O Olliivve Err TTW Wiisstt: Exercises Answers Key

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Intermediate Level Exercises Answers Key

Oliver Twist

Multiple Choice 1

2c 3b 4c 5b

Oliver Goes to London

2 work 3 safe 4 for 5 came 6 edge 7 road 8 boy 9 began 10 matter 11 nose 12 eyes
13 tired 14 nowhere 15 worry 16 some 17 know 18 gentleman 19 help 20 name

A1 He begged for food.

A2 On the edge of London.

A3 Because Oliver was crying.

A4 Because he was tired and hungry and had nowhere to go.

A5 He called him ‘an old gentleman.’

People in the Story

2 The Artful Dodger had bright eyes and a turned-up nose. / The Artful Dodger had a turned-
up nose and bright eyes.

3 Oliver was pale and thin and eleven years old. / Oliver was eleven years old and pale and
thin. (thin and pale)

4 Fagin had a beard and his face was ugly and wrinkled.

5 Nancy had long hair and wore brightly coloured clothes. / Nancy wore brightly coloured
clothes and had long hair.

6 Mr Brownlow was a kind gentleman who wore gold spectacles.

7 Monks was a young man with a face as evil as Fagin’s.

8 Mr Bumble was a fat man who carried a long stick.

9 Bulls-eye was a dirty white dog that was faithful to its master.

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Intermediate Level Exercises Answers Key

What Happened Next?

2 He was punished because he asked for more food.

3 At the age of eleven he ran away to London.

4 The Artful Dodger took Oliver to Fagin’s rooms.

5 Oliver was caught when Dodger and Charley stole an old man’s handkerchief.

6 Mr Brownlow took Oliver into his house but Fagin sent Nancy to find him.

7 Bill Sikes and Nancy forced Oliver to go back to Fagin’s rooms.

8 Bill Sikes took Oliver to rob a house in Chertsey.

9 Oliver was shot and Miss Rose Maylie took care of him.

10 Monks threw away the locket that belonged to Oliver Twist’s mother.

11 Nancy told Rose Maylie that Monks wanted to harm Oliver.

12 Bill Sikes killed Nancy.

Choose the verb

2 had told

3 had been

4 to find

5 was taken

6 thought

7 ran

8 have seen

9 saw

10 have found

11 can

12 shall visit

Dictionary: slang

1 words with special meanings that certain people use

4 street language – casual and vulgar

5 language that changes quickly and is not usually put in a dictionary

Some English slang words for money: dough, dosh, wonga, lolly.

Phrases From the Story

1b 2b 3a

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Intermediate Level Exercises Answers Key

Multiple Choice 2

1d 2b 3d 4c 5b 6d 7a 8d 9a 10 c 11 a 12 a

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