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doi:10.1111/jog.12465 J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res. Vol. 40, No. 11: 2152–2157, November 2014

Intravenous infusion of paracetamol for

intrapartum analgesia

Karim H. I. Abd-El-Maeboud, Ahmed E. H. Elbohoty, Walid E. Mohammed,

Hatem M. Elgamel and Walid A. H. Ali
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Aim: To evaluate the efficacy and adverse effects of an i.v. infusion of paracetamol during the active phase of
labor as compared with sterile water (placebo) as a method for intrapartum analgesia.
Methods: In a triple-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, 120 low-risk primiparous women presenting
in active labor at Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital, Cairo, Egypt, between August 2011 and October
2012, were allocated to receive either 1000 mg i.v. of paracetamol (n = 60) or sterile water (n = 60). The primary
outcomes were the efficacy of the drug to supply adequate analgesia as measured by a change in the visual
analog scale (VAS) pain intensity score at various time points after drug administration and the need for
additional rescue analgesia. The secondary outcomes included the presence of adverse maternal or fetal events.
Results: Compared to controls, i.v. infusion of paracetamol was associated with significantly lower VAS score
15 and 30 min after the start of medication; also, there was a significantly lower incidence of need for rescue
medication (8/57 [14%] vs 49/59 [83.1%], P < 0.001) at 60 min after the start of medication. There were no
recorded maternal adverse effects in either group. There were no differences in occurrence of intrapartum fetal
distress or neonatal Apgar scores between both groups.
Conclusion: Paracetamol appears to be a safe and effective medicine that can be used during the intrapartum
Key words: analgesia, intrapartum, paracetamol, sterile water.

Introduction in need of effective analgesia;5 however, it prolongs the

duration of the second stage of labor by 15–30 min and
Childbirth is an important experience in a woman’s may increase the rate of instrument-assisted vaginal
life;1 nevertheless, labor pains are considered to be one deliveries as well as that of oxytocin administration.6,7
of the most intense and stressful experiences,2 being i.m. administration of narcotics can also reduce the
compared in intensity to severe cancer pain or pain pain of labor pain but this method is limited by
from the amputation of a digit.2,3 Adequate analgesia negative side-effects such as maternal drowsiness,
during labor has a positive influence on the course of nausea and vomiting as well as neonatal respiratory
labor,3 and most women who deliver in modern obstet- depression.8
ric units request some form of pharmacological or non- Paracetamol has been widely used for over a century
pharmacological pain relief.4 Epidural analgesia using as an effective analgesic and as an antipyretic agent.9 Its
opioids is the most potent method for women in labor efficacy and tolerability are well established and, in

Received: September 2 2013.

Accepted: April 2 2014.
Reprint request to: Dr Ahmed Elsayed Hassan Elbohoty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams
University, 8 TassemElawkaf, Elswah Square, Cairo 11566, Egypt. Email: identifier: NCT01428375.

2152 © 2014 The Authors

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research © 2014 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Paracetamol for intrapartum analgesia

