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The many faces of Lady Macbeth

Some words we can use to describe Lady Macbeth: Determined, Deceptive, Ambitious, A
good actress, A good hostess, Psychotic, Aggressive, Angry, Controlling, Scornful
(mocking) and Manipulative.

TO DO: Using the analysis sheet in your book, explain how the following quotes in bold italics
show different parts of Lady Macbeth’s personality.

1. Explain what each line means in your own words and why Lady Macbeth says it (Think about how she’s feeling
towards Macbeth at the time)
2. What does this line reveal about Lady Macbeth? Choose an adjective from above, or use your own.

Was the hope drunk wherein you dress’d yourself? Hath it slept since? (Lines 39-40)

 This quote means that Lady Macbeth is questioning her husband, Macbeth, about his doubt in the

plan to carry out the murder of King Duncan.

 Lady Macbeth says this because she thinks that Macbeth is pathetic & scared about murdering King

Duncan and losing his honourable status.

 This quote shows that Lady Macbeth is aggressive, controlling & manipulative according to her attitude

towards Macbeth in this quote.

From this time such I account thy love (Lines 42-43)

 This quote means that Lady Macbeth’s love & loyalty towards Macbeth may have changed due to

Macbeth’s lack of courage & manhood to commit the murder.

 Lady Macbeth says this because she thinks differently of Macbeth and their relationship because men

back in the Shakespearean era were expected to fight & become strong due to gender stereotypes.

 This quote shows that Lady Macbeth is psychotic, determined & ambitious.
And live a coward in thine own esteem, letting ‘I dare not’ wait upon ‘I would’ Like the poor cat i’ the adage?
(Lines 48-49)

 This quote means Lady Macbeth is calling Macbeth a “coward” because Macbeth doesn’t want to

carry out the murder which again reinforces the patriarchal idea that men are supposed to fight for

the family and be strong and not weak like women are.

 Lady Macbeth says this because she thinks that her husband is foolish for not committing the murder if

he wants power to become King of Scotland.

 This quote shows that Lady Macbeth is scornful, deceptive & a good actress.

When you durst do it, then you were a man (Line 55)

 This quote means that Lady Macbeth is telling Macbeth that he needs to take the steps in order to

achieve what he wants which is power over Scotland.

 Lady Macbeth says this because she teaches Macbeth how to be a man & how to fight which once

again supports the gender stereotype that men are expected by society to fight & be strong &


 This quote shows that Lady Macbeth is a good hostess, determined & controlling.

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