience that propelled me on my path.

My journey led me to the discovery of PSYCH-K. Once I experienced its simple yet profound and lasting
results, I immediately felt a sense of passion and enthusiasm about becoming a certified facilitator.
PSYCH-K is the most effective process I have found, that is scientifically proven to find self-limiting
beliefs in the subconscious, quickly and easily to facilitate lasting change. My experience as a facilitator
during the past year has shown it to be a most effective way to remove Freddy and the painful programs
he has managed since childhood.

Psych-K Explained

Whether I am facilitating a 'Core Belief Balance' in surrogation or a 'Trauma Transformation Balance' to
remove an emotional trigger left from childhood or assisting in changing a belief,  I experience a deep
sense of joy, each time I connect with the true essence of another. I support and gently guide clients to
be at home in their bodies, minds and spirits, and awaken to the possibilities within to express who they
truly are. I share from my heart when I say that my gratitude to Larry Bilotta and the gifts he so wisely
teaches without ego, goes beyond words.  The wisdom I have gained and the tools I learned in this
course have changed my life from the inside out and I am now living a 'free and powerful' life!

-Stephanie Mehring- Indian Wells, California

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