contrast with other analgesics, it has a favorable safety senting for delivery at Ain Shams University Maternity
profile.10 It can be administrated p.o. or rectally.11 At Hospital, Cairo, Egypt, between August 2011 and
therapeutic doses, it is associated with fewer adverse October 2012. The participating women, primary inves-
effects than either opioids or non-steroidal anti- tigator and statistician were all blinded (triple-blind
inflammatory drugs.12 It is metabolized through conju- design) to group assignment until after analysis had
gation with glucoronic acid and sulfate to be excreted been performed by the statistician. Following data
into the urine. A small fraction (<4%) is metabolized by analysis, the manufacturing company was asked to
cytochrome P450 to a reactive intermediate (N-acetyl notify us with this assignment. The protocol of the
benzoquinone imine) which is toxic for the hepatocytes study was approved by the Research and Ethics Com-
and, under normal conditions of use, is rapidly detoxi- mittee, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
fied by reduced glutathione and eliminated in the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University. All women
urine after conjugation with cystein.13 The action of fulfilling the recruitment criteria received an informa-
paracetamol at a molecular level is unclear but could be tive discussion about the nature of the study. Those
central, which explains the different effect from non- agreeing to enter the study signed a written informed
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on uterine contrac- consent.
tions and premature closure of the ductus arteriosus.14 Women presenting in active labor and requesting
Although paracetamol has been widely used as an analgesia in the first stage of labor were screened for
effective and safe analgesic medication,9,10 there is a study eligibility. Throughout the study period, a
paucity of studies assessing its intrapartum use. It has maximum of three parturients were recruited weekly
been shown that the metabolism of paracetamol is on Thursdays. The inclusion criteria were primi-
unchanged in pregnant woman,15 and increasing gravidity, low-risk pregnancy, age of 18–35 years, spon-
towards term in the fetus,16–18 with absent reports of taneous onset of labor at term (37–42 weeks’ gestation)
fetal insult when used in the standard dose in healthy with cervical dilatation of 3–4 cm, and a single live
women at term.19 Considering this, it is plausible to fetus in cephalic presentation. The exclusion criteria
assume its safety in use as an intrapartum analgesia. included clinical evidence of cephalopelvic dispropor-
Hence, a pilot single-arm trial in Ain Shams University tion, any medical disorder during pregnancy, induc-
Hospital, Cairo, Egypt, which recruited 35 laboring tion of labor, use of any other kind of analgesia before
women in the first stage of labor who received a single recruitment to the study, scarred uterus, fetal dis-
i.v. dose of 1000 mg paracetamol showed no adverse tress and previous history of hypersensitivity to
effects in the mothers or the neonates (A. E. H. E., paracetamol. Demographic data, including age and
unpubl. data). Another study was also done in Ain gestational age, were recorded.
Shams University Hospital comparing i.v. infusion of The sample size was calculated using EpiInfo version
paracetamol versus i.v. pethidine as an intrapartum 6.0, setting the power (β) at 80% and the significance
analgesic in the first stage of labor which showed level (α) at 0.05. Data from a pilot study (A. E. H. E.,
a comparable effect between both medicines, but unpubl. data), indicated that the mean difference in
paracetamol had fewer adverse effects and shorter visual analog scale (VAS) after 1 h of administration of
duration of labor.20 However, in the previous study, it i.v. infusion paracetamol was 0.21 ± 0.19 (95% confi-
was not possible to be double-blinded and the effect of dence interval [CI], 0.14–0.28). Calculation according to
paracetamol on labor duration might have been these values produced a minimal sample size of 50
affected by the comparison to pethidine. So, it was cases in each group to find such a difference at a similar
plausible to compare paracetamol with placebo. or narrower CI. Assuming a dropout rate of 20% (e.g.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the use of rescue analgesic, or shift to cesarean section as a
efficacy and adverse effects of an i.v. infusion of result of any intervening problem), the total sample
1000 mg paracetamol during the active phase of labor size was 120 cases, randomized into two equal
as compared with sterile water (placebo) as a method groups.
for intrapartum analgesia. After enrollment, each participant was allocated the
next available number in a concealed sequence of a
Methods computer-generated randomization plan, which deter-
mined the drug to be used. The participants were
The present single-center, triple-blind, randomized, randomly allocated to one of two groups: in the
placebo-controlled trial recruited women in labor pre- paracetamol group (n = 60), women received a 100-mL

© 2014 The Authors 2153

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research © 2014 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
K. H. I. Abd-El-Maeboud et al.

i.v. infusion containing 1000 mg of paracetamol over Results

15 min; and in the placebo group (n = 60), women
received an i.v. infusion of 100 mL of sterile water for Among 136 women interviewed, 120 were enrolled in
injection over 10 min. The bottles of both medicaments the study and only 116 completed the study as four
were the same shape and every bottle had a number women withdrew from the study after recruitment
which was assigned by a randomization computer (Fig. 1). All of the participants in the two groups were
program. The parturient women, clinical investigators primigravida in the active stage of labor with com-
and statistician were all blinded regarding grouping parable age, gestational age and cervical dilatation
till after final data analysis. (Table 1).
Labor was followed up according to the hospital’s There was no statistical difference in pain scores
protocols with artificial rupture of membranes and between the two groups initially (Table 2). The
subsequent application of an oxytocin infusion if there high pain score in the included women in this study,
were fewer than three contractions in 10 min, each which may not be observed in all laboring women at
lasting less than 40 s. Participants reported pain inten- this stage of labor, may be explained by recruiting
sity on a 100-mm VAS, bounded by ‘no pain’ (at zero only those deemed in need of analgesia. The pain
point) and ‘the worst pain’ (at 100 mm point). Pain scores after 15 and 30 min from receiving the
assessment was performed by one person (W. A. H. A.) drugs were significantly higher in those receiving
having no role in patient enrollment, to minimize sub- sterile water (Table 2). From 1 to 4 h, the rates
jectivity in pain score assessment. Participants who had of discontinuation of medication due to receiving
not delivered within 4 h and still needed analgesia rescue analgesia were stable, being eight of 57
were given a further infusion of the same treatment; patients (14%) versus 49 of 59 (83.1%) in the
the minimum interval between each administration paracetamol and control groups, respectively
was 4 h. Those who had requested another or rescue (P < 0.001). On the other hand, by the elapse of 4 h,
analgesic after the elapse of 60 min were excluded from the overall rate of discontinuation of medication
follow-up of pain assessment. due to delivery was nine of 57 and four of 59 in
Spontaneously observed and reported adverse the paracetamol and control groups, respectively.
events, both maternal (dizziness, tachycardia, dyspnea, However, the VAS pain scores after 1 h were compa-
vomiting, blurred vision, dryness of the mouth, and rable in both groups (19.76 vs 19.88) as most of
significant changes in blood pressure [≥30 mmHg women in the sterile water group received additional
systolic or ≥15 mmHg diastolic], and fetal or neonatal analgesia, and hence they were excluded from analy-
non-reassuring cardiotocography including fetal sis. The exclusion of subjects who received rescue
tachycardia, low Apgar scores at 1 and 5 min, and need analgesic from VAS score after 1 h does not represent
for admission to the intensive care unit) were recorded. a bias in intention to treat analysis as effectiveness of
The duration of labor was also calculated and recorded. paracetamol was already proved by lower VAS scores
The primary outcome measures were the efficacy achieved. Furthermore, incorporation of these subjects
of the drug to supply adequate analgesia as indicated in VAS score assessment after 60 min would have
by change in the VAS pain intensity score at 15 min, been a comparison between paracetamol and other
30 min from drug administration and dropout rate analgesics being received by subject rather than
resulting from the need for rescue or additional placebo. The treatments were repeated in each group
analgesia. Secondary outcome measures included the after 4 h as it was planned in the study, but the
presence of maternal or fetal adverse events during the remaining number of women in both groups were
study. much lower as more than 50% of participants had
Data are presented as descriptive statistics (range, already delivered, which made the comparison
mean and standard deviation for metric data; and non-plausible.
range and median for discrete data). Both groups were There was no difference in the percentage of vaginal
compared using Student’s t-test or two-way anova (for deliveries or the mean drug to delivery interval
quantitative parameters), and χ2-test or Fisher’s exact between both groups. No maternal adverse effects
test exact test (for categorical parameters). Excel 2007 were recorded in any group. There were no differences
(Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) and SPSS version 16.0 in the occurrence of intrapartum fetal distress or
(IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) were used for data presenta- lowered neonatal Apgar scores between both groups
tion and statistical analysis. (Table 3).

2154 © 2014 The Authors

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research © 2014 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Paracetamol for intrapartum analgesia

Enrollment Assessed for eligibility (n=136)

Excluded (n=16 )
♦ Not meeting inclusion criteria (n=16)
♦ Declined to participate (n=0)
♦ Other reasons (n=0)

Randomized (n=120)


Allocated to intervention (n=60) Allocated to intervention (n=60)

♦ Received allocated intervention (n=60) ♦ Received allocated intervention (n=60)
♦ Did not receive allocated intervention (give ♦ Did not receive allocated intervention (give
reasons) (n= 0 ) reasons) (n= 0 )


Lost to follow-up (give reasons) (n=0) Lost to follow-up (give reasons) (n=0)

Discontinued intervention (n=1) Discontinued intervention (n=3)


Analysed (n=59) Analysed (n=57)

♦ Excluded from analysis (give reasons) (n=0) ♦ Excluded from analysis (give reasons) (n=0)

Figure 1 Flow diagram of study participants.

Table 1 Demographic and clinical data†

Sterile water Paracetamol t P*
group (n = 59) group (n = 57)
Age (years) 22.5 ± 3.3 22.6 ± 3.7 0.269 0.788
Gestational age (weeks) 38.9 ± 1.1 39.2 ± 1.3 1.532 0.128
Cervical dilatation at drug administration (cm) 3.5 ± 0.5 3.3 ± 0.5 1.588 0.115
*Student’s t-test. †Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

Discussion gesia is superior to placebo as 83.1% (49/59) of women

receiving placebo requested rescue analgesia while
The findings of the present study demonstrate that the only 14% (8/57) of women received paracetamol after
use of i.v. paracetamol injection for intrapartum anal- elapse of 4 h. It was also obvious that pain scores after

© 2014 The Authors 2155

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research © 2014 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
K. H. I. Abd-El-Maeboud et al.

Table 2 Pain assessment by visual analog scale score after administration of

paracetamol or placebo†
Time Sterile water group Paracetamol group P*
(n = 59) (n = 57)
At drug administration 90.37 (89.04–91.85) 88.77 (85.17–91.85) 0.308
After 15 min 77.58 (71.65–85.50) 28.84 (22.91–40.24) 0.000
After 30 min 82.19 (72.26–86.54) 26.33 (20.67–36.6) 0.000
*Two-way anova test. †Values are given as mean and 95% confidence interval.

Table 3 Comparison of intrapartum and postpartum events†

Sterile water Paracetamol P
group (n = 59) group (n = 57)
Cesarean delivery 9 (15.3%) 11 (19.3%) 0.564
Interval between drug and vaginal delivery (h) 6.6 ± 4.6 7.1 ± 3.6 0.558
Fetal adverse effects 5 (8.5%) 4 (7.1%) 0.790
Apgar score
At 1 min 7 (5–8) 7 (1–9) 0.827
At 5 min 9 (8–9) 9 (6–9) 0.786
†Values are given as number (percentage), mean ± standard deviation or median (range).

15 and 30 min from receiving the placebo were signifi- pethidine.20 This noticed effect might have been due to
cantly higher in those who received the placebo com- the prolonging effect of pethidine which was also
pared to those who received paracetamol. Thereafter, found in a previous study with hyoscine.21
and up to 4 h after drug administration, the pain scores Many of the pharmacologic methods for intrapar-
were comparable, indicating good analgesic effect in tum analgesia have drawbacks, especially opioid-
the paracetamol group compared to the placebo group derived medicines like pethidine which can lead to
where additional analgesic was supplied. This suggests maternal adverse effects including sedation, respira-
that the duration of analgesia with paracetamol lasts for tory depression, delayed gastric emptying, nausea and
up to 4 h compared to less than 3 h in a previous vomiting, and neonatal adverse effects including respi-
study.20 ratory depression and decreased Apgar scores.12,22 It is
Regarding VAS score analysis, although the initial universally agreed that epidural analgesia is the most
numbers of women in both groups were comparable effective method of pain relief during labor and child-
(59 received placebo while 57 received paracetamol), it birth, however, risks and costs of intrapartum epidural
dropped after 1 h, being much lowered in the placebo analgesia are barriers to its liberal use.23–25 Studies
group (9 vs, 48; respectively), as all the women who of laboring women have suggested an association
received rescue analgesia were excluded from the between the use of conventional lumbar epidural anal-
analysis at this point (Table 2). This discrepancy was gesia for pain relief during labor and longer first and
not clear in the previous study as there was no signi- second stages of labor, an increased incidence of fetal
ficant difference in the need of rescue analgesia malposition, an increased use of oxytocin and instru-
between women who either received pethidine (20%) mental delivery, hypotension, inadvertent dural punc-
or paracetamol (13.5%).20 Another observed difference ture and headache.26–30 Our data show no maternal
in the present study was that the mean VAS after the adverse effects in either study group. There were also
initial one was always lower than corresponding values no differences in occurrence of intrapartum fetal dis-
in the previous study20 which could be due to the dif- tress or neonatal Apgar scores between both groups.
ference in the observer and intrapartum quality of care, These data confirm findings of a previous trial20 and
and this effect lasted for 4 h which gave us reassuring emphasize the safety and efficacy of use of paracetamol
data about the duration of effectiveness of paracetamol. in the intrapartum period.
There was no difference in the mean drug to delivery It is important to tailor intrapartum analgesic
interval between both groups although there was a pro- methods used to the protocols of units, woman’s
posed shortening effect in the last trial compared to the wishes, needs and circumstances, such as anticipated

2156 © 2014 The Authors

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research © 2014 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Paracetamol for intrapartum analgesia

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